Links to three interesting ‘weather reports’ from last century from Art Raiche 1922 Washington Post story 1937 Time story re Northwest passage 1974 Time story on ice age
That’s all interesting, and it seems people draw different conclusions from these types of old articles.
I think that these articles are evidence of two things: 1. That the climate has varied over time, and it is always noticed by the media and the public. 2. Climate alarmism is nothing new (whether it’s being blamed on natural forces blamed on man)
I posted last month on a small article I found online at the NY Times archives. The interesting thing about this article is that it’s the earliest reference I’ve ever seen of a someone who blames global warming on man-made causes. The article is from 1884, and is ironically under the heading of “Scientific Gossip”. I realize that the GW alarmists could use this to further their cause because it would provide them some historic precedent, but I just think it’s evidence that these crackpots have been with us a long time, and will continue to be with us for the forseeable future.
Here’s the link:
more here, via Richard and John Mclean:
This 1933 paper, “Is our climate changing? A study of long-term temperature trends” by J B Kincer of the U S Weather Bureau in Washington DC published in the Monthly Weather Review Vol 61 pages
251 to 259, has an eerie resonance with the current debate. Here it