I NEVER met Professor Endersbee, but we corresponded by email. He contacted me about six years ago when I was working on the Murray River and water issues. He expressed concern about Australia’s great artesian basin and over extraction of what he … [Read more...] about Lance Endersbee (1925-2009): Civil Engineer, Academic, Scientific Sceptic, Mentor
Scientist Steve Schneider Flips Fears
On the TV show In Search Of...The Coming Ice Age, Steven Schneider wonders whether mankind should intervene in staving off a coming ice age. Watch the old footage on YouTube here. … [Read more...] about Scientist Steve Schneider Flips Fears
Learning Dust Lesson to Fight Wildfires
IT is generally agreed that the worst dust storms since European settlement were during the 1944-1945 period. In his book Out of the West: A Historical Perspective of the Western Division of NSW, former Western Lands Commissioner, Dick Condon, … [Read more...] about Learning Dust Lesson to Fight Wildfires
Early Warning of Massive Earthquates Possible: John McRobert
EARLY Wednesday morning a 8.3 magnitude earthquake caused a tsunami in the Pacific, killing at least 140 people in Samoa and Tonga. Later in the day a 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit western Sumatra in Indonesia, drowning hundreds of people and burying … [Read more...] about Early Warning of Massive Earthquates Possible: John McRobert
Working to Develop More Reliable Methodology: Keith Briffa
THE United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and most others who believe in anthropogenic global warming (AGW), have been influenced by the work of climatologists relying on tree-ring data to reconstruct past climate because … [Read more...] about Working to Develop More Reliable Methodology: Keith Briffa
Leading UK Climate Scientists Must Explain or Resign
MOST scientific sceptics have been dismissive of the various reconstructions of temperature which suggest 1998 is the warmest year of the past millennium. Our case has been significantly bolstered over the last week with statistician Steve … [Read more...] about Leading UK Climate Scientists Must Explain or Resign