The Coalition will not fund future drought preparedness measures as part of its agricultural election policy, due out in a fortnight, but will stick with its existing drought assistance measures despite calls for change from State Governments and the … [Read more...] about Drought and the ’07 Election
Special Drought Statement from BoM
For large parts of southern and eastern Australia, dry conditions have now persisted since October 1996, a total of eleven years. For some areas, the accumulated total rainfall deficit over this period now exceeds a full year’s normal rain. For the … [Read more...] about Special Drought Statement from BoM
Floating Pacific Rubbish Dump
A vast rubbish dump, which covers an area bigger than Australia, is floating in the Pacific Ocean and research shows it is growing bigger. The rubbish collects in one area because of a clockwise trade wind that circulates around the Pacific … [Read more...] about Floating Pacific Rubbish Dump
La Nina Fails to Deliver
It's normally associated with copious rainfall, but this time around, La Nina has failed to deliver. While the east coast of Australia has received some rain over the last few months, inland Australia has missed out. It's a very unusual event, and … [Read more...] about La Nina Fails to Deliver
How Much Warming from Fireworks? A Question from Trevor Devine
Dear Jennifer, I have been wondering what thoughts you may have on the NSW state governments stance on global warming and their seemingly contradictory actions of tying 2 or 3 million dollars of fireworks to the Sydney Harbour Bridge each New Year … [Read more...] about How Much Warming from Fireworks? A Question from Trevor Devine
Northern Leaf-tailed Geckos
Driving to Cape Tribulation two nights ago, I was hit with the unmistakable stench of what the Guugu Yimithirr indigenous people (just up the coast) call yumu; a scummy residue of coral spawning in the shallows of the coral sea. On this same night, … [Read more...] about Northern Leaf-tailed Geckos