Scroll down here and click on the '+' button to support the nomination for as the best online community blog. … [Read more...] about Nominate Us: Best Community Blog 2008
Sydney Morning Herald Open to Letters from Skeptics
Some time ago Art Raiche suggested to me that, “In all honesty, I suspect that it would be easier to hold readings of Dawkin’s “The God Delusion” in Mecca than to get the Sydney Morning Herald to print letters critical of AGW. At least the response … [Read more...] about Sydney Morning Herald Open to Letters from Skeptics
Links to Stories on Weather Last Century
Links to three interesting 'weather reports' from last century from Art Raiche 1922 Washington Post story 1937 Time story re Northwest passage 1974 … [Read more...] about Links to Stories on Weather Last Century
Demetris Koutsoyiannis Awarded Darcy Medal
The 2009 Darcy Medal will be awarded to Demetris Koutsoyiannis (http:// has been awarded the The Darcy Medal ( index.phpid=48&file=henry_darcy_overview&cHash=8b0bfba456ff76b4e3164b1dbcfb8463). He … [Read more...] about Demetris Koutsoyiannis Awarded Darcy Medal
Censoring and the Internet
Before this year's Beijing Olympic Games, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd chastised the Chinese authorities for blocking full access to the internet for the assembled world media: "My attitude to our friends in China is very simple", he said. "They should … [Read more...] about Censoring and the Internet
Coal for Breakfast?
Starting with an average grain yield of 3.75 tonnes hectare and a realistic average price of $220 per tonne, a Haystack farm will produce $497,775 from each hectare in a hundred years, which is the life expectancy of a child born today. This … [Read more...] about Coal for Breakfast?