An excerpt from my speech at the No Carbon Tax Rally is now on YouTube…
Reader Interactions
Interesting thinking about denigration of course. When will the Aussie sceptics who have no peer reviewed climate change publications at all, stop denigrating the Australian scientists from many institutions who do. (nothing to do with carbon tax discussion).
When will the Aussie sceptics who so love and adore ENSO and IPO say “thanks” to Australian scientists who have done all the fundamental work on such phenomena (as well as climate change).
When will the Aussie sceptics who so love climate variation update themselves and also say thank you for the pain-staking work on other relevant phenomena like IOD, STRi, SAM and Modoki.
And when will the Aussie sceptics who so love to trawl through climate data say “thanks” to the Australian climate scientists who have made data available like never before (and ironically much more so than when one sceptic ran the show himself?)
When will the Aussie sceptics who are so keen on Plan B (wherever it may be lurking?) thank the Australian scientists who track cyclones in incredible detail, and have provided decades of practical advice on El Nino and related phenomena.
That’s easy to answer Luke,
I thank scientists from the bottom of my heart for all the amazing work they have done in collecting and organising data.
I also thank them for tracking weather and providing practical advice.
Their work is vitally important and highly useful.
As far as your plea goes,
It will be easy to thank all scientists when they publicly separate themselves from the people who have hijacked their work to try and prove the need for totally unrelated political agendas.
I do not believe that genuine scientists created their climate models and their data banks so that our Federal Government could argue that we have to have a carbon tax, we have to punish our energy companies, we have to shut down large tracts of productive agricultural land, we have to tax mining companies, we have to ratify international treaties, Australia must be part of an international ETS scheme and a whole other raft of legislative arguments.
Does that help?
According to your definition, I must be a sceptic, but it is not genuine scientists or genuine researchers that have my sceptic eye.
If you ceased being so personally sensitive and myopic about this, you may discover that you dislike exactly the same behaviour from exactly the same people.
Sceptical scientists are not generally inclined to denigrate the IPCC or those who support AGW. They just deliver the facts as they see them.
Talking about a peer reviewed new paper, congratulations go to Anthony Watts and Dr Roger Pielke for their paper ,all paid for privately and work done by volunteers.
More blind bi-polar hypocrisy from the warmist liars and conmen.
Make a fuss about a small $16,000 donation but forget about the monster $23,000,000 one.
What a mob of gutless crawlers these warmist cultists are, they’ve wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on this fraudulent con and still have the hide to complain about people trying their best to inform the people before more money is lost.
Luke – no one’s trying to hide anything – it’s your group trying to hide the lack of incline.
You know, 1998 competes with 2010 for hottest year……pardon?
Great work Jen,
Clearly explained, well spoken.
We certainly need to listen to all the scientists, not just one branch of science.
Alan D McIntiresays
I have a minor quibble on the questionable referent in your title “No carbon tax rally…”
I at first took it to mean “No rally to oppose CO2 taxes “, in contrast to “rally to oppose CO2 taxes”
If you live in Qld be careful what you say to a taxi driver.
BIG BLIGH will be listening, great way to behave in a liberal democracy isn’t it?
But I’m sure Lukey would approve due to his controling totalitarian mindset.
Good fun, but I have serious intent to test Bob Carter’s theory on the prevalence of ‘deaf ears’.
Sinkers – liberal democracy and big words like totalitarianism “well don’t you worry about that”, as Joh would said.
Jen got to have a good demo unencumbered did she not !
In Joh’s day she would have been beaten about the head and shoulders by the local constabulary, photographed and would have had a “Special Branch” police file for being a subversive.
But hey Joh and the Nats learnt their craft from the Labor Party. It’s also worth remembering that on St Patrick’s Day 1948, while observing a march of striking unionists in Brisbane, on the direct orders of the then authoritarian Queensland Labor premier E.M. “Ned” Hanlon, The MLA for Bowen, Fred Paterson was savagely bashed from behind by a plain-clothes policeman and sustained serious head injuries which affected him for the rest of his life.
So Sinkers they’re all bastards and as we say in Queensland, politicians are like bananas – they go in green and straight and emerge yellow and crooked.
So yep we’re praying for Anna and her merry mob to get the big heave ho at the next election. Go Campbell Newman. So don’t think we’re some sort of government sop matey.
As for the “dignified” conduct of sceptics – pigs bum – have a look at Nova’s site. Yea gads !
What rationalised the decision to describe climate change as a natural hazard? The phenomenon that climate changes is undisputed, but surely the impacts of these changes are variable to differing localities and as rewarding as they are hazardous?
Louis Hissinksays
“Sinkers – liberal democracy and big words like totalitarianism “well don’t you worry about that”, as Joh would said”
is a non sequitur.
Louis Hissinksays
You forgot to mention that Fred Paterson was a communist – given that adherents of that political philosophy are somewhat dismissive of individual rights, your analogy is, er, problematical???
It is? So bashing commies from behind is fair play for you? I guess greens and AGW believers too?
Paterson was also the MLA for Bowen, Nth Qld ! His political persuasions are all in my url cited above.
My comment is that governments of all persuasions in Queensland have displayed their share of extreme authoritarian behaviour. Anna is comparison has been mild in such areas and Jen enjoyed a hassle free demonstration from the authorities on an issue which would one presume be against government policy.
Anyone bashed? Arrested? Any Special Branch files? Joh of course learnt a lot from Hanlon and said so.
What a shame you couldn’t have gotten your full speech on youtube, it was a speech that was very well done, and thought out, again congrats.
Louis Hissinksays
Authoritarian government is what the CAGW issue is all about, here and internationally.
Just remember that the climate sceptics are not out there proselytising anything, rather it is your mob who are the ones with the missionary zeal to make us change.
el gordosays
Here’s a utube on the Port Macquarie rally, it has an old fashioned charm with a post modern feel. This is good electioneering by the agrarian socialist and should see him walk over the line when the day is called, that is the lower house seat held by Windsor.
I am searching for any of the recent no Carbon Tax Rally videos …In Martin Place and today in Newcastle, so if someone has video footage. I have vidoes up to Port Macquarie.. excellent video indicating where Oakshott was afraid of a 13 year old.
Interesting thinking about denigration of course. When will the Aussie sceptics who have no peer reviewed climate change publications at all, stop denigrating the Australian scientists from many institutions who do. (nothing to do with carbon tax discussion).
When will the Aussie sceptics who so love and adore ENSO and IPO say “thanks” to Australian scientists who have done all the fundamental work on such phenomena (as well as climate change).
When will the Aussie sceptics who so love climate variation update themselves and also say thank you for the pain-staking work on other relevant phenomena like IOD, STRi, SAM and Modoki.
And when will the Aussie sceptics who so love to trawl through climate data say “thanks” to the Australian climate scientists who have made data available like never before (and ironically much more so than when one sceptic ran the show himself?)
When will the Aussie sceptics who are so keen on Plan B (wherever it may be lurking?) thank the Australian scientists who track cyclones in incredible detail, and have provided decades of practical advice on El Nino and related phenomena.
That’s easy to answer Luke,
I thank scientists from the bottom of my heart for all the amazing work they have done in collecting and organising data.
I also thank them for tracking weather and providing practical advice.
Their work is vitally important and highly useful.
As far as your plea goes,
It will be easy to thank all scientists when they publicly separate themselves from the people who have hijacked their work to try and prove the need for totally unrelated political agendas.
I do not believe that genuine scientists created their climate models and their data banks so that our Federal Government could argue that we have to have a carbon tax, we have to punish our energy companies, we have to shut down large tracts of productive agricultural land, we have to tax mining companies, we have to ratify international treaties, Australia must be part of an international ETS scheme and a whole other raft of legislative arguments.
Does that help?
According to your definition, I must be a sceptic, but it is not genuine scientists or genuine researchers that have my sceptic eye.
If you ceased being so personally sensitive and myopic about this, you may discover that you dislike exactly the same behaviour from exactly the same people.
Sceptical scientists are not generally inclined to denigrate the IPCC or those who support AGW. They just deliver the facts as they see them.
Talking about a peer reviewed new paper, congratulations go to Anthony Watts and Dr Roger Pielke for their paper ,all paid for privately and work done by volunteers.
Quite an heroic achievement.
More blind bi-polar hypocrisy from the warmist liars and conmen.
Make a fuss about a small $16,000 donation but forget about the monster $23,000,000 one.
What a mob of gutless crawlers these warmist cultists are, they’ve wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on this fraudulent con and still have the hide to complain about people trying their best to inform the people before more money is lost.
Bolt as source – hahahahahahahaha – good one Neville. How long till refuted like McLean et al.
Let’s see how deniers hide the incline
Luke – no one’s trying to hide anything – it’s your group trying to hide the lack of incline.
You know, 1998 competes with 2010 for hottest year……pardon?
Great work Jen,
Clearly explained, well spoken.
We certainly need to listen to all the scientists, not just one branch of science.
I have a minor quibble on the questionable referent in your title “No carbon tax rally…”
I at first took it to mean “No rally to oppose CO2 taxes “, in contrast to “rally to oppose CO2 taxes”
If you live in Qld be careful what you say to a taxi driver.
BIG BLIGH will be listening, great way to behave in a liberal democracy isn’t it?
But I’m sure Lukey would approve due to his controling totalitarian mindset.
Your understanding of the situation is wrong – we sceptics criticise the argument, not the messenger.
Talk about being dense….
Speaking on behalf of the Denialati, we are with the sceptics on this.
Here is a list of blogs in a fog and I’m going through systematically boring them to death talking about weather and climate.
Good fun, but I have serious intent to test Bob Carter’s theory on the prevalence of ‘deaf ears’.
Sinkers – liberal democracy and big words like totalitarianism “well don’t you worry about that”, as Joh would said.
Jen got to have a good demo unencumbered did she not !
In Joh’s day she would have been beaten about the head and shoulders by the local constabulary, photographed and would have had a “Special Branch” police file for being a subversive.
But hey Joh and the Nats learnt their craft from the Labor Party. It’s also worth remembering that on St Patrick’s Day 1948, while observing a march of striking unionists in Brisbane, on the direct orders of the then authoritarian Queensland Labor premier E.M. “Ned” Hanlon, The MLA for Bowen, Fred Paterson was savagely bashed from behind by a plain-clothes policeman and sustained serious head injuries which affected him for the rest of his life.
So Sinkers they’re all bastards and as we say in Queensland, politicians are like bananas – they go in green and straight and emerge yellow and crooked.
So yep we’re praying for Anna and her merry mob to get the big heave ho at the next election. Go Campbell Newman. So don’t think we’re some sort of government sop matey.
As for the “dignified” conduct of sceptics – pigs bum – have a look at Nova’s site. Yea gads !
What rationalised the decision to describe climate change as a natural hazard? The phenomenon that climate changes is undisputed, but surely the impacts of these changes are variable to differing localities and as rewarding as they are hazardous?
“Sinkers – liberal democracy and big words like totalitarianism “well don’t you worry about that”, as Joh would said”
is a non sequitur.
You forgot to mention that Fred Paterson was a communist – given that adherents of that political philosophy are somewhat dismissive of individual rights, your analogy is, er, problematical???
It is? So bashing commies from behind is fair play for you? I guess greens and AGW believers too?
Paterson was also the MLA for Bowen, Nth Qld ! His political persuasions are all in my url cited above.
My comment is that governments of all persuasions in Queensland have displayed their share of extreme authoritarian behaviour. Anna is comparison has been mild in such areas and Jen enjoyed a hassle free demonstration from the authorities on an issue which would one presume be against government policy.
Anyone bashed? Arrested? Any Special Branch files? Joh of course learnt a lot from Hanlon and said so.
What a shame you couldn’t have gotten your full speech on youtube, it was a speech that was very well done, and thought out, again congrats.
Authoritarian government is what the CAGW issue is all about, here and internationally.
Just remember that the climate sceptics are not out there proselytising anything, rather it is your mob who are the ones with the missionary zeal to make us change.
Here’s a utube on the Port Macquarie rally, it has an old fashioned charm with a post modern feel. This is good electioneering by the agrarian socialist and should see him walk over the line when the day is called, that is the lower house seat held by Windsor.
I am searching for any of the recent no Carbon Tax Rally videos …In Martin Place and today in Newcastle, so if someone has video footage. I have vidoes up to Port Macquarie.. excellent video indicating where Oakshott was afraid of a 13 year old.