FIFTEEN senior Australian climate scientists have hit back at the resurgence of climate scepticism among the nation’s politicians and the media, warning that the threat from climate change is real, urgent and approaching a series of ‘‘tipping … [Read more...] about Warmaholics Warn of Tipping Point
Al Gore Turns Up Heating?
It was delightfully appropriate that, as large parts of Argentina were swept by severe blizzards last week, on a scale never experienced before, the city of Nashville, Tennessee, should have enjoyed the coolest July 21 in its history, breaking a … [Read more...] about Al Gore Turns Up Heating?
What will an ETS do for Australia’s Environment?
AN historic piece of legislation, The Carbon Pollution Reduction Bill, currently rests on the Senate table which, if passed, will have a huge impact on Australia’s economic and social future. The legislation will next be considered on August 13th. … [Read more...] about What will an ETS do for Australia’s Environment?
Science Not Settled for Chemists
An outpouring of skeptical scientists who are members of the American Chemical Society (ACS) are revolting against the group's editor-in-chief -- with some demanding he be removed -- after an editorial appeared claiming “the science of anthropogenic … [Read more...] about Science Not Settled for Chemists
Models Blur Science and Advocacy: A Note from Ian Read
MANY mainstream media science, economic and environmental journalists are not sufficiently trained to be aware of the limitations of models when they present climate-modelled output computated projections not only as data but also advocate this … [Read more...] about Models Blur Science and Advocacy: A Note from Ian Read
Carbon Trading and Dinner: A Note from Barnaby Joyce
IT has become apparent that there is a general lack of understanding in the community about exactly what an emissions tradings scheme (ETS) is. People may understand the sentiment that surrounds it but they don’t really understand how it works and … [Read more...] about Carbon Trading and Dinner: A Note from Barnaby Joyce