Consider this an open thread. Let other readers of this blog know what you are watching, listening to, and reading, this week by way of a comment.
I was pleased to receive the March 2011 newsletter, Climate4You, with meteorological information from Ole Humlum* just yesterday. It seems global warming continues to stall. 😉
The document is available at
All temperatures are shown in degrees Celsius.
Previous issues of the newsletter, diagrams and supplementary material are available on
* Ole Humlum, Professor of Physical Geography Department of Physical Geography, Institute of Geosciences University of Oslo, Box 1042 Blindern
This isn’t the newest news, but it’s huge biochemical news. I apologize in advance if someone has already posted this in a previous open thread. The title of the article is:
Discovery of “Arsenic-bug” Expands Definition of Life
Scientists have discovered a special type of bacteria in Mono Lake, California. These beasties substitute arsenic–which is abundant in Mono Lake–for phosphous in their DNA! (Both elements are in the same group of the Periodic Table.)
There’s an obvious exobiology angle. There’s also a less obvious application that wasn’t mentioned in the article.
Much of Bangladesh’s groundwater, which people drink, has high levels of naturally-occurring arsenic. The Mono Lake bacteria could be used in water-purification plants to bio-accumulate the arsenic. But I have no idea how much it would cost.
Weds 23 March, 12:00pm
Parliament House
Website: (CATA Consumers and Taxpayers Association)
Speakers include Joe Hockey, David Archibald, Bob Carter, Angry Anderson, John Madigan, and possibly quite a few others.
There are at least 30 buses organized for this already. Please sign up by tomorrow if you want a lift from Melbourne or Sydney.
Weds 23 March, 10:30am
Parliament House, Harvest Terrace, Perth
Janet Thompson 0417 815 595,
The Facebook page for the Perth Protest
Protest posters here and here. (Can be printed and posted at your local shop, or library. Please!)
Speakers: Jo Nova, David Evans
Weds 23 March, 10:30am
Parliament House
The Facebook page for Adelaide
Website: AxeTheCarbonTax
Contact: Damian Wyld, 8363 5044,
Weds 23 March 10:30am
Federation Square, 10am, Melbourne
(Close to Flinders St Station).
1.5 km walk to Parliament House
Contact: or
Facebook for Victorian Protesters
Sat 2 April, 10:30am
Sydney Town Hall, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Facebook – NSW Protesters
7 May, 10:30am
Location: To be advised
Facebook for Brisbane Protestors
Contact: Natalie Keys, 0430 356 608
See also:
Revolt Against A Carbon Tax
Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax
Menzies House
Tim Wells is organising a rally this coming Wednesday, 23.03.11 against the Greens-ALP carbon dioxide tax.
Date: Wednesday, 23.03.11
Venue: Meet at King George Square
Time: 12:30pm
Agenda: Speeches until 1:15pm followed by march through Queen Street Mall, along George Street to parliament house and repeat protest there. The only topic is ending the carbon dioxide tax and its certain destructive effect on our economy.
Welcome to bring placards and signs.
Canadian harp seals are traveling further south into US waters. Surely a sign that global cooling is gathering pace.
When it comes to climate change issues the ABC Media Watch program has a biased presenter in Mr Holmes. Last night’s show was a clear illustration, but I had no idea so many shock jocks are on our side.
There are some priceless quotes.
Chris Horner has written this insightful piece on Google’s attempt to hose down the debate.
David Stockwell gets a guest post at Watts.
SEQ Water appear to suggest that the Brisbane flood was an act of god.