We learn things through experience and by association. When people whom we respect repeat nonsense over and over then we will tend to come to believe this information – even if it makes no sense, and especially if we have no first-hand experience … [Read more...] about Hierarchies of Nonsense, the Reef and Sugarcane
Nothing Can Save ‘Climate Science’, Not Now
Mark Steyn to pay punitive damages of US $1,000,000. The wicked have won. Michael Mann set out to sue a high-profile conservative magazine, The National Review, Inc., and a much-despised right wing think tank, The Competitive Enterprise Institute … [Read more...] about Nothing Can Save ‘Climate Science’, Not Now
Climate Change on Trial. My Reflections, My Part 4
I’ve received a text message from Ann McElhinney, Unreported Story Society, it reads: Hello Old Friend, we’re here in [Washington] DC, you’ve been mentioned fondly by Mark [Steyn] in the court and I was remembering your kindness to us … Ann … [Read more...] about Climate Change on Trial. My Reflections, My Part 4
Facebook Fiasco – and the Fishes
We have been friends for some 20 years, she used to edit Online Opinion (and I used to write for it), when she lived in Brisbane – we both once lived in Brisbane, in Chelmer. Now Susan lives on Norfolk Island that is rather a long way to the East. … [Read more...] about Facebook Fiasco – and the Fishes
Temperatures Plummet while Turbines Scar Local Environment
I attended a conference over the weekend in Gympie in the once beautiful Mary Valley. Many of those attending were concerned about ridgelines being excavated for wind turbines, and thousands of hectares of once wooded valley being covered in solar … [Read more...] about Temperatures Plummet while Turbines Scar Local Environment
Jokers, and Temperature as Radio Chatter
I gave a talk yesterday, over Zoom , as you do nowadays, explaining that the Australian Bureau of Meteorology don’t really know how to measure temperatures anymore, so they take the recordings they have, and remodel them until it looks like how they … [Read more...] about Jokers, and Temperature as Radio Chatter