Too many cool, wet days resulted in a lousy summer — but you won’t find any polar bears complaining. The cooler-than-usual summer produced thicker ice on Hudson Bay, giving the area’s polar bear population several extra days to feed on tasty ringed seals. Read more here.
Cool summers will do that.
According to
the ice has still not completely melted – I gather very unusual at the end of August.
This means the water will still be very cold when the refreeze starts in mid September, so this will happen very fast.
The Canadians can look forward to a chilly winter.
This is what happens when the sun goes quiet and the planet cools. I don’t suppose it will be talked about much in Copenhagen.
Wrong data and conclusions: data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) shows that right now the ice surface area at the Hudson bay is lower than the historic average. Taken together the entire artic (1979 to 2009 period) this is the second lowest ice surface area ever recorded (the lowest was observed last year). Have a look!
just back from Churchill – locals and guides say there are more bears than in the last 15 years. large number of cubs, healthier than in many past years. Bears are in great shape.
Global warming is a scam and political suicide. Polar Bears rule!!