THIS afternoon I walked up to the top of Noosa Hill, in Noosa National Park.
I thought all the koalas had disappeared from the park, but there is at least one still there.
And the native Iris, Patersonia sp.glabrata , were flowering.
But what is this structure on top of the hill – that I am photographed sitting on?
The Patersonia is more likely to be sericea. (cant see the sheath – silky)
Thanks Herman. I shall check the sheath to see if it has silky hairs or not and report back. In the meantime I shall replace P. glabrata with Patersonia sp. .
BBQ? (sans plate).
Nah, not a BBQ. The structure is very obviously a place to secure your mountain bike with a security chain lock. No question!
for tethering and watering your horse? But the trough is missing?
Looks like some sort of fire place with the bar used to hold billies or meat. I’m probably wrong.
Noosa is one of my favourite places and I love walking up through that National Park.
Did you go all the way throught to Devil’s Gates?
I’ve seen that thingy you’re sitting on many times and I can’t remember what/where it is.
Is it at Dolphin Point or at the actual park at the bottom of the walks or even further along?
I always spot Koalas and also heaps of Dolphins when I walk the coastal track.
The Koalas are often hanging around the Southern end of Hastings Street as well.
Always have to watch for Koalas if you’re driving up to the National Park area at night.
Did you also notice the interraction between the river and the estuary?
I was there just over a month ago….the Noosa River was flowing strongly and it was quite seriously discoloured from some flood events in the catchment area, but the tides are still winning at that mouth.
To keep that mouth conveniently in place, much work often has to be done there.
Interestingly, they don’t expect anyone upstream to be liable for it….nor do they complain that it has a tendency to close over…..nor do they pretend that it isn’t up to them to maintain it.
They don’t expect to have potable water that close to the ocean either….they source that in practical, sustainable ways.