'MORE than $5.5 billion has been spent by federal governments during the past decade on climate change programs that are delivering only small reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. 'An analysis of government schemes designed to cut emissions by … [Read more...] about The Cost of Reducing Carbon Emissions
What to Listen to, and Read, This Week
1. How to die? “If we remove faith from the equation, voluntary euthanasia presents a difficulty for the conservative dislike of change. In the broad sweep of Western history it is new, or at least newly popular, which means a conservative should … [Read more...] about What to Listen to, and Read, This Week
Thomas Kuhn on Novelty and Expectation
The Harvard trained physicist and famous philosopher and historian of science, Thomas Kuhn, often refers to a psychological experiment in his book ‘The Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ whereby individuals fail to notice individual anomalous cards … [Read more...] about Thomas Kuhn on Novelty and Expectation
Tim Flannery’s Failings Ignored
‘The Government says it wants a “climate expert” to sell the message to the public, and who do they pick? A small mammal expert whose predictions on the climate are so wrong any normal person would slink off in shame. But not Flannery, the Teflon … [Read more...] about Tim Flannery’s Failings Ignored
More on the Stefan-Boltzmann Equation: A Note from Martin Hertzberg
'There is an important point that was missed in your article about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. Applying the argument to the "greenhouse gas" theory is quite simple: there can be no "back radiation" from the colder atmosphere to the warmer earth's … [Read more...] about More on the Stefan-Boltzmann Equation: A Note from Martin Hertzberg
Parliament to Finally Admit Water Act Unbalanced?
On the pages of The Australian Financial Review on November 16, 2010, Sydney barrister Jospehine Kelly wrote that: "No one in federal Parliament is being honest with the people of the Murray-Darling basin and the Australian pubilc. The Water Act … [Read more...] about Parliament to Finally Admit Water Act Unbalanced?