Climategate is now clearly established as part of the public domain similar to the Pentagon Papers or the Watergate reports. The issue of who is responsible, a whistleblower or a hacker, may be legal issue but not a scientific one. The contents of the emails, particularly how they apply to scientific integrity, are clearly a scientific issue.
For a CBS news comment please see “Fallout over ‘ClimateGate’ Data Leak Grows”:
For a report on the temporary resignation of Phil Jones the head of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia please see “Climate-Change Scientist Steps Aside Amid Probe”:
For a report from the Sunday Times please see “Climate change data dumped”:
For an article in the Washington Times including Michael Mann’s defense of his actions please see “Climate Researcher defends actions, claims ‘smear’”:
For an editorial in the Journal Nature please see “Climatologists under pressure”:
For an editorial in the New York Times by John Tierney please see “E-Mail Fracas Shows Peril of Trying to Spin Science”:
For another editorial on the general issues please see “The Dominoes Fall”: and Analysis/Article.aspx?id=514128
For comments from Mike Hulme, a climate scientist at the University of East Anglia, please see “The Science and Politics of Climate Change”:
And more…
The Climate Science Isn’t Settled – Richard S. Lindzen, Wall Street Journal, Dec. 1
A Conundrum That Awaits in Copenhagen – Eugene Robinson, Investors Business Daily, Dec 1 – A view from a non-skeptic
The Real Copenhagen Agenda – The Wall Street Journal, Dec 3
Climategate: Science Is Dieing – Daniel Henning, Wall Street Journal, Dec. 2
Climategate: Follow the Money – Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal, Dec. 1
NASA-Gate – Investors Business Daily, Dec 4
The Mathematics of Global Warming – Peter Landesman, The American Thinker
And more…
As governments prepare for Copenhagen, western governments are being urged to ignore climategate and its possible effects on the science of human caused global warming. For example, President Obama’s science advisor, John Holgren, urges climate action ( Yet skeptics including some US Senators are pressing for the opposite: ( Of course these skeptics include Fred Singer. At the same time it appears that Cap and Trade in the US is dead for now (
From Kenneth Haapala
Ah Jennifer you’re back! Did you happen to see Marc Morano versus Andrew Watson on the BBC?
In the comment section at WUWT there was some back and forth over who was the real arse, with the divide seemingly between Merry English and bloody Yanks based on national pride rather then the issue.
Perhaps what we need is a neutral middle grounder to be our spokesperson.
Marc did come off a bit boorish. I’ve been entirely unimpressed with the smattering of personalities who have been trotted out as spokesmen for our cause. We had Chris Horner the other day. He talks too fast. It comes off like he’s shocked someone would ask his opinion and he needs to spit it all out before they cut off his mic.
Prof Lindzen is awesome when he is on. Like an American version of Prof Carter. Self confident.
The guy who wrote Greeen Hell is quite good also. He thinks well on his feet.
I’m wondering have any medias rang you up to do a segment?
Can’t think of anyone who would be more convencing.