A few well known Queensland sceptics of ‘anthropogenic global warming’ attended the ‘No Carbon Tax’ rally today in Brisbane… and there is also a frequent contributor to this blog in this photograph.
There were perhaps 400 at the rally.
I suggested government needed to look around for better advice on climate change reminding the crowd that Tim Flannery once said that our dams would never fill again.
Of course when the drought broke the dams filled to overflowing with Wivenhoe flooding Brisbane. At that time government should have reassessed the quality of the advice it was getting on climate change, but instead and incredibly the Prime Minister Julia Gillard promoted Professor Flannery… at a time when he should really have been sacked.
good on you Jen, very handsome crew, Is that Prof Carter in the middle?
AND check out Australian FOI law keeps secret the construction of New Zealand seven station temperature series
for those of you who believe in transparency by Govt funded organisations please check out Warwick’s post and make a comment
Janama sez you done good at the demo Jennifer. Well done. Must have been all that practice on old Joh :). Wish I could have been there.
This Labor government will not reassess ‘the quality of the advice’, yet we may find a way to get Abbott’s attention before he becomes PM.
Better he comes into power talking to the media about Bob Carter’s Plan B, than waffling inconsequential nonsense.
Nothing like stirring up the chant – “No Carbon Tax” – Jen did well.
Yeah – that’s me between Bob Carter and the pretty girl
John Sayers – http://johnlsayers.com or janama, my alter ego.
Looked up your hometown on the map John . Bonalbo. Just inland from Casino near Toonumber Nat. Park. Quite a drive to the rally. Good on you.
And this weekend was our show day – all the horses, cattle and dogs were centred on Bonalbo this weekend.
What a spunk John!
Good on you Jen and John and everyone involved at the rally.
BTW will there be a video online later and Jen can we see a copy of your speech?
I’ve seen Eric Abetz online at the Sydney rally and he did a very good job.
If you look very carefully at the tree behind, on its bark it might be possible to see a small stink beetle. I can’t be sure of course, but I wonder if its the beetleness lukiaiae ??? On the other hand it might be a blemish in the photo.
I was at the rally yesterday in Brisbane, and I thought your speech was great, you got the crowd going with “what did Julia say before the election” I loved it well done.
I have some photo’s of the rally on my blog if anyone is interested.
There were plenty of cameras at the rally, but I’m not sure if there is/will be anything online.
In my speech I made five observations and separated each observation with ‘a chorus’. The chorus was chanted by the audience – who were magnificent and in the mood. You would have had to have been there to have appreciated it. So I’m not posting it. 🙂
You know, when you really think about it, if you where a Government paid “Scientist” would you stand up and say, I was wrong take my job away?
Says it all doesn’t it?
I was there Jen , and it worked – you pointed out each observation and chanted the chorus – It worked.
Thanks for that Quadrant link Debbie, it’s timely in my battle against the ‘deaf ears’.
Sorry, I could not be there.
Slightly off subject, I note that Tony Abbot has recognised the Canadian elections and that the winning conservatives were the only party to come out and oppose a carbon tax and an ETS. They also opposed any increase in environmental legislation.