Most people know that the stock market is a volatile place and that the price of Rio Tinto shares has fluctuated significantly both up and down over the last thirty years. But this is how at least one modern climate scientist might go about promoting Rio Tinto shares…
The first graph shows how the price of Rio Tinto shares varied over a 30 year period up until Feb 2009.
Note that the price ALWAYS goes up.
Note that the long term linear average rise is close to $1 per year over 30 years.
The second graph tells us that over the past year the rate of increase is now about thirty times the long term average.
On this basis Mr Mann, the stockbroker, advises all his clients to sell everthing, borrow as much money as possible and buy Rio because:
Rio shares NEVER go down AND they are now going up 30 times faster than ever before.
The values used to plot the graphs are genuine.
If a broker in Australia actually did this the would probably end up in jail for misleading and deceptive conduct, even though the points used to construct the graphs are all genuine.
Mr Mann has hidden the decline that occurred earlier this year, after February. I am sceptical.
Meanwhile, Julia is searching for the price of carbon.
Actually I think you will find the price fell from about 130 down to 30 in a matter of a few months following the GFC…but Mann would gloss over this of course…… a quick look at http://WWW.ASX.COM.AU click on charts and rio/ 4 years and you will see this to be true ( actually shows hoigh about 115 due to it being a monthly chart)
but heh when would Mann allow facts to get in the way of his story?
Viv Forbes puts it well as usual:
“Who Wants a Carbon Tax?”
The Carbon Sense Coalition said today that to introduce a carbon tax would be to wage war on consumers for the benefit of vested interests.
The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, also accused Australian PM Gillard of deceptive advertising in her support of a carbon tax.
“When our PM says “we need a price on carbon”, she is just sprouting another misleading Wongism like “we must reduce carbon pollution”.
“Most forms of carbon already have a price – coal, oil, gas, petrol, diesel, beef, bread, butter, diamonds and whiskey – all have a price (which usually includes a few taxes).
“What Ms Gillard wants, but dares not say, is another tax on our usage of many carbon products.
“Who wants a tax on carbon?
“The Greens do. They hate humans and their farm animals, crops, coal, oil, cars, power generators and heavy industry. They would like to see the end of most mining, farming, fishing and forestry. A carbon tax will hit all of these people so the Greens support it.
“Ms Gillard and her Fiscal Czar want a carbon tax. They lead a party of taxaholics who need a new tax to support their extravagant spending. Unions, even those in industries that will be directly harmed by a carbon tax, ignore the interests of their members to maintain party solidarity.
“Taxes are the life blood of the tax consuming industries – there will never be enough taxes to satiate the nationalised education, health, media, research and welfare industries. So they all want a carbon tax.
“And of course the wind and solar subsidiesuckers want heavy carbon taxes to hide their chronic inability to provide economic and reliable power.
“The nuclear power industries love carbon taxes – it gives them a cost advantage against coal, oil and gas in the production of base load power.
“Many big businesses are trying to buy green respectability by plugging a carbon tax – they will pass it on to Australian consumers, but exporters will get exemptions.
“For lawyers and accountants, new taxes bring new business. They love new taxes with complex rules and many exemptions.
“And of course all of Asia hopes that Australia imposes a carbon tax. It will shift our industries to countries with no carbon taxes.
“So there is a powerful and diverse carbon tax lobby.
“Where are the environmental benefits?
“There are none. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant – more of it will help plant growth thus creating a greener earth. And it is fanciful to believe that a carbon tax in Australia could possibly produce any beneficial effect on our climate. Climate will continue to change as it always has.
“Who will be hurt by a carbon tax?
“Whenever you tax something, a marginal producer somewhere closes up, and less of it is produced. Its price rises because of the cost of the tax and the reduced supply.
“Carbon taxes must increase the cost of electricity, fuel, food, fibres, building materials and transport. They will harm every Australian consumer, especially the poor who have no savings cushion and who spend a greater percentage of their income on these essentials.
“So who is our government protecting – taxaholics and vested interests, or consumers?”
Of course not the consumers…they consume and we all know that is wrong. Unless of course you are rich and in the public eye and then its ok to travel the world and own many houses etc etc.
undoubtedly a carbon tax will hurt the poor the most for no benefit for the environment.
I just wish people like Gavin could see this….and more importantly our politicians!
Luke mostly recognises this ( I think, but Gav just continues to ignore the obvious becuase it doesnt suit his paradigm)
Jen, O/T, redirect as needed
“With the AGW hypothesis collapsing all around, radical green factions and central-planning-type socialists in Germany now see that their only chance is to shut down dissent and to shield the country behind a sort of Climate-Berlin-Wall.
These zealots are really stupid enough to think they can pull this off. They ought to look back at history. Little do they know, they are about to be steamrolled by a climate realist D Day.”
“French give the boot to the “Super Ministry of Environment”
Posted on November 15, 2010 by Anthony Watts
From Pierre Gosselins “No Tricks Zone”, some encouraging news; the French have surrendered to common sense.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has pulled the plug on the French prestige project, a super ministry of environment, dubbed “Medad” (Ministère du Développement durable). This piece of good news is brought to us by German warmist website here in a piece written by Susanne Götze in Paris.”
What a lot of scientifically illiterate drivel. If this is the best (personal attack thinly disguised as an) argument you can manage, then your position dire straits. Hint: the only thing the physical sciences and economics have in common are some of the more abstract mathematical bits, otherwise they’re totally incomprable.
A temperature trend in the US indicates the lower 48 states are cooling.
The largest private shareholder in Rio Tinto is Queem Elizabeth II. Also has been known to promote Global Warming hysteria.
Charlie would probably not be short of a couple of the RT Shares either. Off Shore wind farms in Pommey Land pay for the privilege of laying the cables on the sea bed to the Royal Family.
That is why wind farms on land are scorned by Charlie.