The U.S. Minerals Management Service did not properly consider the risks of oil spills, disturbance to migrating whales, disruptions to the traditional hunting lifestyle of Inupiat Eskimos and other potential harms from Shell’s program to drill. Read more here.
The political left, whether social democrat or, coloured in a greener hue, greens, control government in the U.S. and it’s going to interesting watching them turn the U.S. into a latter day U.K. Same idiots but with a 50 year lag in the U.S.
Isn’t socialism grand! Everyone one becomes equally poor while the latter day robber barons run the place.
Anyone can claim anything, few can prove it. The worst track record of all is the green-wackos.
Kind of puts the lie to “the coniving oil interests” doesn’t it? Though, if the write-up is correct, once a detailed EIS is done, it will be most difficult to stop Shell unless factual errors can be shown.
Extract from the Reuter’s article:
“The Alaska outercontinental shelf holds an estimated 26.6 billion barrels of undiscovered recoverable crude oil and 132 tcf of undiscovered recoverable natural gas, according to the most recent MMS resource estimate. Nearly all of that is in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, according to the resource estimate. (Editing by Mary Milliken and Christian Wiessner)”
I wonder how they can work out what is there to be discovered when they don’t actually know because it hasn’t been discovered yet. Government science causes serious glazing of the eyes.