Barun Mitra, director of an Indian NGO attending the Copenhagen negotiations and representative of the Civil Society Coalition on Climate Change (, stated today:
“Today’s G77 walkout at the Copenhagen climate conference is purely a negotiating tactic because there’s so much money at stake. Copenhagen is no longer about climate – it’s about cash and corruption, both for poor and wealthy countries. By accepting restrictions on carbon emissions in exchange for cash, the world’s poorest countries are offering to prevent growth and perpetuate poverty. Ultimately, this could be a tragic repeat of the aid industry in the 1960s and 70s, when the leaders of some of the poorest countries stuffed their Swiss bank accounts – all in the name of the poor.”
Surely the governments of the developed world know intimately the amount of greed and corruption that is endemic in third world countries, especially many African nations. Why are they then so prepared to give away tax payers money to so many of these despots in the name of guilt? I can just see the ruler if Sudan surrounding himself with yet more gold furniture courtesy of Copenhagen while still raking in millions from US oil companies, and probably still not paying his teachers on time if at all.
who thinks that one penny of aussie taxpayers dollars will actually go to anything worthwhile in any third world country? What a bleeding rort. Time to invest in the Swiss banking system, cos thats where most of the cash will end up.
Just change this statement:
“Today’s G77 walkout at the Copenhagen climate conference is purely a negotiating tactic because there’s so much money at stake. Copenhagen is no longer about climate – it’s about cash and corruption, both for poor and wealthy countries…:
“Today’s G77 walkout at the Copenhagen climate conference is purely a negotiating tactic because there’s so much money at stake. Copenhagen WAS NEVER ABOUT climate – it’s ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT cash and corruption, both for poor and wealthy countries…:
and you have it summed up perfectly.
AGW has devloved into a rebellion of the rulers against the ruled, seeking to impose restrictions on those who have the effrontery to think they should be free to build their familiy’s and national health, wealth and prosperity.
African Strawman.
“Some even advocate that Africans must continue to live in mud huts and avoid the use of electricity.
Minor US actor Ed Begley said: “Africans need solar power where they need it most, on their huts.”
So, will the Copenhagen climate conference continue to suppress the scientific truth, and will Copenhagen try to put the brakes on African economic development? ”
It appears countries want welfare and blame modern countries for their lack of modernization. No one is putting the brakes on africa’s econ development. I suspect increasing food and energy costs will put the brakes to econ development in many countries.