Every year millions of birds die in oil spills around the world. Here's the basics of how to clean a seabird: - The birds suffer from hypothermia and have damages to their internal organs due to toxic oil. They suffer also from dehydration from … [Read more...] about Cleaning Oil from Birds: A Note from Ann Novek
The Japanese and the Democrats want Australia GM Free
A delegation of Japanese anti-GM activists recently visited Australia demanding our farmers not grow genetically modified canola and then the Australian Democrats declared "keeping Australia GMO free" a federal election issue. Today the Australian … [Read more...] about The Japanese and the Democrats want Australia GM Free
John Howard, not Malcolm Turnbull, Explains Greenhouse Policy
I was interested to hear Australia's shadow Environment Environment Minister, Peter Garrett, on ABC Radio National yesterday explain that should Labor win government, Australia would sign up to a post Kyoto agreement even if China and the US did not … [Read more...] about John Howard, not Malcolm Turnbull, Explains Greenhouse Policy
UK Sets Out Climate Change Bill
Details of a strengthened, more effective and more transparent Bill to help tackle climate change have today been set out by Environment Secretary Hilary Benn. Mr Benn said that the Government would amend its draft Climate Change Bill, following a … [Read more...] about UK Sets Out Climate Change Bill
Land Clearing and Climate Change in Australia
The University of Queensland's Dr Clive McAlpine said their research showed the clearing of native vegetation had made Australian droughts hotter. "Our findings highlight that it is too simplistic to attribute climate change purely to greenhouse … [Read more...] about Land Clearing and Climate Change in Australia
NewsBusters: ‘Funding Global Warming Hysteria’ by Noel Sheppard
As media regularly accuse every scientist skeptical of man's role in global warming as being on the payroll of Big Oil, you almost never see a news report addressing the funding of those responsible for spreading climate alarmism. This all changed … [Read more...] about NewsBusters: ‘Funding Global Warming Hysteria’ by Noel Sheppard