Dear all. Please find below a link which will take you directly to a monthly newsletter (ca. 1.4 MB) with various meteorological information updated to October 2011:
All temperatures in this newsletter are shown in degrees Celsius.
Previous (since March 2009) issues of the newsletter, diagrams and additional material are available on
Ole Humlum, Professor of Physical Geography
Department of Physical Geography, Institute of Geosciences
University of Oslo, Box 1042 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo, Norway
Interesting reading.
Through the Elders website, I like to note how the current month in my region compares with the same month in times past. (It’s also good to copy and spread such info around, in case someone decides to smoothe or adjust or proxymatise the records.)
November has been particularly tame in recent decades. Our hottest mean maximum for the month was in 1915. (In fact, every month set its record maximum between 1910 and 1919, with the exception of August, which was at its hottest as recently as 1946.)
As far as record minima go, our highest monthly minimum temp for November was in 1914, our lowest in 1933.
Rainfall? Our wettest November was a mere half century ago, in 1959. And who will forget our Flanneryesque November drought of 1926, when a mere 1.3 mm fell on the region at a normally wet time of year? (Mind you, February, our wettest month on average, once got no rain at all…in 1939!)
But a recent November does show up once in monthly extreme weather figures. Can you guess?
Yep. November 1999 was our coldest on record.
Bob Tisdale shows why the models are not accurate when compared to real trends over 204 months and 360 months.
Why do people still believe in this fairytale? Is this bloke called Santer or Santa?
Thanks Ole – interesting as usual. That hot spot in Siberia has been around for a while hasn’t it. It was very dominant back in 2007 when the Arctic ice extent was at it’s lowest. Do you have any explanation for it?
I like the graphs, Ole.
Only wish I could take one out of the pack now and then, to use as a counter argument elsewhere. WUWT has the technique down to a fine art.
Hi Robert, Speaking of November extremes and twice in 3 days.
Well the bureaucrats are exceeding our expectations.
They are going to make sure they win the last war.
The bureau announced some time back this was going to be a very wet year. Another La Nina, & probable flooding.
Well that has pushed them into action, no caught pants down, requiring a white wash like last time, for them, no way.
In the driest November to date on record they are dumping 50,000 meg just in case it rains sometime.
They still have the south east on restrictions as they dump it, as they believed the warmists, that it would never rain again, & did not upgrade treatment plants so this water could be used.
No they spent all the money on a water grid. So Ron Clarke, Gold Coast mayor said don’t waste that water, use that wonderful grid, & send it down to our recently extended dam, it can take it, no problem.
Well, what do you know about white elephants.
Yes there’s the desalination plant to start with, but now we find the water grid is big & white too.
That’s right, it can’t be used to pump water to the Gold Coast, it’s not designed to do that.
Why not do you ask, why because it was designed, like everything else the labor lot have done, to pinch Gold Coast water, [& anything else] for Brisbane, & Brisbane alone, not distribute the stuff.
Now I have only 30 years of keeping records for South East Queensland, but they show that apart from last December, La Nina have always given dry springs, with little thunderstorm activity. I have learnt to pump water into the dam in September in those years, before the river gets too low for harvesting, or you’ll have a problem with stock water in January.
I reckon they have time to keep watch before dumping all that water, but of course it is coming up to holidays isn’t it. Don’t want to work in the holiday season do we?
Bureaucrats, pardon me while I go & throw up.
November 2011 in the NT is rather wet, very wet as I write this in Katherine. 2009 was the opposite.
You could send some of that rain down here in SEQ where it is very dry but pleasant. October is usually the month for the reverse monsoon [northerlies] but it stayed cool with southerlies and now we are getting our delayed spring. The cuckoos are going crazy.
How will the mining tax affect you?
Hey Neville ROFL !!
I suppose you don’t want to link to Tisdale’s response, do you?
No surprise.
Guys; I can’t help but notice the relationship between CO2 and Sea Level
You too Gavin?
Here is what I found, what’s yours?
a_0y_t + a_1y_{t-1} + a_2y_{t-2} = f(t) or a_0y_{t+2} + a_1y_{t+1} + a_2y_t = f(t)
I should add: SL is my global reference thermometer