IT’S focused on Australia, popular misconceptions about the environment, history, climate and there is more, it’s chock full of cartoons! I’m referring to a new book by scientist Bob Carter [1] and cartoonist John Spooner entitled Taxing Air: Facts & Fallacies about Climate Change.
Some of the big issues address:
Just 8,000 years ago, there was virtually no summer sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean.
Sea-level rise is natural, and declining in rate.
Australian rainfall has not decreased over the last 100 years.
A previous Australian drought lasted 69 years.
By catchment management, the Murray-Darling Basin now contains almost 3 times as much water as it held naturally.
Global air temperature has not increased for the last 16 years, despite an 8% increase in CO2.
Global ocean temperature is also steady or cooling slightly.
Australian territory absorbs up to 20 times the amount of CO2 that we emit.
If you order your copy this week it will be a signed copy.
For more information visit
[1] Bob Carter is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed research papers in professional scientific journals. The great majority of these concern interpretations of ancient environments, including paleo-climatic studies. Link to full of list of publications here…
Taxing air is a wonderful title for the book. In my Dad’s era people would say that “the bastards would tax the air we breathe if they could get away with it”.
But now our clueless govt are taxing the 1.2% of 0.04% of our atmosphere that is supposedly OZ’s share of human co2 emissions.
The aim of this stupidity is to further reduce our 1.2% by just 5% by 2020. This so called mitigation process is easily understood to be the greatest con and fraud of the last 100 years.
It will achieve zero reductions in human emissions of co2 by 2020 or any other date in the near future, mainly because of huge increases in non OECD emissions.
And if the entire globe participated in this idiocy it still wouldn’t make zip difference to the climate or temp for hundreds of years or perhaps thousands of years.
That’s if you further believe in CAGW in the first place.
So now. . . Bob Carter is ‘published’ ?????
Yes Neville. . I agree that it’s an excellent title. Calling CO2 ‘carbon pollution’ has opened the door for taxing the air we breathe.
I have no doubt that the globe and our atmosphere would be different if there was no such thing as ‘homo sapiens’. . . but the argument is moot.
We are here . . . and along with every other species. . we impact the environment and each other.
I don’t believe that is a ‘catastrophe’.
I don’t believe it’s ‘utopia’ either.
Just because we change things doesn’t automatically mean it’s Baaaaaaaaaad!
Hello, either none of the ALP , and some of the Liberal politicians never attended the science classes at High School, or their belief in the Earth God GAIA and its idoligy is so strong that it overcomes “Common Sense” . CO2 is oderless, invisable and is essential for all life on Earth, it enables the plants to via the Suns energy, to split the CO2, extract the Carbon which is essential for all plants, and to then expell the oxygen, thus enabling us, and all life on Earth, to be able to breath.
We of course then breath it out , youv’e guessed it, CO2. So how can it possibly be a pollutant, or have too much of it. If it doubled in size, the approx 360 parts per million, its a trace gas, very tiny, the result might be a small increase in the average temperature of possibly one Celsius, nothing compared to the six or so present during the Minion , Roman, and the Greenland-European Medieval periods in history. These increases in the temperature were not only there, it was a World Wide thing.
But the result would be a massive increase in growth, lots more food for a hungry world.
The master Shamen Al Gore made much of the “Vostok” ice core in his film “An inconvience truth”, he claimed that as the CO2 increased, so the temperature increased, and that is how the IPCC and its warmer scientist today programme their computers, more CO2, up goes the temperature, or so the preety graphs from the computers tell us.
But its false. Examine that core very carefully and it shows that only when the worlds temperature increases, possibly the Sun, then the vast quantity of the CO2 which has over millions of years been absorbed by the sea is slowly released. The temperature comes first, not the CO2.
Even the IPCC when you get past the one page easy to read handout, usually all that the reporters and politicians read, try reading the fine print of the hundreds of pages of the full report. Lots and lots of IF’s and Buts and they also admit that since 1880 to 1998 the average temperature increase has been just point seven of one full degree Celsius. Thats all, .7 C, so what is all the fuss and panic for, unless its to scare all of us, and to then have the politicians telling us that they, and only they can save us, just as long as we vote for them.
Now since 1998 its been slowly getting cooler, and with the massive decrease in the number of Sunspots on the surface of the Sun, a sign of a less active Sun, the probability is that we will keep cooling down, and may well experience a Mini Ice Age as happened during the period from the 14th century to the 1910’s. r emember the Titanic, when it slowly got a little bit warmer.
Read your history, Warmer is good, Colder is bad, so what are we doing trying to cut back on CO2, and to stop using our Cheap Australian Coal.
Michael Elliott.
Publishing your own book isn’t published Debs, Do go on. Was it under fiction/satire or comedy.
Do I have to spend $30 – I’m still recovering after the last “investment”.
It probably depends on your definition of ‘published’.
I guess if it has cartoons it could possibly use satire or comedy?
Isn’t John Cook a cartoonist?
Obama’s action plan via WUWT.
Just a thought about the ice core records and the lag of co2 levels after a rise or fall of temp. We’re told that ice cores show co2 follows temp after a lag of several hundred years to several thousand years.
So why the rush to try and reduce co2 levels now? We are supposed to have the highest co2 levels for at least 1 million years, so again what is the rush?
What do they hope to achieve, except waste trillions of dollars for many centuries at least and probably many thousands of years. BTW I don’t think we’re that stupid.
That’s if you believe the co2 levels in the ice core records are measured accurately? But if Salby is correct then all bets are off.
According to our ABC this morning, Obama has found a way to get round Congress and “fix America’s weather problems” . How cool is that?
Must be a special purpose drone.
Well either Obama is a stupid fool or an incredible liar. Simple sums and the historical co2 /.
temp record certainly tells us who the extreme flat earthers are.
Everything this fool and his experts intend to do won’t change the climate or temp by zip for hundreds of years or thousands of years, yet they seem oblivious of this fact.
But they will waste trillions $ trying their best to wreck the US and world economies. They should have just committed the USA to spend more money on R&D and adaptation.
Of course this won’t change the climate at all but it will allow countries to spend more time and money fixing the world’s real problems and perhaps finding some new energy source for the future.
Luke and Debbie
Didn’t you know that Bob Carter is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed research papers in professional scientific journals. The great majority of these concern interpretations of ancient environments, including paleo-climatic studies. Link to full of list of publications here…
Bob Carter for Climate Commissioner under Abbott, it would be a revolution.
‘I guess if it has cartoons it could possibly use satire or comedy?’
Satire is the only efficient way to debrief the populace on global warming … as global cooling picks up speed.
Bob Carter is an honest, straight forward, scientist who would make a great climate commissioner except that he would likely say that climate doesn’t need a commissioner.
Luke thinks that “published” only applies to consensual climate.
Meanwhile, second frost in two days and mid day temp of 11c. [only weather of course].
A top column from Delingpole on the latest Obama stupidity.
“Obama driving a green dagger into the heart of the American dream”
Well, after all it was the closest dagger at hand.
Lomborg also gets stuck into some of Obama’s silly fantasies.
As crazy as some of Obama’s claims are, why is the Australian ABC so delinquent as not to report this craziness instead of just getting our minister for warm weather to endorse the stupidity?
The background for Obama’s speech:
yes I did know Jen, 🙂
Sorry….I was being a bit ‘tongue in cheek’ and I got the amusing reaction I was expecting.
SD spotted the ironic issue about concepts re ‘published’.
I have a great deal of respect for Bob Carter….I sincerely apologise if it appeared otherwise.
I am looking forward to reading the book.
‘…he would likely say that climate doesn’t need a commissioner.’
I agree, but if Abbott fails to win both houses then Carter will be needed … to inform people that they have been brainwashed.
Otherwise, as an ordinary citizen, he won’t be believed.
Very true eg. We need many Bob Carters in public positions to point out the facts.
Mainly because our MSM led by our ABC only want to tell that side of the story.
If we go extinct – the flora couldn’t care less
if the flora goes extinct – so do we
simple as that
The flora??????
Jen – well Bob is certainly well published in his field and an accomplished academic. However in meteorology I only note one paper of substance which was severely criticised if not nuked.
Not that that should prevent him having an intelligent point of view or writing an entertaining book.
I think his treatment at JCU is dreadful. But that’s where the AGW tribalism has got to. But it’s not like sceptics are innocent in the tone and rhetoric of the debate either.
As Neville’s tedious rabid daily rants about so-called criminality well show. Perhaps if we could harness Neville’s rabidity drive we could have a carbon-free power source to run a small town.
Anyway regardless of Ruddster Dr Death being bacccckkk – not long now till Tony destroys the very social fabric of the nation, disperses all those annoying climate parasites, and you’ll have the dispossessed crawling through your windows to knick $20. “The don’t blame me – I didn’t vote for him” stickers are already in production.
BTW I have ordered my copy !
Gosh Luke I’m chuffed how you loath my daily rants. Tell me where I’m wrong then? I’ve only asked you repeatedly for years how to fix your CAGW problem and you run a mile and refuse to offer anything useful above a stream of personal abuse.
Bob has been an honest participant in his criticism of this CAGW fraud and you at least have the guts to support his right to have an opinion on this scam.
You’re also correct about JCU, what a disgrace. BTW I’m buying a copy of Bob’s book as well. Top marks to Spooner for his scepticism and support for Bob.
“Bob has been an honest participant in his criticism of this CAGW fraud ” LOL – It’s just tribalism and showmanship Neville.
You can get medicated for your ranting.
‘not long now till Tony destroys the very social fabric of the nation, disperses all those annoying climate parasites’
Don’t despair Luke, under Rudd we may end up with another minority government…a disastrous outcome.
That ratbag Graham Readfearn in the Guardian
‘Climate change remains one of the most divisive and toxic issues in Australian politics and is one stuffed full of uncertainty. The Tea Party-like anti-carbon tax rallies which ran before the carbon price was voted through were bitter, abusive and scientifically illiterate.
‘At a summit for grassroots climate campaigners in Sydney last week, many campaigners voiced fears of policy carnage for climate and renewable energy under a Liberal government. The Liberal Party has already pledged it will get rid of the Department of Climate Change.’
Murry Salby could join Carter on the Climate Commission and possibly Jen too. Just sayin’
“LOL – It’s just tribalism and showmanship Neville.” says the AGW tribes Chief Witchdoctor and apologist.
“Here come de heap big warmy. Bigtime warmy warmy. Is big big hot. Plenty big warm burny hot. Hot! Hot hot! But now not hot. Not hot now. De hot come go, come go. Now Is Coldy Coldy. Is ice. Hot den cold. Frreeeezy ice til hot again. Den de rain. It faaaalllll. Make pasty.”
Yuk yuk I see Lukey still can’t say where I’m wrong, but manages to put the boot into Bob again. The ABC country hour had Karoly on and boy was he hopeless.
He raved on about our incredibly hot summer and claimed we would see similar temps in summer every few years.
Problem is Salby disputed this and UAH temps didn’t show anything unusual about our last summer at all.
Of course Libby Price didn’t know enough to ask him why the planet hadn’t warmed at SS for the last 16 years, or why RSS and UAH haven’t shown SS warming for 23 years and 19 years.
Then Libby could ask Bolt’s questions ” what should we do about it” and “what difference would it make.” As in lowering temp by how much by 2100.
Yes SP that sounds just like our Lukey and makes about as much sense.
Dr Tim Ball points out the stupidity of Obama’s climate speech and lists many of the errors.
But how could Obama really be so ignorant and what does it say about the intelligence of the average journalist?
Just pity the poor students having to listen to this nonsense and some of them probably squirming with embarrassment on behalf of their silly president.
Peter Garrett just gave his valedictory speech in Parliament. From what he said you can be assured he will going back to his conservation roots and will be hounding the Queensland government over the GBR and will become a strong activist for the environment once again.
He resigned because he refused to serve under Kevin Rudd so it was interesting to watch the scene in Parliament. Garrett was down the far end of the chamber surrounded by his colleagues whilst Rudd was by himself in the PM chair. Rudd made a token reply speech that was completely ignored by the rest of the house.
I look forward to getting a copy of Bob’s book – I’m sure it will be a great read.
Neville tries to get me to answer a non-question. Poor Neville a poor inn-keeper unable to understand the science he reads, the bogosity he imbibes, one has to worry about universal suffrage really.
Salby – who ? has he published anything yet?
Answer a non question?
Is it a non question because it’s a non problem?
Thank you Luke for pointing out the terrible way in which JCU is treating Bob Carter. Australian academia should be collectively ashamed of this despicable outrage.
I jointly published a paper with Brad Carter and Ian Waite on Solar activity in 2008. Both Ian Waite and Brad Carter were working for USQ at the time, and this lead a U.S. skeptic group to mistakenly label me as a statistician who was affiliated with USQ. This mistake was not of my making and had nothing to do with me. However, USQ contacted Brad Carter and asked him to talk to me about their concern that I was claiming affiliation with the University. The strong implication [from reading between the lines of the email exchange] was that I was mixing with “the wrong crowd” on climate and that I might bring the name of the University into disrepute.
I do not think that USQ would have been worried if I my public statements had be siding with the alarmist crowd.
I felt very intimidated at the time. However, I managed to straighten things out.
I reckon Luke was likely blogging in favour of this one too
Conspiracy theories, meming, sophistry, verballing, concern trolling, Dunning-Kruger – all tools in trade for pseudo-sceptic activists. Predominately disaffected over 50s white males.
a letter of support for Bob Carter to the Townsville Bulletin wouldn’t go astray…
‘The climate change authority includes former reserve bank head Bernie Fraser, Prof Ian Chubb and former Australian Industry Group head Heather Ridout.
‘As well as assessing international action against which Australia’s efforts should be compared, it will look at the costs of the impacts of climate change that Australia is already feeling.
‘The Coalition would abolish the authority and repeal the carbon tax. Unless it wins a majority in the Senate, that is also likely to run into problems in the upper house.’
Lenore Taylor/Guardian
Give that one a total rest would you?
Dr Jennifer Marohasy is NOT an over 50 white male.
Neither am I and numerous other people (male & female) who are questioning the CAGW meme, the efficacy of the PP (precautionary principle) and the incredibly MYOPIC pieces of research like the one you are apparently quoting above.
Seriously….I have observed the best recent places to find the seriously disaffected (and bitterly dysfunctional) over 50 white males appears to be places like Deltoid and the Labor Party Caucus.
Luke must be the only person on this blog who couldn’t care less about our clueless pollies wasting billions $ every year for a nix return?
To him it’s all just a non question, or so he says. It’s amazing how far some people will twist and turn when they’ve been found out.
We all know you can’t answer the simple REAL questions Luke, so stop talking bogus unscientific bilge.
Science and simple sums prove we are wasting billions $ every year for zero change to the climate and temp. And that’s decades of wasted time and tens of billions $ down the drain if you are capable of understanding any of this barking madness ?
If I’m wrong please point out my mistake? This should be dead easy for a reasonably well educated person with a science degree and very much involved at the coal face?
I’m a much reduced simple soul with little formal education, but I can understand simple maths and understand some of the science from some of the papers.
So is Prof Roger Jones correct when he said OZ’s mitigation would reduce the planet’s temp by 2100 by 0.004C. And how would we measure that proof????
Is the ice core lag of co2 in response to temp correct or incorrect? And is it a few hundred years to a few thousand years or not?
Remember Lomborg quotes the best maths and shows that full involvement of the entire world (all countries complying with Kyoto) would postpone AGW by just 4 years by 2100. All this after spending trillions dollars over the next 87 years.
I can’t understand how any of these are non questions and if they are you should be able to quickly and easily shoot me down in flames.
Come on have a go, should be a yawn.
Is there any posture more lame than the aging kool-kid who’s down with the bro’s and talks dismissively of older white males?
Oh, and “Dunning-Kruger effect” applied to those who disagree with you! That’s almost as pitiful as “To quote Kahneman…”. Almost.
God, Luke. Just make your point without all the boppiness and hipness. And lose the undergrad debating expressions. It’s okay to be middle-aged. Get comfortable with it – it won’t go away, except when you’re late-aged.
“Predominately ” white males over 50 – I’ve enjoyed quite a number of sceptic presentations. And I’d be predominately right in who the audience is. Generally cranky, crochety, nasty, spiteful and malevolent too. Jen and Jo are refreshing exceptions.
Neville TOTALLY discounts any AGW threat of any kind to society, agriculture or natural ecosystems. Only loads up one side of the scales.
Oh he’ll toot the world’s climate varied before – not with 7B going 9B humans with 30 days food supply and nuclear weapon states it hasn’t and although the rocks all may be here many of the species aren’t.
Neville continues to quote a variety of boundary condition nonsense. Kyoto effectiveness. Australia’s contribution to temperature etc. All drivel in a serious discussion. I’ve told you a unilateral carbon tax with a global deal of all major emitters and without guaranteeing energy supply won’t work.
Just because a problem is difficult doesn’t make it a non-problem. e.g. cancer
A devotee of the prisoner’s dilemma paradigm.
Would have supported men with red flags walking in front of horses forever.
Rejects any suggestion that technological mitigation is well worth exploring e.g. thorium reactors – even simple efficiency surely economically desirable. Interesting that a site like BraveNewClimate has bypassed inane discussion of climate science and move onto solutions – predominantly nuclear would good reason.
You won’t be saying AGW is barking mad when you’re speaking Mandarin – but you’re “probably” sufficiently old to not have worry about the problem. Older white males over 50 time clocks are all ticking.
P.S. Of course the CO2 rise lags temperature in the ice core story. Makes good sense. Why is this a problem or evidence of anything actually. Why does it amuse you as some sort of anti-AGW evidence? Want something more analogous – see the PETM.
yes my goof – in front of steam engines – (but he probably would have supported horses too)
At least we have the satisfaction of knowing that when Bob Carter gets terminated by this pathetic excuse for a scientific institution that he must be getting sufficiently under their collective skins with his honesty and frankness.
Most of all though, he is probably putting a lot of pork in jeopardy and upsetting those coral catastrophists no end.
Thanks for that link to the Townsville Bullie Jen. I sent them my thoughts.
Good grief Luke!
In your own language. . . what utter rot!
“Predominately ” white males over 50 – I’ve enjoyed quite a number of sceptic presentations. And I’d be predominately right in who the audience is. Generally cranky, crochety, nasty, spiteful and malevolent too. Jen and Jo are refreshing exceptions.”
The face of modern scepticism:
‘Neville TOTALLY discounts any AGW threat of any kind to society, agriculture or natural ecosystems. Only loads up one side of the scales.’
Neville and me are standing shoulder to shoulder on this comrade, there are no shades of grey.
The Modern Climate Optimum has come and gone, and now we are confronted by a decade of cooler conditions brought on by a quiet sun and its ability to create more low cloud cover on earth.
If you care to look back over paleo history you will see the phenomenon of cool/wet years are detrimental to human health.
Carter for Climate Commissioner
How can we organise a petition to tell Kev?
🙂 🙂 🙂
The “experts” reckon this doesn’t happen
el Gordo – ROFL –
I’m sorry Luke, you’re so over the top you become ridiculous. Get a life.
mmmmm uh huh I see
But don’t be sorry – incisive comment is always welcome
Gosh almighty Luke I feel like I’ve been done over by a wet lettuce -armed sissy. What a silly weak response, but I already knew you like new nukes and so do I and so do India and China etc. But alas not the Obama fool and his stupid advisors.
Your endless worries about population are not shared by the WHO and other UN bodies. Lomborg has all the projections showing a much higher standard of living by 2100 for everyone and especially the new developing countries.
This includes better nutrition for everyone and much higher life expectancy as well. Also everyone visiting this blog would know that I think R&D and adaptation is the the way forward.
Heck I’d probably favour a small permanent tax of say one dollar a tonne on fossil fuel use to fund research into new energy technology and invention.
That’s providing it was very carefully administered by a proper authority. As you well know I also think there is probably a case for some AGW in the small temp rise over the last 50 years.
But once again you’ve shown us you can’t answer simple questions about the fraud and con of the exaggerated mitigation of CAGW message.
It can’t work and will never make a scrap of difference to climate or temp by 2100. But it will waste trillions for a zero return on this ludicrous investment.
To be fair I know you don’t favour a co2 tax and you’ve said so a number of times.
At last… Spigelman takes it seriously.
‘THE ABC will establish an external panel to oversee science coverage as the pilot for oversight of journalists in a range of specialist fields.
‘According to ABC board chair James Spigelman, the panel will establish indicators “against which the ABC can evaluate science content delivered across its platforms”.
Stephen Matchett on the Oz
Neville – Lomborg – pfft ! Projections Neville ?! – you’re now quoting the UN – what hypocrisy.
” R&D and adaptation” why? because it makes you happy?
Now get back and answer my response properly and stop your fraudulent old codger grandstanding. You’re such a fraud.
El Gordo – and that goes both ways – sceptic bullshit also needs to be nuked heavily and there’s lots of it ! Free speech is great – you may be entitled to your opinions but not the facts.
Luke unlike you Lomborg and I can read, whether it is UN or other stats and projections. This isn’t Lomborg’s work but his team compiling and passing on WHO and other projections.
I know you’re unaware of these projections that’s why I’m passing them on here, so you may one day wake up to yourself.
Admit it Luke you know this mitigation of CAGW con is the biggest ponzi scheme fraud in history.
Lomborg pffft? Along with your supercilious sneering at other well educated, public profile people who are trying to insert some simple common sense into all of this?
A simple google search proves Lomborg is not being dismissed.
The bit I liked the best is that he has the ability to admit to making mistakes. He uses projective work . . . but he adjusts it correctly with updated ‘real time’ data.
When projections are faulty. . . he says so.
Bob Tisdale takes a look at Karoly’s hot angry summer and finds it wanting.
‘…you may be entitled to your opinions but not the facts.’
All we want from aunty is a bit more balance, watching the ABC and SBS on climate change is mostly one way traffic.
Their newsrooms need to be purged of watermelons.
Neville ducks and weaves – no response from the inn keeper. Fancy a pretend sceptic like Neville quoting UN data – what a hypocrite.
Is that the Bob Tisdale that admits to be a stats goober? Can we be sure he’s added up correctly.
And now Debs is appealing to the authority of a google search – hahahahahahahaha – oh my …. the madness of crowds
Meanwhile some science bedtime reading for Debs – when Bob produces this sort of analysis one might start listening
Climate-change impact on the 20th-century relationship between the Southern Annular Mode and global mean temperature
I see you Luke and raise…the Arctic is the canary in a coal mine. Is that a tipping point?
‘This will be particularly useful for climate change detection using climate models. It suggests that realistic simulations of the intensity of ENSO and the SAM, and their relationship will have a direct relevance for climate change detection and climate projection.’
luke, you are incorrigible, linking to Cai’s latest paper about AGW infecting ENSO!
See page 83 here for a complete demolition of this treatise that AGW is the cause of ENSO variation rather than ENSO itself:
Have a look at UAH and RSS temp record for OZ summers 1980 to 2012/13 at the end of this link.
What a joke.
2012/13 summer was about the 13th warmist summer over the last 32 years. Previous 2011/ 12 summer was one of the coolest, in fact the fifth coolest.
At long last Briffa and CRU have thrown in the towel on their fraudulent Yamal superstick.
Steve has left the RC goons and their silly devotees (like little Lukey) with egg all over their faces.
What a hoot.
A good post from Michaels on the hopeless climate models. Fancy wasting billions on these fraudulent projections. Should suit Labor’s clueless Rudd govt nicely.
More from Jo Nova on OZ’s hot angry summer BS.
Here you go Luke,
Some bed time reading for you. 🙂
I also note that Lomborg is well credentialed and NOT over 50.
Willis looks at ACORN -SAT and finds BoM wanting.
Cohenite hasn’t read it. Brain disengaged. ROFL !
Luke is too thick to know when he is being beaten ….. and badly
Even Combet cant keep up the “climate change” pretence and has run away – looks like Luke is running out of friends and allies
When are you going to publish Luke?
re. resignations by labor members from parliament, something must be going on behind the scenes!?
Don’t you think so?
‘…something must be going on behind the scenes!?’
Who will replace Combet?
We don’t have a minister for ag at the moment either. . . along with several other portfolios.
‘We don’t have a minister for ag at the moment either. . .’
Hopefully after the election it will be Cobb (Nat), but that’s someway off. More importantly, Kev’s choice now could change the political environment considerably.
great review here…
Man made climate change will go down as the greatest scam since Y2K. It’s all about tax dollars and nothing to do with controlling the climate. Governments just love it and are happy to play along with the gag. We mortals cannot control climate.