The now bankrupt merchant bankers, Lehman Brothers, invested heavily in the politics of climate change. The bank released two reports last year on the issue broadly embracing and promoting the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change … [Read more...] about Bankrupt Lehman Brothers Promoted ‘Global Warming’
The Moratorium on Whaling as a Reflection of the “Muddled Cosmological Beliefs” of the West
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established in 1948 at the initiative of the United States to establish a new world order in whaling. Initially 15 governments were party to the IWC with Japan at the time under occupation and without … [Read more...] about The Moratorium on Whaling as a Reflection of the “Muddled Cosmological Beliefs” of the West
Australian Environment Foundation Conference
Register here. Other speakers include Graham Young, Chris Hodendyk, Mark Poynter, Max Rheese and Gerhardt Pearson. … [Read more...] about Australian Environment Foundation Conference
Residents of Adelaide Waste Water?
The Queensland Farmers' Federation have suggested that residents of Adelaide should use less water rather than continually demanding that more water be sent to South Australia. According to ABC Online: "Executive officer John Cherry says 55,000 … [Read more...] about Residents of Adelaide Waste Water?
International Whaling Commission Faces Revolt from North Atlantic
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is facing a revolt. The whaling nations of the North Atlantic, in defiance of the IWC, recently approved a quota of 10 humpback whales for Greenland. The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission … [Read more...] about International Whaling Commission Faces Revolt from North Atlantic
US Democrats Poised to Embrace Offshore Oil Drilling
Since Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, became a part of the US Presidential election campaign there has been a change in US Politics with the Democrats now joining what some are describing as a new oil rush. Writing for the New York Times … [Read more...] about US Democrats Poised to Embrace Offshore Oil Drilling