The Royal Geological and Mining Society of The Netherlands, together with the Royal Institute of Engineers and the Royal Geographical Society organise a national conference with the title:
CLIMATE CHANGE: Facts, Uncertainties and Myths
Thursday November 20th 2008 at the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam
The title already suggests that everybody talks about climate change, but what are the facts? What are the scientific uncertainties and what is nonsense? Should we be concerned like the “climate alarmists”, or can we ignore the problems like many “climate sceptics” seem to be doing? The conference organisers believe that we should do none of that, but we ought to think about it. At this conference, the question of climate change will be tackled from various scientific disciplines. The issues will be considered climatologically, geologically, biologically astronomically and even philosophically. New facts, new interpretations and new insight will be presented.
The subject is hot. The speakers are top-class in their discipline and will present their own research results. The location is first-class and the admission fee is low. The discussions will be lively and enlightening. With great confidence in the success, I invite you to be present at this conference. All information can be found at, where you can also register. The flyer can be downloaded at: flyer
See you on November 20th,
Peter de Ruiter, KNGMG President
So what can you tell us about the speakers Jennifer?