Americans will go to the elections in November and the Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, has chosen a woman who believes in hunting wildlife and drilling for oil in Alaska as his running mate.
Hunting and drilling in wilderness areas are issues that many politicians in the western world tend to shy away from or actively reject, but not Palin.
According to Larry Kudlow, writing for the National Review Online, Palin knows more about energy policy than McCain, Obama, or Biden and she knows that there is a lot of oil under Alaska and she believes that the expectation it can be exploited will bring the price of petrol down.
Sarah Palin has the Energy Answer
By Larry Kudlow, National Review Online
September 3, 2008
Hat tip to Benny Peiser for the link.
The price of petrol has more to do with the policies of monetary credit expansion than the scarcity, (of petrol), per se.
The US can lead the world with renewables but until that’s possible it makes no sense going broke in the interim.
Louis, I only partly agree. As far as I can see four things are driving oil prices:
1) availability – supply of easy access has diminished but not necessarily the overall amount. Prices up because of increased cost to produce.
2) Low interest rates – low rates make investors look for new and lucrative sources for investing. We lurch from one bubble to the next anyway, but speculating in commodities cause price increases. Prices up because of increased cost due to investment speculation. [your monetary/credit expansion.]
3. Green policies that restrict drilling, trans-shipping [pipelines and storage in particular] and production [drilling and refining.] Prices up because of increased cost due to policy decisions that restrict supply.
4. Adding taxes aimed at just raising the prices to induce conservation. [Prices up self evident cause.]
Notice I did not say “peak” oil.
I see you’re baaaacck ! You’ve survived the transformation and arrived back through the portal.
Well done ! Back to a more modest Garnaut 10% only brave new world? But hey let’s not start swinging too quickly.
Like the resize tool on the message box window – very useful for those big landscape position posts tend to build up from time to time – or a bit of excessive link-link or cut n’ paste Armageddon.
And a new moniker and theme photo. Do we read anything into this?
The end of agriculture in the text? …
Escape from sea level rise. The environment going over a cliff – insurmountable obstacles – perhaps a stair case suggesting the way up or down?
Or is it a geological theme showing the climate has changed before? Different views cast in stone? Immovable? Too big to contemplate?
A sacrificial pit for unwary greenies? A Bird’s nest … A Mottsian irrigation channel seen from the left bank (wouldn’t be the right would it?).
Anyway good luck with your agendas whatever they may be, and may the WordPress gods be with you.
El Creepo
Hi Luke,
I’m travelling and just turned on to the new format. Yes. It looks OK. A big thanks to Dewi for getting it up and running.
As regards the cliff … well that’s Govett’s Leap in the Blue Moutains. I took the photograph last November/December.
And it can mean what ever you like!
I reckon the most important factor is speculators, and once they realise that peak oil, like the apocalypse, has been postponed for a while we’ll see $70 oil.
If Sarah gets a go she’ll do her best to postpone peak oil.
She seems to have put a bit of lead in McCain’s pencil.
He looks 20 years younger when he’s with her.
Beautiful picture Jen. Really adds to the blog. I am glad to see McCain steal some thunder from the democrats. As a US voter, it was a hoot. The dems shoot themselves in the foot by not selecting HIllary as VP, and McCain “steals their pig”. Southern version of stealing someones thunder. The progun lobby, National Rifle Association, may end up in traction they are celebrating so hard. A lot of African Americans are worried that Obabma really screwed up his first major decision. I have to agree.
Very attractive and impressive woman.
LOL when some of the dem, dimwit, hayseed layabouts tried to imply that she hadn’t really achieved anthing much.
She is a 44 year old mother of five joined her local pta, then became Mayor of her town,then Gov of Alaska and now overnight boosting McCains poll figures, well of course this is really just routine for the average 44 year old surely.
Compared to the vaccuos windbag, that one term junior senator and leftwing political activist I’d say she is amazing.
Of course this dopey ratbag also managed to sit through 20 years of Jeremiah’s ranting, moronic sermons and not notice a problem until they began to feature in the media and youtube.
Then all of a sudden he noticed a distinct smell wafting under his nostrils and decided to drop his old pastor and friend.
Very bright fellow, I think not.
The neatest thing about the decision to go with Sarah is the way they can piggy back on all the collective perceptual capital created by those TV shows set in Alaska, like “Men in Trees” etc.
Obama hasn’t figured it out yet but this gall with her down home straight talking and small town humanity ain’t frontier fringe. She is pure mainstream, with an open door right into the hearts and minds of the voters.
And if the McCain camp really have their heads in gear they will get a pre-commitment from Condoleza Rice to serve in the new administration and then maximise the photo ops of her with Sarah to make it “Barak who”?
spangled drongo , speculation is important in the recent oil price run up, but I believe the long term price run up is the US Left’s reluctance to drill, add refineries, add new piplines, and storage facilities thus purring pressure on existing supplies and eventuating in the elimination of a working level of production cushion. Of course, Your Mileage may Vary (YMMV.)
Sarah Palin will shake up environmental policy, especially over domestic drilling for oil. She has hit a popular nerve there.
But she has already achieved more than that. The Wall Street Journal has an editorial on how she took on the corrupt oil/political network (pollies of her own party) and won.
Inspring stuff.
She is no simple backwoods gal, this one, but a danger to underestimate. By the way, it will be hard to play the race card on her, with a hubby and kids part Inuit.
Obama should have picked Hilary – he needs the Clintons now.
For all of us who can only be spectators, this looks like being the most interesting USA Presidential campaign ever.
Revolutionary, paradigm-changing energy policy from this veritable prodigy… dynamo… one-woman-think-tank… GENIUS!!!
And it is…
“If we increase oil supply, the price will go down.”
My GOD!!! Hold the front page!
Yet, FDB, it is a message that the climate zombies appear incapable of retaining. It makes one wonder how many otherwise healthy marriages will be trashed on the altar of climate jihad as vast reserves of perfectly good oil are placed off limits. It may be new mantras and new forms but it looks like the same old human sacrifice gig by the latest in a long line of depraved, dysfunctional, gonzo cults and their grande pooh bahs.
Back when Mrs. Palin first started filing against the endangered species listing of polar bears, I sent her a note of support and well wishes for her success.
She sent back a thank you note.
First time a politician ever wrote me back. That was when she was just Governor. Probably wouldn’t happen now.