All members of the community sceptical that CO2 causes climate change are most welcome to join in an “Educational protest” outside where Al Gore will be giving a speech at Docklands peninsula, Melbourne, on Monday 13th July.
To confirm the details – the protest will be from 6.30am to 7.30am in Melbourne Docklands on Monday 13th July. It will be an early start, but well worth it!
Thanks, Jennifer for posting this – hope to see you there.
Steve Murphy (
David Simpsonsays
Oh, I wish I could be there… if just to ask where the hotspot is, because apparently they cant find it. They know its there because if it wasnt the AGW Theory would not be correct. That positive feedback warming would not be there. And we all know that that cant be right !! That elusive hotspot… apparently its a pretty tricky thing and can sometimes be invisible and even behave like it just isnt there at all, which is apparently what it is doing right now and has been doing for the last decade…. persistent little hotspot that positive feedback.
Come along, the more protestors, the more CO2 we will breathe out!
Martin Sniggsays
I’m driving from Adelaide to attend.
Buffet: “This is a massive tax”[youtube]
Gore: Will make billions from energy and co2 monitoring investments
Wong: Can’t locate evidence for this ‘great evil’: not in air, and not in oceans as she said.
“The history of the West is a tale of how the State has assimilated every useful institution into itself.”
Leviathan wants to tax every activity in society, wants to appoint enforcing experts (commissars) and yet there is no hint that a self selecting caste of elites might stand to benefit from the distribution of general revenue and increase in status.
Take widespread moral sentiments (in this case for the environment) speak in cataclysmic terms, use Inquisitorial rhetoric against dissent and play on the human instinct for unity and social cohesion (especially in times of great social change) and you have a recipe for great centralisation and creation of a managerial state (and general revenue bonanza) that is the stuff of the political caste’s wildest dreams.
I owe it to my integrity to be there, and my reward will be (with photographic evidence) the currency of being known as someone who can judge the right side of history. And someone who knows a secular mania when he sees it.
Go The Climate Sceptic Party!!
disclaimer: am a paid member of said party for no direct benefit but a clear conscience.
Hello everyone,
To confirm the details – the protest will be from 6.30am to 7.30am in Melbourne Docklands on Monday 13th July. It will be an early start, but well worth it!
Thanks, Jennifer for posting this – hope to see you there.
Steve Murphy (
Oh, I wish I could be there… if just to ask where the hotspot is, because apparently they cant find it. They know its there because if it wasnt the AGW Theory would not be correct. That positive feedback warming would not be there. And we all know that that cant be right !! That elusive hotspot… apparently its a pretty tricky thing and can sometimes be invisible and even behave like it just isnt there at all, which is apparently what it is doing right now and has been doing for the last decade…. persistent little hotspot that positive feedback.
If anyone wants to attend, information re meeting place etc can be obtained from Climate Sceptics party President, Leon Ashby or Treasurer (me)
Come along, the more protestors, the more CO2 we will breathe out!
I’m driving from Adelaide to attend.
Buffet: “This is a massive tax”[youtube]
Gore: Will make billions from energy and co2 monitoring investments
Wong: Can’t locate evidence for this ‘great evil’: not in air, and not in oceans as she said.
“The history of the West is a tale of how the State has assimilated every useful institution into itself.”
Leviathan wants to tax every activity in society, wants to appoint enforcing experts (commissars) and yet there is no hint that a self selecting caste of elites might stand to benefit from the distribution of general revenue and increase in status.
Take widespread moral sentiments (in this case for the environment) speak in cataclysmic terms, use Inquisitorial rhetoric against dissent and play on the human instinct for unity and social cohesion (especially in times of great social change) and you have a recipe for great centralisation and creation of a managerial state (and general revenue bonanza) that is the stuff of the political caste’s wildest dreams.
I owe it to my integrity to be there, and my reward will be (with photographic evidence) the currency of being known as someone who can judge the right side of history. And someone who knows a secular mania when he sees it.
Go The Climate Sceptic Party!!
disclaimer: am a paid member of said party for no direct benefit but a clear conscience.