“In Australia… The campaign against the Carbon Tax and the Prime Minister’s broken promise is gaining momentum. Our petition is collecting thousands of signatures and comments. But we need many, many more, so please tell as many people as you can to sign.
Two recent polls show that a clear majority of Australians oppose this tax, but the Government is ignoring you.
That means we need to redouble our efforts to show that the government is operating on a broken promise and in clear defiance of the Australian people.
The Prime Minister should take this tax to an election to seek a mandate (or otherwise let the Australian people defeat it at the ballot box).
No Carbon Tax Alliance
This week, ComeOn joined a No Carbon Tax Coalition as part of our effort to ensure that while different people might have different reasons for opposing this tax, we work togther.
We expect a joint open letter to the PM to be distributed shortly and we will post a copy at www.comeonaustralia.com.
There are a number of rallies being held this Wednesday across Australia against the Carbon Tax.
To avoid duplication, ComeOn is not running rallies, but you can find information that has been sent to us by organisers of a number of the rallies on our Rallies and Events page.
Tax Bribes
Over the weekend the Government has tried to spin the Carbon Tax as a ‘tax cut’.
The Prime Minister clearly intends to stare down those who she deceived at the last election by using more spin.
Already they are making plans to bribe various groups with promises of tax cuts and handouts – even before they have told us what the true cost of this Carbon Tax will be and outside of the promised Tax Summit, which has now been delayed from July this year – as promised – to October.
If you believe this is all based on a clear deception, if you believe this is more spin to cover a clear broken promise and if you believe this Carbon Tax is going to be bad for our future jobs and economy, consider attending one of the Rallies and keep asking your contacts and friends to sign our Petition.
Local Campaigns
The next step in the ComeOn campaign is to assist locals to bring pressure on a seat by seat basis so that politicians of all persuasions know how we feel.
But we need a decent number of people locally signed up to our petition for that to be effective.
If you can get 200 people to sign the e-petition from your Federal electorate, we will help start the local campaign in your area.
Thank you for joing thousands of Australians Standing Up against this Carbon Tax and the most blatant broken election promise in living memory.
And the point to remember is AGW is the whole official reason for the tax
Where’s the evidence that what the IPCC says is sound
There’s an analysis by Joseph D’Aleo, CCM, AMS Fellow at http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/03/21/ten-major-failures-of-so-called-consensus-climate-science/#more-36364
The author says
In the attached analysis we take a look at the IPCC based science. We are going to ignore all the many ‘gates’ that were uncovered like the Himalayan glaciers, Amazon rain forests, how many real scientists there were who authored the key summaries and all the issues as to whether the summaries truly reflected the scientific information in the chapters and despite claims to the contrary, how a significant percentage of citations were not peer reviewed.
We will not attempt to address the issues of sensitivity for CO2 or solar and cloud and water vapor feedbacks relative to the models. We will also ignore the many model shortcomings – like inability to forecast regional patterns, ocean oscillations, etc. Each of these alone discredit the consensus ‘settled science claim.
We will focus on how actual data compares to the consensus science, model based virtual world view of climate’
This is an analysis of real world data against what computer models say with links to the papers (part 1 and 2) at the above link
outcome? CAGW fail
Often the alarmists say that the opposition to the falsified CO2 AGW hypothesis is by pensioned -off professers
and old people who do not have to worry about the future of the country.
Well, I have posted an open letter to PM Gillard from a 17 year old country girl. Britt shows that she is not only worried
for her generation but also she shows fears for future generations if the carbon dioxide tax is activated.
Britt’s letter – http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2011/03/dear-ms-gillard-from-17-year-old.html
A campaign to protest about a needless and unfair tax is a good idea but there is a bigger need to educate the public (including the leaders of the campaign) about the nature of the tax and its implications.
Firstly, the proposed tax and the proposed ETS which is supposed to follow is not about carbon. It is about carbon dioxide which is a gas emitted when any fuel containing hydrocarbons (including food, vegetation & trees in bush fires, ethanol, petrol, oil, lpg, natural gas, and coal) are oxidised weather they produce useful energy or wasted heat (as with gas flares on oil and natural gas wells).
Secondly, CO2 is not and can not be a pollutant. It is necessary for plants to grow and to feed living creatures including humans. Human tissue is composed of hydrocarbons so it is necessary to have an intake to grow and replace worn out tissue. It is also necessary to intake hydrocarbons as a fuel to provide heat and energy to the body. ALL LIVING CREATURES EMIT CO2 gas from the energy conversion process.
Gillard, Combet, Turnbull, Hunt and all believers of AGW (deniers of natural climate change) need to be told and reminded every hour that everytime they breath out, every time they open their mouth they are polluting the atmosphere.
They need to be told that the best way for them to make a difference to our future and the future of our children is for them to shut their mouth.
I’ve put this on another blog but relevant here too
I think the sad thing is this is now a political issue not scientific any more; there are scientists who have not sold out but they’re preaching to the converted;
I’ve been a swinging voter all my life but I have business experience (that is employing other people and providing a service industry) so I have always examined parties’ policies
But I have family who have grown up in a strongly unionised background who are what I could call ‘rusted on’ Labor voters
I understand from talking to these family members that some are not happy with Gillard but they wouldn’t consider the alternative other than maybe vote Green
so maybe it’s best that we, the stupid voters in Aust learn the heartbreak that for example the EU have now to contend with
the ‘carbon tax’ is going to make a difference to our cost of living; to our income, BUT don’t worry the big ‘polluters’ will pay
AND who would trust what this Govt says other than rusted on Labor voters
and this
and as I asked above … AND if the economy slows too much we won’t have the money to pay all those pensions and public servants and employers won’t have the money to pay all those Fair Work wages; what’s going to happen then?
40% of Tasmanians are on some sort of welfare; disability pensioners are rising by the year; the economy is already slowing; our public service is growing and will continue to grow with all this extra work shifting money around if the ‘carbon’ tax becomes law; Ms Gillard seems to be looking to some kind of sunlit nirvana far from the reality the population in those countries with heavily subsidised green technology are suffering; trust me she says – it’s all going to be wonderful; everyone’s going to be compensated and we’ll all be better off.
Do you believe that?
How passive are Australian voters?
Maybe now that’s being sold as tax cuts the 55% of Aussies who will get tax cuts will be happy with the 45% paying like the flood levy
I’ve also put this comment on another blog today
… the biggest disappointment about the carbon tax/global warming/climate change issue is the strategy adopted by the Tony Abbott led Coalition
On the other hand the Coalition does not intend to impose a ‘carbon’ tax nor does it intend to impose an ETS so on that basis my preference would be the Coalition party’s policy
I think it’s politics which makes the Coalition stick to its global warming belief
After all there is a party for skeptics – I wonder what their membership numbers are; I visited their site today but that info isn’t available
I know they had some candidates for the last Federal election but don’t think any were successful
So perhaps at this stage a large party like the Coalition admitting to skepticism would polarise a number of people who ordinarily would vote for the Coalition
I don’t know but I suspect that’s why it has a global warming policy
As for the Govt I suspect this is a tax grab designed to make its 2012-2013 budget surplus achievable
I’m expecting another smoke and mirrors budget like the last budget Swan handed down
Geoff Brown, I read Britt’s letter and I congratulate her on it
I hope she sent a copy to Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce, Windsor and Katter as well