Climate modelling of new data from the Aztec Codex Cihuacoatl has identified a relationship with important implications for global warming mitigation. The research suggests a strong causal pathway exists between climate change and Aztec rituals of “nourishing the gods” with blood sacrifice… Human sacrifice was an ancient mitigation strategy to neutralise the threat of dangerous climate change and risks of rising temperature, declining precipitation and poor crop yields. Read more here.
Shades of Jonathan Swift. And the scientific methodology is at least as good as that used by the IPCC. Well done!
Heard this on Counterpoint yesterday, liked the bit about bio-char.
quetzalcoatl literally means “quetzal-bird snake
same god snake with feathers. This one is profiled in Mormon writings.
At least the Aztec built pretty cool pyramids. That is a big improvement over the IPCC, which only builds mounds of paper.
But the IPCC propaganda has been very pyramidal.
And all those human skulls will be but a drop in comparison.
You probably liked this one better:
Hilarious – denialist sacrifices didn’t work – the MWP mega-droughts saw off the Mayans – modern day denialist scum haven’t worked that out.
Once more you get the bull by the foot.
The sacrifices were committed by you religio-trueys, just as you are proposing with ETSs and the rest of the carbon crazyness.
Us denialist drongo-scum long ago worked out that there’s no future down that dry gully.
And what we also worked out of course, is that those MWP mega-droughts that saw off the Mayans didn’t have a lot to do with ACO2.
Thanks to you all for pointing out that mega droughts existed before nice coal fired power plants.
BTW, the Mayan’s decline probably had more to do with bad land use practices. The obsession, in this age of AGW, with attributing all things to climate, is not goig to hold up any better than all of the racialist pap did in the age of eugenics.
Chrichcton was on a winner with Eugenics comparison. Why are they comparable? No reason at all.