Professor Wei-Chyung Wang is a star scientist in the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center at the University at Albany, New York. He is a key player in the climate change debate and he has been accused of scientific fraud. Read more here.
First a comment on the blogger that presents this item, Dr Aubrey Blumsohn.
Dr Blumsohn refers to a climate change “denialist” and also to Doug Keenan, the mathematician who raised the case of Wang is on the “sceptic” side of the climate change debate.
Because the alarmists, for obvious reasons, have changed “Anthropogenic Global Warming(AGW)” to “Climate Change,” they now incorrectly call those of us who oppose AGW and “Climate Change Sceptics” or “Climate Change Deniers.”
I defy anyone to point out a Anthropogenic Global Warming Sceptic who denies that Climate Changes.
Having got that off my chest, it is interesting that although the papers have several co-authors and on one he wasn’t even the lead author, only Professor Wei-Chyung Wang is the only one accused of fraud.
The paper authors were
1 Jones P.D., Groisman P.Y., Coughlan M., Plummer N., Wang W.-C., Karl T.R.
2 Wang W.-C., Zeng Z., Karl T.R.
Surely if one is guilty of fraud, all are.
And they join a long list of AGW alarmists guilty of corrupting data.
First a comment on the blogger that presents this item, Dr Aubrey Blumsohn.
Dr Blumsohn refers to a climate change “denialist” and also to Doug Keenan, the mathematician who raised the case of Wang is on the “sceptic” side of the climate change debate.
Because the alarmists, for obvious reasons, have changed “Anthropogenic Global Warming(AGW)” to “Climate Change,” they now incorrectly call those of us who oppose AGW and “Climate Change Sceptics” or “Climate Change Deniers.”
I defy anyone to point out a Anthropogenic Global Warming Sceptic who denies that Climate Changes.
Having got that off my chest, it is interesting that although the papers have several co-authors and on one he wasn’t even the lead author, only Professor Wei-Chyung Wang is the only one accused of fraud.
The paper authors were
1 Jones P.D., Groisman P.Y., Coughlan M., Plummer N., Wang W.-C., Karl T.R.
2 Wang W.-C., Zeng Z., Karl T.R.
Surely if one is guilty of fraud, all are.
And they join a long list of AGW alarmists guilty of corrupting data.