AUSTRALIA’S Senate rejected the government’s climate-change legislation, forcing Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to amend the bill or call an early election.
Senators voted 42 to 30 against the law, which included plans for a carbon trading system similar to one used in Europe.
Australia, the world’s biggest coal exporter, was proposing to reduce greenhouse gases by between 5 percent and 15 percent of 2000 levels in the next decade… Read more here.
Good news! I’m hoping that our House of Representatives shows the same good sense when they take up a similar measure soon. Of course, Cap’n Trade is in the Undead category, and only a wooden stake through the heart can kill it. In the meantime, let’s all wear our garlic cloves. 😛
“AUSTRALIA’S Senate rejected the government’s climate-change legislation, forcing Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to amend the bill or call an early election”.
No, the same Bill can be (and probably will be) resubmitted in 3 months. If it is rejected again (probably won’t be) then it would be a trigger for a double dissolution election but that is just an option. So Rudd does not have to amend the Bill nor does he have to call an early election. Come on, this is covered in Politics 101. Lift your game!
Now is the time for all who see this as totally anti Australian legislation to call, email, write to all of the Liberals in Canberra and make sure that Turnbull does not continue his stated aim of seeking a few amendments and then passing this nonsense.
This whole Bill needs to be defeated.
I’m not so sure that Rudd would be happy to call an early election on this.
Does anyone know how the anti AGW demo faired in Canberra today.
“for all who see this as totally anti Australian legislation”
Oh, thats just a so mindlessly funny statement and attitude.
“Oh, thats just a so mindlessly funny statement and attitude.”
JC, in your own words, using simple language, tell us how this legislation is to our advantage.
Thanks Steve Fielding et al.
The foolish who cannot see that all this ETS will produce is Bigger Govt., Bigger carpetbagger business and a Poorer community, with no chance of making a difference to
emissions or CC, defy all logic.
It will not help to redesign our energy system or even begin to address the real problems.
To Jeremy C,
I will spell it out in words that even you will understand:
This legislation if adopted will:
1: Create another huge bureaucracy that will grow and grow as the details of this regressive
tax is administered.
2: It will add to the cost of every purchased item in the Australian economy.
3: It will make Australia less competative with the rest of the world, because most other
countries will not be so silly.
4: It will not and cannot have any effect on the climate.
5: It is being pursued by an egotistical, self centered P.M. who is prepared to put the
wellbeing of the average Australian second to his assumed place in world affairs.
6: The roll of Government should be to assist Australians and Aus. business to compete as
effectively and reasonably as possibly with the rest of the world to continue the
improvement in the Aus. standard of living. This Bill does the opporsite.
Please have a look at Senator Nick Minchins speech in the Senate today for further information.
Spot on Pikey
..and what a cracker of a good speech was Nick Minchins.
But in the end, I reckon the country is stuffed, because Rudd and Wong are so arrogant they wont and dont listen to alternative views–just too egotistical by miles, both of them.
—plus the Canberra Dept of Climate Change is staffed by toadies who have their heads full of the extremist/ nonsense put out by the alarmanistas down the road from them and nearby in Melbourne–and are too gutless and dumb to think for themselves and say anything different.
Just heard Bob Brown on Lateline saying that the Green’s proposals will generate 20,000 green jobs – anyone understand how he comes to that conclusion?
The Canberra Dept of Climate Change……sounds almost surreal dosn’t it.
What cloud cuckoo land the world has become . We used to have the Dept. of Climate Protection ….what arrogant nonsense.
“Climate Protection” gimme a break! Wot protecting ourselves from the climate ? No no no son wer’e protecting the climate!
Canberra would be better off with a Dept of Silly Walks.
I need evidence not ideologically based assertions from both you and Nick Mitchin.
Otherwise its just being inadequate.
Congratulations to Australia. Stopping a huge increase in government power for no discernible benefit is always a good thing.
When stopping ETS also helps to defang the AGW movement, and give the opportunity for rational energy policies, and effective anti-pollution policies to be formulated, it is doubly good.
Just like the proposed cap-n-trade in the US, the ETS was not going to do anything for the climate. Why do you have trouble accepting that?
Good on’Ya Australia. Doing the right thing is always good. I notice a dearth of comments from the two major believers her.
CoRev – I told you to chill the other day – it wouldn’t get up. However I wouldn’t be backslapping just yet – it’s ain’t over nationally and globally. And in any case – the global atmosphere doesn’t give a rats what the Australian senate thinks.
Anyway – you’re playing with yourselves – the greens would have voted with it – if the ETS was MORE SEVERE.
And again CoRev – why would you think an AGW believer was an ETS supporter?
“effective anti-pollution policies” – barf – Hunter shows his piggy ignorance of Aussie.
As for Mack Truck “We used to have the Dept. of Climate Protection ….what arrogant nonsense.” – yep – keep smiling as the BILLIONS in drought aid start to dry up. You’ll be right – you won’t need any protection. That should get get rid of at least 50% of the nation’s inefficient family farms. You’ll be right mate ! No worries.
Jeremy C,
I think that everyone on this site would like you to list the reasons you support this Bill.
Could you please inform us how it will improve the welfare of the majority of Australians?
Can you reasonably refute what I and Nick Minchin have had to say, rather than demanding further evidence?
Let us see who is most inadequate.
Great Post Ron Pike 9:14, I would add the following:
7. The very existence of this Bill is jeopardising State power utilities, as they will no longer invest the $millions required to maintain their generators, with Summer coming up it is going to be blackouts all round. This is a failure of Government at the base level.
8. Clever businesses have already commenced installing Natural Gas generators in anticipation of the upcoming power disaster. Others will rely on diesel power. So much for cutting emissions.
9. The retirees Grandmothers and the fragile aged will pay the price for Government stupidity. Many already switch off the power to save precious dollars, inflation caused by the ETS and crippling energy bills will take their toll.
.”…the global atmosphere doesn’t give a rats what the Australian senate thinks”
In the same vein Walker the global atmosphere doesnt give rats about what Australia does, either, but practicalities like that are just not on your agenda are they, or of your triad mates Sod and SJT
Luke, I don’t remember mentioning names, but yours will suffice. 🙂 Have a G’day!
The Calif version of ETS was never given a public vote. The proponents never ran for office with it featured on their platform. Politicians of both parties claimed fighting the climate change as their position, thus the debate was never joined and AB32 (the global warming solutions act of 2006) was adopted from behind closed doors. Only after the elections were safely over and the orgs and public policy think tanks were divvying up the spoils, did Arnold come forward to make noise about global warming.
But then they had the 2008 elections. There were two propositions on the ballot, one outlawing the use of coal for power, the other strengthening and speeding up the process started by AB32.
As election time drew near and the media polls showed that both global warming issues were going to be resoundingly defeated by supermajority (2/3rds of the public) the greens hopped off the bandwagon, suddenly claiming that it was too soon for Props 7 and 10.
So when Luke claims above that the Greens of Aus voted against ETS because it didn’t go far enough – I got to laugh.
Same thing happend here. THe Greens are dirty dishonest creeps who will say any sort of BS to pretend that they are leading a parade. They have no movement outside of General Electric lightbulb dealers, gravy-train riding politicians, and windmill manufactures, seeking a free ride.
Just couldn’t resist adding this from Michael Smoth’s 4BC yesterday.
Here’s a way to understand Mr. Rudd’s Carbon(should be CO2) Pollution Scheme.
Imagine 1 kilometre of atmosphere in which we wish to lower the concentration of CO2.
If we walk along this kilometre, the first 770 metres are Nitrogen.
The next 210 metres are Oxygen.
That is 980 metres of the 1 kilometre. 20 metres to go.
The next 10 metres are water vapour. 10 metres left.
The next 9 metres are Argon leaving us 1 metre to travel.
A number of miner gasses make up part of the last metre.
Which leaves us just 38 centimetres, a little over 1 foot, that is CO2.
Of that 38 centimetres, 97% is produced by Mother Nature.
So from our journey of 1 kilomatre, there are just 12 milimetres left. About half an inch.
That is the amount of CO2 that Global human activity puts into the atmosphere.
Of those 12 millimetres, Australia adds just .18 of a millimetre.
If we were to reduce out emmissions by 50% it would be the equivilant of half the thickness of one hair in a kilometre.
Trully a “hair-brained” idea from a man acting only in his own perceived importance.
Why all the long faces in this joint? This is a day worthy of song.
Let me kick it off with a shout out to my favorite girl in Australia.
This is dedicated to Jenni. You rock so hard. You little head banger you.
Ridin’ down the highway
Goin’ to a show
Stop in all the by-ways
Playin’ rock ‘n’ roll
Gettin’ robbed
Gettin’ stoned
Gettin’ beat up
Broken boned
Gettin’ had
Gettin’ took
I tell you folks
It’s harder than it looks
It’s a long way to the top
If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll
It’s a long way to the top
If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll
If you think it’s easy doin’ one night stands
Try playin’ in a rock roll band
It’s a long way to the top
If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll
Take it away, Bobbybagpipes
Do your stuff, Snoopy
Hotel, motel
Make you wanna cry
Wong do the hard sell
Know the reason why
Gettin’ old
Gettin’ grey
Gettin’ ripped off
Gettin’ sold
Second hand
That’s how it goes
Playin’ in a band
It’s a long way to the top
If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll
It’s a long way to the top
If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll
If you blog against the ET scheme
Look out it’s rough and mean
It’s a long way to the top
If you wanna rock ‘n’ roll
Very creative James, if only I could sing and play the electric guitar I d have a go at it…actually I probably still should cos AC/DC couldnt sing either! ( blasphemy i know, but that doesn t mean i didnt like their music) Sadly the voting down of this ETS is not really very significant, the libs have made it clear they also support an ETS, and the green s just wanted a more significant cut. It must be lovely to be the greens and be able to say what some want to hear, but know you will never actually have to do anything except make motherhood statements.
An ETS is still coming, lets just hope it can be del;ayed until after copenhagen and we see a bit about how little others will actually do.
I need to lighten up though…someone pass me the bong?..might even make singing sound good…to me!
Excellent posting there Ron . It puts the australian ACO2 into perspective,
If the loonies look as they’re going to get their way over the ETS this is the sort of information that could be put in an ad. in the Aussie newspapers .
You know by a group of concern ed citizens . or the climate science coalition.
This sort of thing works well in this small country . Probably ok in Aussie too.
Whatdda ya mean Bon Scott couldn’t sing?? one of the great rock’n roll voices – he also played the pipes on that track as he was Scottish background – like Barnsey.
This morning I listened to John Faine on ABC Melb 774 – what an arrogant, ignorant bastard – he has absolutely no idea about climate change yet was spouting his ignorant views and is in the same mould as Robyn Williams and Tony lateline. Unbelievable.
I was thinking about Ian Schumacher’s chart today – the one where he scales the satellite temps to reality. I decided to complete the job. So I put his scale into full scale and added that blue and red GISS temp scale that every warmist quotes.
Well Pike,
First of all I’m guessing you assume I support the details of the ETS that went before the senate.
However, to repeat myself. You and Minchin have just made assertions about it. You have made wild claims. I want evidence to back those up. Otherwise its just an inadequate rant and nothing, nothing more. Is that simple enough for you?
Sorry Janama…i knew id insult a lot of people with that comment!…love the music…but sorry singing wasnt really the strength …the noise matched well with the guitar riffs etc…but the singing…are you going to one of their concerts ..ive heard rumours of 1000k for a ticket..surely people wouldn t pay that much?!
Jeremy, good onya for not supporting an ETS…how about voicing that opinion…as a believer in the human impact, to Rudd/ Wong/ Turnbull/ Brown/ Nixon etc?
I can understand people who believe in AGW…..BUT I cant understand how anybody can support an ETS.
Hey, Luke, you guys keep up the good work. Your charm campaign, along with your great skills in communicating the reality of AGW have made the difference in Australia.
Can you guys come over here to the evil empire and lend a hand? Your fellow true believers need some help. They can learn from your charm, eloquence, directness, and demonstrations of credibility.
My first taste of AC/DC was Back in Black.
I didn’t even know there was such a thing as Bon Scott untill many years after he was dead.
He seems like one of those guys who was popular because everybody thinks they can do as good while singing in the shower. Like a modern Bing Crosby. You ever heard of him?
I picked this song because of the line “I tell you folks It’s harder than it looks”
which in my opinion perfectly frames the acheivement of this day and in particular the heroic participation of Dr. Marohasy in getting us to this point.
Usually I would have rewritten the whole thing because of the stoner reference, but the rest is so darned good, I gritted my teeth and copped it.
Also it’s a hard thing finding a rhyme for ‘rock-n-roll’ that would be topical.
The green MP’s can say they wanted a stronger bill or what have you. I’m sure the message received through their Rube Goldberg crazy straw mental filter can be construed that way. The unfiltered message sounded something closer to this. Hell no to the ETS.
The brass tax is they tallied the number of calls at the switchboard. If there were support from the public you would have an ETS act signed and delivered no matter how cosmeticly flawed, just for the principle of the thing. The details would be gimmicked in later amendments.
This is a signal achievement. An Army of Davids brought down this Goliath.
There will be a pantheon of heros who deserve credit, entirely fitting that they receive it.
But for my part the person who deserves the Bon Scott, Determination In The Face Of Adversity, Golden Slingshot of Free Democracy Award is Jennifer Marohasy.
She was looking out for us before we knew we were in trouble.
Who else has put more on the table for this cause?
Here’s to you, Jen.
Yes, JeremyC,
You could use the word “simple” to describe your post.
You could also add, clueless, arrogant, devoid of argument, without reason, repetitious and stupid.
It would seem that Luke has probably been run over by his V16 Mad Maxian paddock basher by now.
( Also called reasoned logic)
Or has blown himself up mixing his bio-diesel*eco- methanol concoction.
( Also called belief in AGW)
His bright wit will be sadly missed.
This site would be the poorer for his demise.
well James – maybe you need to hear more of Bon Scott 🙂
It’s a bad day when some sepo is quoting Aussie AC/DC back at us as some victory dance and grave pissing.
Anyway AC/DC are very big AGW believers and have now offset their high voltage performances by carbon offsets in uighurian timber plantations. Get a grip.
Just remember guys “It’s a long way to the shop if ya want a sausage roll”
You can see the difference, before and after.
That’s pure pro bono work coming from the Luke desk.
“If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal.” – Alice Cooper
Luke tell AC/DC for me, (I’m assuming you have them on the speed dial) that it doesn’t matter how much they suck up to Al. Tipper will never forgive or forget “Highway to Hell”, “Hells Bells”, Angus wearimg the devils horns on an album cover, ecetera. That camel’s nose is already in the tent, first amendment be damned. Democratic party damned, in fact. You can’t be more damned then that.
For reference read Senator Gore’s grilling of Dee Snider (page 77-79 is representative of the respect the Gores hold for constitutional protections).
He was a pompus dirty minded guttersnipe then, the only thing that’s changed in the intervening years is proles like yourselfs have made him richer.
On the brightside, the Tipper sticker is (was?) good for maybe a million more copies sold.
You think they planned it that way?
James – just shows how myopic you sepos are. We don’t care a hoot – your local US fodder. This is Aussie mate.
It is all on big world, and just because some band’s handlers and press flacks make you AGW kooks think the band is green, does not mean that we poor Americans cannot enjoy and comment on the music.
BTW, I missed Jennifer’s ‘Australian’s only’ requirement for this website. I also missed where she appointed you hall monitor.
But back to Australia’s recent victory over AGW fear mongering scam artists: Keep up the good work!
Actually Luke,
I must differ with you on Americans and AC/DC. Having spent a fair amount of time working in the US a common thread amongst American male colleagues around my age is that they know AC/DC music intimately having spent a fair proportion of their college years attending live AC/DC concerts (much more useful than evening classes in business studies 101….102…201…..202). It seems AC/DC spent a huge amount of time and energy a few decades back touring the US college circuit. This means that for many middle aged Americans they know that repeats of Steve Irwin fiddling with animals which are trying to mind their own business is not Australia.
Denialist or not you you gotta applaud AC/DC for spreading Australian culture even if you don’t like their music. Perhaps they should all be made OA (if they haven’t been already)
BTW, Luke, please don’t use the term seppo. In 25 years of living outside of my home country I’ve lost count of the times when in various countries I’ve winced at the behaviour and/or ignorance of my fellow Australians while generally finding Americans polite and interested in the world around them.
Janama that was interesting. You can see how Scott was too much singer for that band. Big fish in a little concept. And the song was topical!
Like I said everybody thinks they sing as well in the shower. It’s a common theme that touches on what Jeremy said vis a vis Americans and AC/DC. Every American male of a certain age played at least some AC/DC songs with their garage band. None of them did it too well.
The problem was everybody wanted to be Angus – nobody wanted to be Malcolm.
Today this attitude leads music critics to knock on AC/DC.
You’ll hear stuff like “where did they get that drummer? It’s amazing that song after song he never plays a fill.”
Or you’ll hear “It’s rumored that you only need to know three chords to play rock-n-roll, and AC/DC went out of their way to prove it.”
Just knock after knock like that by petty nitpickers.
But I’ll tell you what, at the Van Halen concert, between the warm-up act and the headliner, they play AC/DC to keep the crowd from getting restless.
That’s by contract.
Kiss did the same thing, by contract.
That’s respect my friends.
So want to talk about INXS?
What’s up with your Aussie bands, and the singer dying off anyhow?
Hey guys – turn off the AC/DC – they’re baaaaccccckkk !
Will be concessions and a new bill before you know it.
Jeremy – of course you are right about seppos. And I apologise to you and the bulk of our US cousins – but mate – these guys here are seppos ! It’s my objective to insult them properly and comprehensively. (well only taking the piss really – I’d still drink with them – their shout first though).
And I just play up to what they want to hear anyway. I just morph their worst fears. You’ll note for example how they auto-suggested themselves into me being a group of people running a planned govt black op. (hahahaha)
“So want to talk about INXS?” – well they would good back in the day – but that’s it. Times up. Michael is gone !
“What’s up with your Aussie bands, and the singer dying off anyhow?” – well I thought it was the the great American dream actually – J Joplin, J Morrison, Elvis, Cobain, M Jackson etc.
Although I guess there was the lead singer of Joy Division …
James – I thought you’d enjoy a bit of high voltage enviro rock – Midnight Oil – you can tap your toes even if you dislike the message. Have you sampled the Oils?
“BTW, Luke, please don’t use the term seppo. In 25 years of living outside of my home country I’ve lost count of the times when in various countries I’ve winced at the behaviour and/or ignorance of my fellow Australians while generally finding Americans polite and interested in the world around them.”
Well said Jeremy C.
People who insult polite people are cowards.
Luke, if you want to insult people don’t choose the soft options. Go for Hamas or Al Qaida who’ll rip your balls out and then you’ll prove how courageous you are.
I’m sorry Spanglers took advantage of my comment to you.
Typical denialist behaviour, ripping something completely out of context i.e. what I said to Luke, and you get upset when Luke pulls you up on things.
J Joplin, J Morrison, Elvis, Cobain, M Jackson.
Good point. Not many rockers make it all the way to natural causes. I blaim socialism. Except for Cobain. In his case, I blaim Courtney.
In a free society the worst thing you can do to a socialists it let them have their way on a bill like ETS. It gaurantees their ejection from office.
Here’s the natural progression.
If we win you lose. if you win everybody loses, and in the next election you lose.
We’re just trying to save time here really.
see Alice Cooper quote above for my opinion of Midnight Oil.
As bad as listening to a rocker’s advice on who to vote for is,
it’s a whole new level of stupid to elect one.
Come on. An anti war tune in 1982?
It’s kind of like Pete showed up to the party in time to collect beer cans for the recycling fee.
“Typical denialist behaviour, ripping something completely out of context i.e. what I said to Luke, and you get upset when Luke pulls you up on things.”
Jeremy C,
So ideology rules? FYI my usual criticism of Luke is pretty light hearted except for some of his insulting ad hom which you obviously agree with.
Quick, how do I stop “Beds are Burning” from playing over and over again on my mental Victrola?
I need a brainwash.
Damn you Luke Walker. Damn you to hell.
MWUUAHAHAHAHAHAHA – you’re mine now James – but still all good stuff James. Aussie protest rock. But alas a bygone era. Peter Garrett is now the Federal Environment Minister – although he always was a lawyer. My favourite is Blue Sky Mine – for many reasons.
A final insult for you Lukefolk,
Every time I look at your unfortunate photo of state controlled brainwashed bearded boffins Pink Floyd constantly springs to mind…..
” All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.”
Rows of marching hammerheads for your logo would have had less impact!
Remember the lyrics?
I can see why Hunter has used the word ‘zombies’ in a previous post.