This is a Tawny Frogmouth chick that fell out of its nest and ended up on the slasher the other day. Its mum did a great job and it fledged successfully, to our great relief. The Tawny Frogmouth is fairly common and "nests" at our place every … [Read more...] about Wildlife at Westdown: A Note from Jim Inglis
A Female ‘Black’ Satin Bowerbird
The following picture of a female 'black' satin bowerbird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, was taken in Katoomba on January 31, 2009, by Jennifer Marohasy. … [Read more...] about A Female ‘Black’ Satin Bowerbird
Gillian Hogendyk Finalist in Rural Woman’s Award
GILLIAN Hogendyk is passionate about the Macquarie Marshes and, with her husband Chris, is involved in the restoration of a block they purchased some years ago. In part because of this work, Gillian has been selected as a finalist in this year’s … [Read more...] about Gillian Hogendyk Finalist in Rural Woman’s Award
Bob Carter to Visit Mittagong: February 19, 2009
How Dangerous is Human-caused Climate Change? The well-known climate scientist, Professor Robert ("Bob") Carter, will be in Mittagong on Thursday 19 February at 6.30pm at Clubbe Hall, Frensham School, to give a Royal Society lecture [Royal Society … [Read more...] about Bob Carter to Visit Mittagong: February 19, 2009
Two Critiques on Climate Data
Dear Jennifer, Critique of David Jones article Hot n dry Future Melbourne piece in The Age 6 Oct. Also I note you posting using the RSS satellite data, I know the warmers pref this to UAH and always … [Read more...] about Two Critiques on Climate Data
On Blog Awards
Hey Jennifer, I read your post today mentioning the polls for the 2008 Weblog Awards. I recently wrote a feature length PBS article about the blog awards and got a chance to interview the administrator of the award and several of the … [Read more...] about On Blog Awards