MICHAEL Crichton, author of more than a dozen best-selling science fiction adventures including ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Andromeda Strain’, and also a well known global warming sceptic, died of cancer in Los Angeles, aged 66, on Tuesday.
My favourite Crichton-book is ‘State of Fear’, a thriller about a character with a strong handshake known as Kenner. A Professor of Geoenvironmental Engineering at MIT, Kenner travels the world fighting eco-terrorists including at the Antarctic. Published in 2005 the novel is premised on the idea that global warming is a hoax.
My favourite Crichton quote is “The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance. We must daily decide whether the threats we face are real, whether the solutions we are offered will do any good, whether the problems we’re told exist are in fact real problems, or non-problems. Every one of us has a sense of the world, and we all know that this sense is in part given to us by what other people and society tell us; in part generated by our emotional state, which we project outward; and in part by our genuine perceptions of reality. In short, our struggle to determine what is true is the struggle to decide which of our perceptions are genuine, and which are false because they are handed down, or sold to us, or generated by our own hopes and fears.”
What a terrible loss.
A rare talent. An intellectual showing that compassion and liberalism does not mean that being skeptical about AGW is right wing by default. In his works and words, he demonstrated that understanding both the problems and the solutions require more than sheep like adherence to the tenet of authority. Authority is good and useful; it is also limited by the humans involved. Not our ideals, nor our beliefs concerning ourselves and our fellow sapiens preclude a rigourous and thoughtful appoach to our mutual goals of existance in an ever-changing world.
Yes we will miss him a rare talent indeed. He was the first public figure who I saw to make the case for environmentalism as a religion. I particularly liked his speech at a GW conference by the USA skeptics society asking where have all the skeptics gone? He earned a very good living from his novels etc. Personally I thought them to be painfull and for me not enjoyable since they portrayed all humans as incredibly dumb. Obviously that sold and did so well. The public was not so interested in his serious work. Even though his intellectual accomplishs are totally beyond what most have achieved. He will be remembered for his dinosaur movies by most which says much regretably about humans. Was he right are we all dumb and stupid, probably?
“Yes we will miss him a rare talent indeed. He was the first public figure who I saw to make the case for environmentalism as a religion. I particularly liked his speech at a GW conference by the USA skeptics society asking where have all the skeptics gone?”
Comparing AGW science to religion. A blatant lie,
Wondering where all the sceptics are? They are where they have always been, looking at evidence.
SJT says “Wondering where all the sceptics are? They are where they have always been, looking at evidence.”
Whereas the warmistas are looking FOR evidence.
SJT spoken like a true believer in Fundamentalist Belief. I would have said proposition not the black and white world view of lie and truth. It certainly a simplistic view you have.
I still have the article I read and to quote a small part since it is copyrighted.
“Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists. Why do I say it’s a religion? Well, just look at the beliefs. If you look carefully, you see that environmentalism is in fact a perfect 21st century remapping of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and myths.
There’s an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there’s a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe.”
Michael Chrichton 2007
This view is put forth by other writers Chrichton was and is by no means the only one. I think this blog has many on it who show themselves to be driven by belief rather than reason. Most if not all of the pro AGW protagonists are and some of the anti as well.
If it quacks like a duck it is a duck!
“He earned a very good living from his novels etc.
Personally I thought them to be painfull (sic) and for me not enjoyable since they portrayed all humans as incredibly dumb. ”
Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m afraid he was right. Humans are INCREDIBLY dumb.
If you don’t believe me look around you.
See how people vote, see how people accept any crap, as long as it’s presented to them in the MSM, or by the government.
Sorry, MOST, people are stupid, and lazy to check facts for themselves, they always were and always will be!
“This view is put forth by other writers Chrichton was and is by no means the only one.”
Sounds more like you are in the Church of Chrichton…
“If you look carefully, you see that environmentalism is in fact a perfect 21st century remapping of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and myths.”
Marcus I recognise what you say and NT has just made your point. No query about what basis Chrichton classified environmentalist as a religion on just “Garbage”. This language of the zealot shows no interest in the why or even the slightest thought that their way may not be the true path to salvation.
Humans pick an authority and believe even though they have no understanding of what underpines the pronouncements of the revered one. They will even follow these to death. Education does not seem to affect it just most are that way.
To watch say Jurasic Park made me feel more of an outsider than usual. I am a member of a Skeptic society, amongst them I also find this fixedness. Humans want to have an answer for everything and any answer will do. Other writings of Chrichton and others mean I feel less alone and a stranger in the world.
Christians believe Jesus Christ was an historical figure who walked on water. The followers of the Flannery believe the seas will rise by 80 metres. Is there a difference in the validity of the belief?
The British Guardian newspaper had this to say:
“In spite of the views expressed in [Climate of Fear] Crichton insisted that he did not reject outright the theory of climate change”.
Of course he didn’t deny that the climate changes, what sane person would? The Guardian is trying to reclaim him for the True Faith, like the Christian saying “He may have criticised the Church, but he was a good person at heart.” Anything to avoid admiitting there’s a rational alternative point of view
AGW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noec6Xkx73k&feature=channel
Religion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv9OSxTy1aU&feature=related
What is the “Environmentalism” Deity?
What is it’s text?
What is it’s afterlife?
It’s just rubbish…
If he drew parallels it doesn’t mean they exist.
The only reason that you like his ‘theory’ that environmentalism is a religion is because it enables you to dismiss it. It’s illconsidered.
“Christians believe Jesus Christ was an historical figure who walked on water. The followers of the Flannery believe the seas will rise by 80 metres. Is there a difference in the validity of the belief?”
How can you compare Jesus to rising sea levels? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
“Other writings of Chrichton and others mean I feel less alone and a stranger in the world.”
Do you know see your own hypocrisy?
“This language of the zealot shows no interest in the why or even the slightest thought that their way may not be the true path to salvation. ”
Ok ok… You’re a Troll and you’re trying to start a flame war…
God = Gaia, mother nature
Bible = Computer Models, few have understand but they are believed when the priests use them to predict the future. Something like the time that bibles were chained down and written in latin.
Afterlife = The world is free of that pollutant CO2 and the world is at some ideal temperature of the past.
I know this is futile to ask NT but why is a degree less ideal? Might it be 2 degrees more or less? The fundamentalist can’t consider this it is heresy.
Salvation. Bible. Priest. Heresy. Fundamentalist. Afterlife.
Ah the sweet stench of fresh astroturf…. just love those fabricated histories.
I note an increase in the viciousness in the posts here by the “Useful Idiots” after the election of President-elect Obama.
God = Gaia, mother nature
Bible = Computer Models, few have understand but they are believed when the priests use them to predict the future. Something like the time that bibles were chained down and written in latin.
Afterlife = The world is free of that pollutant CO2 and the world is at some ideal temperature of the past.”
Strawmen. Put up, knock down, but a complete waste of time, don’t you think?
I was disappointed that the obits I saw on Australian television news did not mention Crichton’s views on climate change or his book State of Fear, since this was clearly one of the author’s preoccupations over the last several years. I suppose, in some strange way the editors may have thought it was more ‘tasteful’ to whitewash an awkward area rather than be true to the man’s life and work.
Re the religion debate: The faces on those A-listers sitting up there with Oprah in the first few rows at Grant Park told you everything you need to know about the craving for religion in the post-Chistian world. The expression on those tear stained faces as the Messaih spoke is what we used to call ‘rapture’. I guess that hungry ‘God gene’ in people will take whatever it can get.
SJT et al.
How would you explain the popularity of people like Al Gore and Tim Flannery and what exactly do they teach?
Jennifer there is no thought or answers from the Disciples of the faith. Just pathetic prostelising attempts using their litany of AGW.
Andrew bolt has this link http://www.michaelcrichton.net/speech-ourenvironmentalfuture.html if you have not read it is very worthwhile. I advise the righteous on this blog not to read it such heresy may be to much for you.
thx for the link there DHMO,
thx for the link there DHMO,
Sorry I didnt mean to send it once let alone twice ( until it was a complete sentence)
The article shoul be compulsory reading for all believers, read it with an open mind and see if you are really so convinved about the science being settled!!
The existance of God is settled ask a believer!
OT, but important.
There is an official “office of the president elect” site, http://www.change.gov/ that asks for :
“Open Government
It’s Your America: Share Your Ideas
The story of the campaign and this historic moment has been your story. Share your story and your ideas, and be part of bringing positive lasting change to this country.”
in the link:
“Tell us your story and the issues that matter most to you. Share with us your concerns and hopes. ”
A good memorial for Crichton would be a l stream of thoughtful submissions on the subject of AGW.
We all have to die sometime. Mr Crichton however, will live on in the memories of the millions that enjoyed his books.
Many may publish. But only the good are remembered.
What is sad is that there is always someone prepared to cash in on a person’s sufferening or death for a political advantage.
The Flat Earthers also try to portray mainstream science as a religion. Go and look at their website and you’ll see some very familiar arguments.
“How would you explain the popularity of people like Al Gore and Tim Flannery and what exactly do they teach?”
Why do I have to explain their popularity. I have read Flannery’s book, and and the criticism of it on Realclimate. It has a lot more going for it that “State of Fear”, which has such absurdities as the gang flying off half way around the world to Punta Arean to find a spot that has cooled. Chrichton apparently was unaware of what a ludicrous piece of cherry picking he had set up.
SJT, I’m surprised you would compare ‘The Weather Makers’ with ‘State of Fear”. ‘State of Fear’ is a novel, an adventure story. How would you describe ‘The Weather Makers’?
Jen says “How would you describe ‘The Weather Makers’?”
Science Fiction?
J.Hansford “Mr Crichton however, will live on in the memories of the millions that enjoyed his books.” I am sorry but for me the books I have read of his are not that memorable. This includes “State of Fear” even though the appendices were worthwhile and made me aware of the 50 year sinister world obsession with eugenics. That ended in lobotomy and gas camps.
Here is intellectual credentials:
CRICHTON, (John) Michael. American. Born in Chicago, Illinois, October 23, 1942. Died in Los Angeles, November 4, 2008. Educated at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, A.B. (summa cum laude) 1964 (Phi Beta Kappa). Henry Russell Shaw Travelling Fellow, 1964-65. Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology at Cambridge University, England, 1965. Graduated Harvard Medical School, M.D. 1969; post-doctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, La Jolla, California 1969-1970. Visiting Writer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988.
A giant, enough said!
“SJT, I’m surprised you would compare ‘The Weather Makers’ with ‘State of Fear”. ‘State of Fear’ is a novel, an adventure story. How would you describe ‘The Weather Makers’?”
Chrichton was quite serious about “State of Fear”, and it was his case against AGW, presented in a fictional “container”. He included a bibliography to support his claims, and includes an essay at the end to explain his position.
“The weather makers” is an excellent book, despite the errors that Realclimate pointed out. It’s most valuable contribution is that Flanneries scientific background gives him an experts insight into the effects that will be felt in the biological systems, and why they will be important.
I haven’t seen Al Gores documentary, but from the transcript, he appears to be mostly correct. His statement on Glaciers, for example, is only questionable on Kilimanjaro, the rest of the glaciers referred to are all indicating the effects of AGW. Most people here seem to be unaware of that.
SJT: “Comparing AGW science to religion. A blatant lie,..”
Is it?
AGW is not based on the scientific method i.e. observable, testable and quantifiable evidence – it’s based on a mantra, a faith. Sound very religious like to me.
Within the next five years the AGW alarmists are going to act like Judas did in denying he knew Jesus. They’ll claim they never really believed in AGW, were misled by others (the IPCC, the Goracle, etc, etc)
Read the IPCC reports, you may disagree with the results, but the science is all there. Compare the IPCC reports to utter rubbish you get from individuals such as Miskloczi. Even he can’t explain what his paper means. If you read the landshape blog on the topic, it’s a sorry catalog of the most basic errors in science and maths you can make. Yet something that is so fundamentally flawed is given unquestioning creedence.
The IPCC reports are about one of the most complex pieces of science we have come up with yet. It is an unfortunate fact of life that most people, including myself, will not be able to understand all the details. It is not an act of faith to defer to experts in such a situation, it is an act of rational observance of reality. When I go to the doctor, i like to ask as much detail as I can about the reason for my illness and the reason for the treatment. It doesn’t take too much time before I realise I am out of my depth, and have to defer to the expert.
What is absurd is the sight of people deciding that Miskloczi is right and the IPCC wrong, when they quite clearly understand neither.
A few months before we lost Michael Crichton, on 22/6 we also lost George Carlin.
George was a funny US comedian. In this 7 minute video (complete with every offending anglo-saxon word) he points out the stupidity of the MAN MADE global warmists.
SJT: Many of the scientists and their contributions to the IPCC reports (not the summary for policy makers which is written by non scientists and has a political anti US/Western agenda) indicate that we can’t be certain about what causes climate change or that any predictions by computer models can be relied on. Many of the contributors pooint out that we don’t understand many of the mechanisms that drive climate and of those that we do know about we have a limited understanding of.
On that basis we should not be trying to comprehensively change in the way we live (and keep the poorest in the World downtrodden) based on what a computer model spits out – GIGO
“What is sad is that there is always someone prepared to cash in on a person’s suffering or death for a political advantage.”
Exactly. And that is what this blog is very, very good at, complete with obedient and stupid followers who throw stones and blame others when they get hurled back.
There you go even the ABC http://www.abc.net.au/tv/guide/netw/200811/programs/RN0711H039D9112008T222000.htm agrees with Michael Crichton. God is green, god is green I looked for Luke, SJT and NT in congregation.
Crichton was, in my opinion, a master of fiction.
He of all people knew the ingredients of a good fiction classic.
Global warming theory is like the big bang. The biggest problem we have: scientists not admitting to limited knowledge.
Let’s keep it simple:
1. Does the World’s climate change – YES
2. Did the World warm for apprx 30 years upto 2000 – YES
3. Has World temperature flatlined/dropped since 2000 – YES
4. Is there any empirical evidence that CO2 has caused or greatly exacerbated past or the more recent warming – NO
5. Do we know what other factors can cause climate change – YES
6. Is CO2 beneficial to plant life and crops – YES
7. Other than the Sun what has the largest influence on our climate – The Oceans
8. Have the computer models accurately predicted climate change over the last 10 years – NO
9. Do we know enough about the climate – a chaotic, non linear system – to predict climate change with any accuracy – NO
10. Will there be another Ice Age – YES
‘Lo, there do I see my father.
‘Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.
‘Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning.
‘Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla,
where the brave may live forever.
– Norsemen’s prayer for the dead from The 13th Warrior by Michael Crichton.
Seems fitting.