I have been sent links to this very popular youtube video by various believers in anthropogenic global warming including mainstream media personalities who apparently think its cool. Perhaps you need to be a believer to appreciate it?
Reader Interactions
John Sayerssays
It’s not even good rap.
John Sayerssays
Let’s forget about Peer Review and vote for the best video……. simple science, with groove.
will we get the Robyn Williams top 10?
el gordosays
A wager was put forward by Dr Chris Hope of the Judge Business School in Cambridge.
‘If the global mean temperature in 2015 is more than 0.1 deg C below the global mean temperature in 2008, I will pay £1000. If not, the other party will pay me £1000. The global mean temperaure to be determined by the NASA GISS data set.’
The Bishop has the story.
just goes to show that the deniers don’t even have a sense of humour.
You will note even Garnaut got a serve.
Real behind the scenes scientists – not personalities like Flannery
John Sayerssays
“Real behind the scenes scientists”
don’t you mean students?
You’re so sour and dour John – 6 are climate scientists.
Remember the scene in Gran Torino where Clint tells off the soft white kid for trying to talk like one of the brothers?
Just tell me that they used their own money for this exercise. Because something tells me that our public servant rappers have got big snakes in the pockets of those lily-white lab coats.
“…complete with “mutha f******”, a slammin’ gangsta baseline…”
“Feedback is like climate change on crack.”
“…agreed to take part in the gansta rap smash even though he says his ‘guilty pleasure is actually metal’…”
Could there be anything in the world, sadder, older and whiter. My God, they’d be cooler if they had a fondue party with Barry Manilow records.
Either Barry Manilow or a good dose of Bert Kaempfert to relax them.
John Sayerssays
You’re so sour and dour John – 6 are climate scientists.
6 are climate scientists……….just.
That’s the problem with the video – it’s either students or recently graduated students. All fed on gravy.
Are the construction industry, the mining industry and Gloria Jean’s coffee outlets run by the demands of it’s junior staff?
The world has an overload of stupid Doctorates.
I’m sorry Luke but I expect a touch of wisdom and dignity from scientists.
You were wrong John. And still Wrong. Roger Jones – ex-CSIRO and very experienced. Face it you’re just some anti-science hillbilly holed up in hippie country having a big sook. Who cares. If you think doing a climate PhD is a breeze then you’re even more stupid than you sound. I suppose you’d like our climate professionals to be unqualified and unpublished like almost all sceptics.
“I expect a touch of wisdom and dignity from scientists” – well there’s always the vaudeville of a Monkton safari replete with stupid crest.
The Gillard government’s bid to introduce a carbon tax has been boosted with the lower house of parliament backing the idea of a carbon price.
Labor MP Stephen Jones MP moved a motion calling on the House of Representatives to acknowledge a carbon price as an “essential step in reducing carbon pollution”.
It also noted the efforts already under way by government and business in developing green jobs.
Independents Andrew Wilkie, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor and Australian Greens MP Adam Bandt, backed the motion that passed the lower house on Thursday night.
The coalition and independent Bob Katter voted against the motion that passed 74 votes to 72.
WA independent Tony Crook was absent from the vote, but has previously indicated he is open to supporting the carbon tax that Labor wants in place by mid 2012.
The government needs the support of at least four crossbenchers to get the measure through the lower house of parliament.
el gordosays
Oakshott and Windsor are political dead meat come the next election.
Yes it will be hilarious if these idiots get you that carbon tax you want (not) eh Luke.
How will your sense of humour hold out when the cost of living goes up even further than it is already over there.
Your govt will be laughing. All the way to the bank.
el gordosays
Luke’s happy to pay extra because he has some weird idea (picked up from the Greens) that CO2 is a ‘pollutant’.
He knows that’s just Joolya spin, but hasn’t the wit to think for himself.
Stephen Garlandsays
It will be good for their CVs.
Experts in fallacious arguments are always needed in government organisations.
Including Garnaut was a stroke of genius.
Yes El Gordo,
Luke is fully aware the Emperor is not just down to his grundies.
Geeezzz what a surprise Luke likes RAP CRAP, who would have thought so . Yuk Yuk.
I thought if you couldn’t calculate simple primary school sums then you would certainly be classed as a hillbilly anywhere, anytime.
Let’s hope that some of these labor independents grow a brain and vote against the co2 tax, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Alright you sour humourless bastards — here’s a nice anti-AGW cartoon for ya’s
Not being someone who wears their undies too high like yo’all I also kacked at this.
Thank you Luke , You KNOW it’s fun on our side of the fence.
You can also see that flow diagrams are not totally the preserve of idle govt. office folk trying to encapsulate reality into little boxes connected by arrows. 🙂
el gordosays
Following on from Luke’s link I found a recent paper by Nils-Axel Morner on a mini ice age which he thinks is just around the corner.
Watts has got nothing – what a waste of time. Will he be doing a pensioner scaring tour to tell us the new results. Bet no !!!!
This would have to be massive body slam for the denialiti – ya got nuttin’ guys. Nuttin;.
el gordosays
I think you will find (if you bothered to do a little more research) that Anthony is not a member of the Denialati and leans toward a sceptic frame of mind.
You are such a fool luke and deltoid is an idiot; from Watts et al:
“Temperature trend estimates vary according to site classification, with poor siting leading to an
43 overestimate of minimum temperature trends and an underestimate of maximum temperature
44 trends, resulting in particular in a substantial difference in estimates of the diurnal temperature
45 range trends. The opposite-signed differences of maximum and minimum temperature trends are
46 similar in magnitude, so that the overall mean temperature trends are nearly identical across site
47 classifications.”
This is a devastating rebuttal of AGW which is predicated on an increase in minimum temperature and a decrease in DTR; neither of these are apparent from the temperature record.
I’ve included a delightful argument about the lack of surging sea levels in my latest anti-alarmist payload here:
I present The Thinking Man’s Quick Guide to Global Warming:
There’s nothing wrong with a bit of light comedy and a bit of fun.
The video didn’t prove much either way.
It was pretty funny though.
I prefer this type of humour to the superior, sarcasm that usually comes from these types.
It’s nice to see that they do in fact have a semse of humour and are capable of making fun of themselves for a change…that would be rather than at the expense of others which is their usual brand of humour.
Menne et al identifies a COOL bias! in the CRS sites by “homogenising” in these MMTS readings which are even worse for UHI effect ?! Limited by cable length !
That is the way I read it. Lies Lies and damn statistics.
Because we have some rotten catfish in our fishpack, if we just replace them with rotten but larger snapper the fish quality will improve and they won’t tell the difference.
HAHAHAHAHAHA – the sky just fell in Cohenite. You lot will never live this down. Watts whole reason for existence just disappeared. I can hardly stand it – my sides are aching.
Desperate DTR drivel which you well know is a spatially and temporally complex beast.
Watts stuff side-swipes McTricktrick as well
And you guys will now – wait for it – “have to hide the decline …..” LMAO
“spatially and temporally complex beast”; very good luke, I can see an alternative career in reviewing the latest z grade horror schlock movies opening up for you.
The cool bias should have read “cool bias” . You know the sort of bias you shonks have perfected.
For such a widely read smartarse you’re pretty thick.
Well go and have a look at DTR Cohers – you know I always have something on my mind. Mate you aren’t going to wiggle out of this one. Will Watts do another tour to apologise for scaring all those pensioners?
It’s revolutionary. The culmination of trillions of dollars, and a half decade of
government research, has discovered the most readily available resource known to man.
Obama: “Under my plan electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
Introducing Hot Air. By combining hydrocloro-bullhockey with lithium-di-yeswecan,
Hot Air can power the Democrats to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in
Obama’s Energy Secretary: “The good news is our emissions are way down because of
the recession.”
And billions more in recent commitments could yeild the biggest Hot Air returns yet.
Obama: “If I thought that by drilling offshore we could solve our problem, I’d do it.”
Obama pledges billions to Brazilian oil;
“The oil you recently discovered off the shores of Brazil, we want to be one of your
best costumers.”
“Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, that will cost money, they will pass that
money on to consumers.”
Barack Obama – $4.00 a gallon.
Obama: “Yes we did”
Luke my man,
These freakin idjits are NOT JUST scientists they are:
f***ing motherf****ing scientists
There surely must be a difference even in your superior intellectual world.
el gordosays
Professor Bunyipitude has a funny slant on the paleo flows of the Murray River.
Young twits had better hope they do not have to rely on their musical skills, yet they seem stuck with trying to make something of their failed science skills.
Truly a microcosm of the problem facing they youth of today:
Much energy with little talent, depending on parroting what they are told, badly.
It’s not even good rap.
Let’s forget about Peer Review and vote for the best video……. simple science, with groove.
will we get the Robyn Williams top 10?
A wager was put forward by Dr Chris Hope of the Judge Business School in Cambridge.
‘If the global mean temperature in 2015 is more than 0.1 deg C below the global mean temperature in 2008, I will pay £1000. If not, the other party will pay me £1000. The global mean temperaure to be determined by the NASA GISS data set.’
The Bishop has the story.
just goes to show that the deniers don’t even have a sense of humour.
You will note even Garnaut got a serve.
Real behind the scenes scientists – not personalities like Flannery
“Real behind the scenes scientists”
don’t you mean students?
You’re so sour and dour John – 6 are climate scientists.
Remember the scene in Gran Torino where Clint tells off the soft white kid for trying to talk like one of the brothers?
Just tell me that they used their own money for this exercise. Because something tells me that our public servant rappers have got big snakes in the pockets of those lily-white lab coats.
Yes Robert – was funded by Greenpeace and WWF
Sour bastard you are Robert
Kinda says it all I think, so much for a waste of Hecs fees..
“…complete with “mutha f******”, a slammin’ gangsta baseline…”
“Feedback is like climate change on crack.”
“…agreed to take part in the gansta rap smash even though he says his ‘guilty pleasure is actually metal’…”
Could there be anything in the world, sadder, older and whiter. My God, they’d be cooler if they had a fondue party with Barry Manilow records.
Either Barry Manilow or a good dose of Bert Kaempfert to relax them.
You’re so sour and dour John – 6 are climate scientists.
6 are climate scientists……….just.
That’s the problem with the video – it’s either students or recently graduated students. All fed on gravy.
Are the construction industry, the mining industry and Gloria Jean’s coffee outlets run by the demands of it’s junior staff?
The world has an overload of stupid Doctorates.
I’m sorry Luke but I expect a touch of wisdom and dignity from scientists.
You were wrong John. And still Wrong. Roger Jones – ex-CSIRO and very experienced. Face it you’re just some anti-science hillbilly holed up in hippie country having a big sook. Who cares. If you think doing a climate PhD is a breeze then you’re even more stupid than you sound. I suppose you’d like our climate professionals to be unqualified and unpublished like almost all sceptics.
“I expect a touch of wisdom and dignity from scientists” – well there’s always the vaudeville of a Monkton safari replete with stupid crest.
The stupid efforts of Government-just who are these people representing?
The Gillard government’s bid to introduce a carbon tax has been boosted with the lower house of parliament backing the idea of a carbon price.
Labor MP Stephen Jones MP moved a motion calling on the House of Representatives to acknowledge a carbon price as an “essential step in reducing carbon pollution”.
It also noted the efforts already under way by government and business in developing green jobs.
Independents Andrew Wilkie, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor and Australian Greens MP Adam Bandt, backed the motion that passed the lower house on Thursday night.
The coalition and independent Bob Katter voted against the motion that passed 74 votes to 72.
WA independent Tony Crook was absent from the vote, but has previously indicated he is open to supporting the carbon tax that Labor wants in place by mid 2012.
The government needs the support of at least four crossbenchers to get the measure through the lower house of parliament.
Oakshott and Windsor are political dead meat come the next election.
Yes it will be hilarious if these idiots get you that carbon tax you want (not) eh Luke.
How will your sense of humour hold out when the cost of living goes up even further than it is already over there.
Your govt will be laughing. All the way to the bank.
Luke’s happy to pay extra because he has some weird idea (picked up from the Greens) that CO2 is a ‘pollutant’.
He knows that’s just Joolya spin, but hasn’t the wit to think for himself.
It will be good for their CVs.
Experts in fallacious arguments are always needed in government organisations.
Including Garnaut was a stroke of genius.
Yes El Gordo,
Luke is fully aware the Emperor is not just down to his grundies.
Geeezzz what a surprise Luke likes RAP CRAP, who would have thought so . Yuk Yuk.
I thought if you couldn’t calculate simple primary school sums then you would certainly be classed as a hillbilly anywhere, anytime.
Let’s hope that some of these labor independents grow a brain and vote against the co2 tax, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Alright you sour humourless bastards — here’s a nice anti-AGW cartoon for ya’s
Not being someone who wears their undies too high like yo’all I also kacked at this.
Thank you Luke , You KNOW it’s fun on our side of the fence.
You can also see that flow diagrams are not totally the preserve of idle govt. office folk trying to encapsulate reality into little boxes connected by arrows. 🙂
Following on from Luke’s link I found a recent paper by Nils-Axel Morner on a mini ice age which he thinks is just around the corner.
Thanks comrade.
A new extended version where Fox news, Flannery and Monckton all cop it – ROFL
Well why you need to publish – http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid/2011/05/anthony_watts_contradicted_by.php
Watts has got nothing – what a waste of time. Will he be doing a pensioner scaring tour to tell us the new results. Bet no !!!!
This would have to be massive body slam for the denialiti – ya got nuttin’ guys. Nuttin;.
I think you will find (if you bothered to do a little more research) that Anthony is not a member of the Denialati and leans toward a sceptic frame of mind.
You are such a fool luke and deltoid is an idiot; from Watts et al:
“Temperature trend estimates vary according to site classification, with poor siting leading to an
43 overestimate of minimum temperature trends and an underestimate of maximum temperature
44 trends, resulting in particular in a substantial difference in estimates of the diurnal temperature
45 range trends. The opposite-signed differences of maximum and minimum temperature trends are
46 similar in magnitude, so that the overall mean temperature trends are nearly identical across site
47 classifications.”
This is a devastating rebuttal of AGW which is predicated on an increase in minimum temperature and a decrease in DTR; neither of these are apparent from the temperature record.
I’ve included a delightful argument about the lack of surging sea levels in my latest anti-alarmist payload here:
I present The Thinking Man’s Quick Guide to Global Warming:
Astronauts: http://oi52.tinypic.com/vwzel5.jpg
Tides: http://oi56.tinypic.com/9u5jis.jpg
Thermometers: http://oi51.tinypic.com/34qjmgn.jpg
Ice: http://oi52.tinypic.com/2upvlvm.jpg
Earth: http://i49.tinypic.com/2mpg0tz.jpg
Psychopaths: http://oi51.tinypic.com/2po8tas.jpg
Thinker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92YenWfz0Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player%20
There’s nothing wrong with a bit of light comedy and a bit of fun.
The video didn’t prove much either way.
It was pretty funny though.
I prefer this type of humour to the superior, sarcasm that usually comes from these types.
It’s nice to see that they do in fact have a semse of humour and are capable of making fun of themselves for a change…that would be rather than at the expense of others which is their usual brand of humour.
Menne et al identifies a COOL bias! in the CRS sites by “homogenising” in these MMTS readings which are even worse for UHI effect ?! Limited by cable length !
That is the way I read it. Lies Lies and damn statistics.
Because we have some rotten catfish in our fishpack, if we just replace them with rotten but larger snapper the fish quality will improve and they won’t tell the difference.
HAHAHAHAHAHA – the sky just fell in Cohenite. You lot will never live this down. Watts whole reason for existence just disappeared. I can hardly stand it – my sides are aching.
Desperate DTR drivel which you well know is a spatially and temporally complex beast.
Watts stuff side-swipes McTricktrick as well
And you guys will now – wait for it – “have to hide the decline …..” LMAO
“spatially and temporally complex beast”; very good luke, I can see an alternative career in reviewing the latest z grade horror schlock movies opening up for you.
The cool bias should have read “cool bias” . You know the sort of bias you shonks have perfected.
For such a widely read smartarse you’re pretty thick.
Well go and have a look at DTR Cohers – you know I always have something on my mind. Mate you aren’t going to wiggle out of this one. Will Watts do another tour to apologise for scaring all those pensioners?
But meanwhile the very hot blond scientist in the above video has done some great work to keep your wheels spinning for a while.
An experimental streamflow reconstruction for the River Murray, Australia, 1783–1988
and guess what ? well you know already don’t you !
hey Nik – the thinker was cool – thanks for sharing.
Sir…sir… this comment ‘we estimate that the 1998–2008 streamflow deficit has an approximate 1 in 1500 year return period.’
I find that hard to believe, ENSO doing what it does throughout paleo history.
Sorry about that ad hom Luke,
I thought your comment May 15th 7.43pm was referring to my previous comment.
some photos of the Oakshotte anti carbon dioxide rally
he was invited but ‘declined’
article here:
gotta love Barnaby
If taxes made the world colder, the world would be an ice box, ” said Mr Joyce
val – apparently Oakshotte was seen at the back of the crowd checking out the rally.
There has to be something better on Youtube.
Like this, the new campaign ad for Barack Obama in 2012.
It’s revolutionary. The culmination of trillions of dollars, and a half decade of
government research, has discovered the most readily available resource known to man.
Obama: “Under my plan electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
Introducing Hot Air. By combining hydrocloro-bullhockey with lithium-di-yeswecan,
Hot Air can power the Democrats to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in
Obama’s Energy Secretary: “The good news is our emissions are way down because of
the recession.”
And billions more in recent commitments could yeild the biggest Hot Air returns yet.
Obama: “If I thought that by drilling offshore we could solve our problem, I’d do it.”
Obama pledges billions to Brazilian oil;
“The oil you recently discovered off the shores of Brazil, we want to be one of your
best costumers.”
“Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, that will cost money, they will pass that
money on to consumers.”
Barack Obama – $4.00 a gallon.
Obama: “Yes we did”
Luke my man,
These freakin idjits are NOT JUST scientists they are:
f***ing motherf****ing scientists
There surely must be a difference even in your superior intellectual world.
Professor Bunyipitude has a funny slant on the paleo flows of the Murray River.
Young twits had better hope they do not have to rely on their musical skills, yet they seem stuck with trying to make something of their failed science skills.
Truly a microcosm of the problem facing they youth of today:
Much energy with little talent, depending on parroting what they are told, badly.