Justin Trudeau never met with the organisers of the Freedom Convoy. When the truckers wouldn’t go away, he invoked Emergency Powers had their personnel bank accounts frozen and then the police began arrests. The truck drivers weren’t doing anything wrong beyond honking their horns, refusing to wear masks, singing, dancing, all outside the Canadian Parliament for what apparently was a long time – nearly three weeks. Of course, when men stop driving their trucks goods stop being delivered, services are disrupted.
They didn’t smash any windows. Though the police are now smashing the windows of their big rigs and dragging them away to jail.
One of the first to be arrested was a key organiser, little Tamara Lich. She was the woman who set-up the GoFundMe account that famously raised US$10 million for the cause, to only have GoFundMe infamously decide it was going to give the money to legitimate charities before deciding it better instead refund everyone.
At that point Justin Trudeau could have agreed to sit down with Tamara Lich and explain the process for unwinding the vaccine mandates. She might have told the truckers they had effectively made their point and could now go home.
But he didn’t. He is more interest in power than truth.
Justin Trudeau has made a virtue of maligning the truckers cause, which is the freedom to refuse or to choose a Covid treatment; that it is a decision that should be made in consultation with an individual’s own doctor, and the best treatment and/or prevention is likely to vary with an individual’s age and health.
On Monday, Trudeau became the first prime minister to invoke the Emergencies Act.
Tamara Lich and the truckers prepared to be arrested, but not to leave.
They seemed to be mostly at peace with the inevitable consequences of their choices. In a social media video, Tamara Lich explained that she was not afraid of arrest and imprisonment and that she wanted everyone to know that. That she is not afraid and the cause a worthy one.
It is the case that for some weeks the truckers have been drawing inspiration from Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski who is already in prison. As far as I can tell this is mostly for not going along with Covid mandates including wearing a mask and not letting his Church be run in accordance with government covid mandates.
There is commentary about how he was spreading misinformation. I’m guessing that he has been explaining that there are alternatives to lockdowns and vaccination.
It was always the case that the governments of Canada and Australia could have facilitated access to Ivermectin, which can be used as a prophylaxis against Covid with antibiotics and zinc (the triple therapy). The lockdowns and mandated vaccinations were never the only option.
It is to the credit of Australian researchers at Monash University that Ivermectin was recognised very early as a potentially effective treatment against the Sars-CoV-2 virus. That was laboratory research back in early 2020. To our national shame, the researchers have been starved of resources and the discovery ignored.
Back a year ago, one of the few doctors in Australia brave enough to use the drug to treat patients and save lives was Dr Mark Hobart. He was reported to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Thankfully, AHPRA advised that there had been no infringement. Doctors were within their rights to prescribes ivermectin off-label for Covid, that it is possible to prescribe registered medicines outside of their approved indications at their own discretion.
Then the TGA banned doctors from prescribing it, and Mark Hobart’s clinic was raided by police.
Just as the peer-reviewed studies were coming in that showed how effective Ivermectin was as both a treatment and prophylaxis against Covid.
There is no avoiding the reality that the Canadian and Australian government’s approach to the management of this pandemic has been unscientific. More than anything else it seems to have been designed to instil fear.
Rather than empowering doctors to sift through the available information as it is published, the Australian government has tried to force us all to be vaccinated.
Anyone who has refused has been ostracised, and many have been forced to close their businesses.
The peer reviewed literature now includes many articles that explain how and why Ivermectin has a real role to play in both the treatment and as a prophylaxis against Covid. For example, the conclusions from a review of Ivermectin trials published in the American Journal of Therapeutics (volume 28, pages 434 – 460) is that given the evidence of efficacy, safety, low cost, and current death rates, Ivermectin is likely to have a positive impact on health and economic outcomes of the pandemic across many countries. The same review article explains that Ivermectin is not a new and experimental drug with an unknown safety profile. It is a WHO ‘Essential Medicine’ already used successfully to treat other diseases and very safe at correct doses. The review article also states: ‘Ivermectin is likely to be an equitable, acceptable, and feasible global intervention against COVID-19. Health professionals should strongly consider its use, in both treatment and prophylaxis.
The truckers in Ottawa lead by the tenacious Tamara Lich broke so many rules, they setup bouncy castles for their children in the main street, they sang and danced – refusing always to wear a mask. They showed they were not afraid – not of Covid and not of the Justin Trudeau. They bared horns and waved Canadian flags on the ends of hockey sticks, as they chant ‘freedom!’
Many of them are now in jail, but there is pride in what they achieved, what they showed. That we don’t have to be afraid.
Tamara Lich was arrested on a cold street corner, but she didn’t flinch and she did not resist and she was not afraid.
Good on you Jennifer.
You will ultimately be proved correct about this issue.
You will ultimately be proved correct about the Great Barrier Reef.
Tamara is in every freedom-lover’s heart, and mine has been aching since the loss of western democracy in fear of a virus that has been treatable from the outset of this plandemic because we the people let morons ru[i]n our lives.
Thanks Jennifer. Unless you watch shows on social media ie GETTR Truckers4freedom, the coverage in Australia is paper thin. In The Australian today there was no mention of the bank accounts of all truckers and or donors to Gofundme etc would be frozen including Crypto. If that’s not Totalitarian please tell me otherwise
Thank you Jennifer. An essential piece that should be on every front page. Governments in Canada and Australia are playing a dangerous game of truth manipulation with vicious enforcement.
But the truth eventually becomes too powerful and there has to be a reckoning.
I can not think of a single legitimate reason for the banning of Ivermectin in Australia.
I can’t believe that our senior government officials & politicians can still believe the “jab” is the only way of treating the virus.
The only reason I can see for their continuing as they are is corruption. If anyone can suggest another I would like to hear it.
I will never forgive the 3 major parties for making it so hard for me to get Ivermectin to protect my family.
From the Heartland Institute
Most vaccinated people no longer need fear imminent death from COVID-19 or its variants, says Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Remarking on a CDC study showing vaccines targeting COVID-19 and its variants have successfully prevented serious illness, Walensky said most deaths from COVID in vaccinated people occurred in individuals diagnosed with several other conditions or diseases, during an appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America on January 7.
“The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75 percent, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities,” said Walensky. “So, really, these are people who were unwell, to begin with. And yes, really encouraging news in the context of Omicron; this means not only just to get your primary series but to get your booster series. And yes, we’re really encouraged by these results.”
The CDC study found among 1,228,664 people who completed primary vaccinations during the period from December 2020 to October 2021, severe COVID-19-associated outcomes (0.015 percent) or death (0.0033 percent) were rare.
Risk factors for severe outcomes identified in the study included being 65 years and older, immunosuppressed, and having one or more of six other underlying conditions. Indeed, all people with severe outcomes had at least one risk factor, while 78 percent of persons who died had at least four.
Mission creep has diminished the value of the CDC, says Linda Gorman, director of the Health Care Policy Center at the Independence Institute, a free-market think tank in Denver, Colorado.
“The only reason to have a CDC is to help individuals assess their risk of disease and to present accurate information about the steps that can be taken to modify the risk of bad outcomes if individuals think it makes sense to do so,” said Gorman.
“Unfortunately, CDC long ago redefined its mission,” said Gorman. “It now acts as a Commissar of Health, claiming unlimited power to make individuals conform to whatever it defines as healthy behavior for the entire U.S. population. It defines behaviors that will reduce suicide, obesity, firearms violence, general violence, adolescent and school health, smoking, perinatal care, reproductive health (both U.S. and global, and only for women), depression, reducing ‘disparities,’ dental problems, drinking, sexual behavior, child-rearing, and lack of sleep.
“These are not diseases, and CDC solutions mostly involve spending a lot of money doing programs that deny human agency, rearranging the same public health nostrums that have already failed, and waste a lot of effort,” said Gorman.
There are problems in reporting the cause of death of patients positive for COVID-19, says Erwin Hass, M.D., M.B.A, an infectious disease expert and policy advisor to The Heartland Institute, which publishes Health Care News.
“The legal/medical cause of death on a death certificate is usually the last event that entrained the final chain of events that led to death,” said Haas. “I found another formulation: The most important, immediate, direct or actual cause, or last event or act that occurred before the chain of events leading to death.
“As such, the folks with four comorbidities who develop COVID-19 clinically and die after a few weeks died of COVID-19, not of their obesity or lung diseases,” said Haas.
“There is a confounding problem when everyone who comes to a hospital is cultured, has false positives or actually truly positive tests but no real symptoms, but die from their underlying auto accident or from a complication of one of the infirmities of old age, but who arguably develop a few symptoms that could be ascribed to COVID-19 and are labeled as dying from the virus—especially when there might be a $35,000 bonus for that diagnosis,” said Haas, referring to extraordinary reimbursements during the pandemic.
When it comes to COVID-19, we’ve been misled by the authorities, says John Dale Dunn, M.D., J.D., a physician whose background is in emergency medicine.
“Tony Fauci, M.D., and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was and is the lead ‘noble’ liar, but he had help from the WHO [World Health Organization], pharma[ceutical companies], and, of course, the complicit health care and health care industry poohbahs in and out of government,” said Dunn.
“The most devastating blow Fauci struck was his successful effort to censor physicians advocating early treatment, to include condemnation of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, combined with his push for unprecedented and ineffective, harmful, masking/social distancing/lockdown/school closing mitigations, all the while ignoring the importance of special precautions for the at-risk and the absolutely low risk for the healthy and children,” said Dunn.
“Fauci is and has been a shill for vaccine makers—and has a history of bad medical science and policymaking dating back to the 1980s HIV/AIDS matter,” said Dunn. “I know, I have been watching him for more than 30 years.”
The lies were all part of the orchestrated panic essential for the imposition of a police state-style control regime, says Dunn.
“Tony Fauci is a megalomaniac authoritarian dissembler who has blood, particularly the blood of the old and vulnerable, on his hands,” Dunn said.
Kenneth Artz (KApublishing@gmx.com) writes from Dallas, Texas.
It’s important to THINK about the ultimate implication that the Covid atrocity is a scam and Trudeau, Fauci, and others are criminal liars.
What does that fact, in conjunction with similar evidence, mean really? What does it point to? What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that?
ACTIVE resistance against the criminal establishments around the world will greatly increase the sooner someone TRULY understands that the ruling cabal and their minions, anywhere around the globe, are PSYCHOPATHS… https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html
By “TRULY understands” I mean that Hollywood flicks and the entertainment industry at large have presented a deliberately erroneous picture of psychopaths which keeps the public misinformed about what and who psychopaths really are (eg most psychopaths are not overtly violent) but they are ALWAYS exploiters, deceivers, liars, manipulators, and destroyers (the Highly Destructive Fake Covid “Pandemic” is ONE fitting example out of countless others) , and therefore they are NOT people to ever respect, listen to, admire, vote for, follow and obey BUT to ACTIVELY fight and jail for life (see cited source above).
“2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into…3 shots to feed your family!” — Unknown
See also:
You have to realise folks Trudeau is an idiot goon following orders.