The Queensland Farmers’ Federation have suggested that residents of Adelaide should use less water rather than continually demanding that more water be sent to South Australia. According to ABC Online:
“Executive officer John Cherry says 55,000 megalitres of water a year would be saved if Adelaide residents lived under the same water restrictions as Brisbane.
“Last year, Adelaide households used an average of 235 litres per day compared with 153 litres in Brisbane.”
One wonders if the QFF made an allowance for rainfall differences for the year .
As I understand it Brisbane has been awash with water while Adelaide in a drought .
Personally I think everyone should be on the same level .
The problem there is that the extra water that becomes available is not used to help the super stressed estuaries ,creeks , rivers and wetlands- it’s used to increase the greedy human population that goes on it’s merry way ruining and consuming more of the environment .
David Attenborough in his last words on the program series on the future of mamals in the world raised Human Population Limiting as our only real hope for the future .
Now that is visionary thinking !
I think its rediculous that they are even trying to compare Adelaide’s situation to Brisbane’s. They are two very different problems.
We need the water to sustain the health of the lower lakes and wetlands. Over water allocations in the sates upstream is whats hurting us.