THE Heretic, a play about climate change by award winning British playwright Richard Bean, is currently on at the MTC Summer Theatre in Melbourne.
Outspoken warmist Clive Hamilton has reviewed the play with comment:
Richard Bean has swallowed, without chewing, all of the climate denier talking points favoured by the Tea Party. He must have spent a long time clicking from one denier website to the next, without ever bothering to look at any real science — you know, the science endorsed by every scientific academy in the world…
Diane Cassell is presented by playwright Richard Bean as the lone figure of integrity who has the courage to stand up to the climate science establishment, scientists who are cravenly manipulating their research to stay on the gravy train.
Today the play was reviewed by blogger and sceptic Andrew McIntyre at Quadrant Online:
Mr McIntyre concludes with comment:
But how will Australian audiences react? As mentioned above, in the performance I attended last night, there were some long spots and not as much laughter as I thought it deserved. There was one saving grace. A long-standing warmist friend I happened to encounter at interval said that it “made her think”.
That is an improvement on being offended.
When the climate conversation intrudes onto the leftie turf it’s interesting how the sceptics find it amusing while the warmers are so reactionary and hubristic:
Is this a conversation that the warmers would prefer not to have?
Could they possibly be the real deniers?