Our friend Rune Frövik, Secretary of the High North Alliance, has resigned according to a Norwegian newspaper, Fiskeribladet.
The charismatic Rune has had many fights with Greenpeace and participated in CITES and IWC meetings. Rune has as well been kind enough to participated here on Jen’s blog. We remember him in the hot and interesting discussion on sustainable Norwegian whaling with Dr. Peter Corkeron:
The High North Alliance (HNA) was established in 1991 as an organisation for whalers and sealers in the North Atlantic. HNA had its “golden period” during the years when Norway wanted full scale whaling activity and possibilities to export whale meat. It’s calmer now in the office that is situated in the Lofoten Islands.
“There are still many challenges”, states the new to be Secretary, Laila Jusnes.
The paper doesn’t state the reason for Rune’s resignment , but I heard he owns a little whale meat processing factory in northern Norway.
I wish Rune good luck for the future (but not killing whales!).
Ann Novek,
The new to be Secretary , Mrs Jusnes , has a background in another organisation for whalers , with the controversial name, ” the Friend’s of the Harpoon”
As has been mentioned previously in Norwegian fisheries media , whaling seems to be in a downward trend.
“whaling seems to be in a downward trend.”
Let’s hope so!
Let’s hope not!
The world needs more people once again consuming a wider range of the earth’s species of plants and animals.
I’m surprised at you Mr Biggs.
>” the Friend’s of the Harpoon”
Is this a belated April Fool’s joke?
Hi Ann,
Tasmania had a whaling history for some time, see http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/historic/swhaling/history.html however apart from the heritage of wooden boats, most people would be opposed to such activity now. In fact many stood in line to catch a glimpse of the Greenpeace ship when in port during the last summer whaling/protest season.
However whales are becoming frequent visitors again to our coastal waters even if now much changed from those earlier days, as can be seen at http://www.georgetown.tas.gov.au/site/page.cfm The whale is pictured near the State’s heavy industry zone just south of George Town that has an aluminium smelter, power station and alloy plant, numerous timber processing facilities and is also the site of the recently approved pulp mill for Tassie.
I have had reports of more sightings of humpbacks (the whale in the pictures)in Tasmanian waters and also off Victoria. It would be nice to see more visitation to Tassie by southern right whales.
I hope Rune has fair skies and smooth seas for whatever his new endeavour may be.
Hi Cinders and Libby,
Thanks for your interesting comments.
Personally , I have never been to the Faroe Islands, so I bought a magazine with a traveler’s guide to the Islands. There was a description on local food , dry and smoked pilot whale blubber and meat , that according to the magazine was very taste less and not especially good. Taste varies around the world, and I had yesterday a discussion with a friend re the usual theme with meat from wild animals. She said that today’s society is more and more distant from the nature and this is because we don’t harvest wild animals, the usual stuff from whalers as you know.
There was as well a documentary from Greenland in Swedish telly. Actually there was a little bit of hypocricy again re the whale meat issue. The journo said something that IMO was a little bit foolish. She said she felt uncomfortable eating whale and seal meat with the locals BUT you could do a better alternative and choose musk oxen meat!!! Aren’t the musk oxen more endangered than the whales???
“Aren’t the musk oxen more endangered than the whales???”
You live in the information age. A time where as a single individual you have access to more information with more ease than at any time in human history.
…and instead of even looking up the IUCN Red List you come up with these ridiculous comments???!!!
Muskoxen are NOT endangered (I’m sure this will disappoint the likes of you and Libby who always seem to *need* to perceive animals as on the precipice).
In fact, Muskoxen are a bit of a conservation success story after dipping low in the early 1900s.
I have some muskox jerky in the kitchen larder as well as a couple of muskox roasts frozen in my porch larder. My wife does a wonderful roast muskox spiked with rosemary and garlic with a little added bacon fat to makes up for the meat’s natural leanness.
I also *finally* have a couple of muskox skins as winter camping mattresses. They are amazingly warm and comfortable.
So, no Ann, it wasn’t so much hypocrisy as just sheer ignorance.
The kind of ignorance the animal protest industry spreads and depend$ on.
” In fact, Muskoxen are a bit of a conservation success story after dipping low in the early 1900s”- IceClass
Actually the reintroduction program that you stated was quite succesful , has totally failed in Sweden, a male musk oxen died also from a tranquilizer dart a few months ago.
I’m also totally fed up with your aggressivness here on the blog towards Libby and me and I’m sorry to state that from now on you have scared me from participating on Jen’s blog.
That’s a very nice attempt to portray yourself as a poor put upon victim Ann but even a cursory overview of your discourse with me on this forum will easily demonstrate your own aggressiveness, use of insults, misrepresentation and more.
Please refer to your comments only some days ago when I posted a link to a News Article on Inuit Bowhead knowledge being proven correct.
…and I’m still (among other things) waiting for you to back up your repeated assertion that the Nunavut Government increased Polar Bear quotas for the benefit of the sports hunting industry.
And Ann, I didn’t mention any “reintroduction program” in particular. There have been many attempted reintroductions at various times across the Arctic and the species is doing well.
You could easily check the IUCN Red List with the tap of a few keystrokes but choose not to.
Why not?
So why don’t you give us some insight into the obstacles faced by the Swedish attempt at Muskox reintroduction?
Unless you’re too “scared” of the big bad virtual wolf.
IceClass ,
This post was meant for whales and Rune , so it’s not suitable for a musk oxen discussion.( even if it is interesting)
And referring again to Rune , he wrote a comment to me in Norwegian , ” that all this throwing shit to each other was futile , and you better ignore the blog/ thread / comments if that was the case. Rune was always extremely diplomatic and professional in his comments , that is why he earned respect from even us who represent the opposite side.
Re the musk oxen, the minkes and the IUCN Red list. Aren’t the musk oxen classified as least concern together with the minkes ( according to HNA), but I have heard from people that have been in Greenland that with the climate change the musk oxen have trouble with ice crusts.
And we could as well have a discussion on the Faroe Island pilot whale hunt / farming ( again)!
eating wild animals vs farming ( again), and what about the statement ” that people who hunt and eat wild animals are closer to the nature and haven’t lost contact with the nature” , is this true!
It was things like that I wanted to discuss and not throwing shit at each other.
Btw, I received an e-mail from one of the readers who thought that the Faroe Island pilot whale was awful and that the Danish Princesse Mary was Australian and how she felt about the hunt.
FYI , the Royals in Scandinavia are forbidden to make statements in political issues, so there will hardly be any protests from Mary . I have also heard this before that Aussies want to write to Princesse Mary and ask her to ” intervene” in the Greenland and Faroe Island hunt , but the Royals are mere symbols in Scandinavian countries with no political power.
“Muskoxen are NOT endangered (I’m sure this will disappoint the likes of you and Libby who always seem to *need* to perceive animals as on the precipice).”
WTF? You want to talk about facts? Give me evidence of this Iceclass. I look forward to your reply. As always I’m sure it will be worth reading.
“I’m also totally fed up with your aggressivness here on the blog towards Libby and me and I’m sorry to state that from now on you have scared me from participating on Jen’s blog.”
There are a number of “male” posters Ann who appear to get their kicks from taking out their lack of intelligence on women. It says more about them than you or I, so just feel sorry for them. No, on second thoughts, don’t waste your time even with that.
Libby: Please explain how:
“has totally failed in Sweden, a male musk oxen died also from a tranquilizer dart a few months ago.”
is evidence of failure of the programme and no just evidence of an instance of veterinary incompetence?
” There have been many attempted reintroductions at various times across the Arctic and the species is doing well.” – IceClass
Actually reintroduction programs in Sweden , Iceland and Svalbard have been unsuccesful. Hey, Iceman why don’t you check the Internet.
“So why don’t you give us some insight into the obstacles faced by the Swedish attempt at Muskox reintroduction?” – IceClass
Well, could be interesting but why bother when you’re harrassing me all the time , but for readers information the first attempt to reintroduce the muskoxen in Sweden during the first part of last century, all the animals died .
Some animals have migrated from Norway , but the herd is slowly dying from inbreeding, only 7 animals left.
Other problems, too many curious tourists, NATO exercises and noise .
” Unless you’re too “scared” of the big bad virtual wolf.” – IceClass
Personally I don’t give a damn about your insults as calling my posts the stupidiest thing you yet have posted etc etc , but there are other family members of mine , including children that feel very uncomfortable when they read that their auntie is called idiot etc.
Libby: Please explain how:
“has totally failed in Sweden, a male musk oxen died also from a tranquilizer dart a few months ago.”
is evidence of failure of the programme and no just evidence of an instance of veterinary incompetence?”
Jan Pompe, please explain where I am talking about musk ox here. I have asked Iceclass – not you – for clarification that Ann and I “always seem to *need* to perceive animals as on the precipice).”
Where did I mention tranquilizers, etc?? Do you read what is written or just attack when you see a name? It’s all too easy isn’t it for you, Iceclass and Ian. It has nothing to do with what is written, just who wrote it. Pathetic.
” …and instead of even looking up the IUCN Red List you come up with these ridiculous comments???!!!” – IceClass
I’m just asking if it’s not a bit strange to say in the telly that it is OK to eat musk oxens , with a population about 100 000 animals , but not minkes with a stock about 100 000 animals in the North Atlantic , and both with a conservation status of least concerned.
I just wanted readers opinions again re eating whales vs other animals. I also wanted to discuss the conservation status/ the threat to both mammals. And what respons did I get ?????
” “has totally failed in Sweden, a male musk oxen died also from a tranquilizer dart a few months ago.”
is evidence of failure of the programme and no just evidence of an instance of veterinary incompetence?”- Jan
This is not my field and I’ll make an amateur conclusion of my own.
The bull that died from the tranquilizer dart , was one from the Kolmården Zoo , that was reintroduced into the wild.
He had lost much weight during the winter migration and was weak. So its natural to conclude that this bull had lost much of its natural stamina as it was bred in captivity.
The Swedish herd is plagued by inbreeding with often weak and sick animals.
Nothing wrong with Whaling as long as it is sustainable…
Honestly people…. If the Hindu’s woz as sensitive about their Cows as you mob are about Whales… We’d be locked on the Horns of a dilemma… forgive th’ pun : )
I’ll not begrudge an eskimo, Greenlander, Icelander, Norwegian, Swedish, Japanese, American, etc, consumer from having commercialy available, safely produced product any more that I would begrudge meself of a good T bone steak.
Ann: The team I work with does much the same with young people who never had much chance to begin with. Unfortunately we too have a high failure rate at least I assume so from the sketchy information coming back but we are not getting hard figures. I find it frustrating because what we do is hard work and I like to know we are being effective but we only get to hear the anecdotal bad news.
So perhaps you understand where I am coming from when I ask questions like: Do you have or are you aware of any hard data about the failure/success rate that isn’t just anecdotal.
Jan ,
I might write up a post about the muskoxen project in Sweden, including facts and photographies.
Ann: “I might write up a post about the muskoxen project in Sweden, including facts and photographies.
That would be interesting. What concerns me (and I recognise it may not be a concern at all) with these sorts of recovery programs of over harvested species, or what ever reason numbers are reduced is what sort of impact the reduction in gene pool size might have.
According to Fiskeribladet, is Paul Watson extremly glad for the setback for Norwegian whaling.
” It’s tough times for Norwegian whaling ” , states Watson , ” but attempts with intenational marketing of whale meat might provoke new actions”.
The Coastal Party demands increased marketing of whale products for establishing a future for whaling.
“The setback is good news for the whales”, says Watson.
” But only increased marketing doesn’t solve the setback” , states the director for marketing of whale meat, Lise Mangseth for ” Norwegian Råfisklaget” and ” the Council for marketing of whale”.
Lise Mangseth states as well:
International marketing of whale meat is out of question”.
” Norway can export whale products , but other countries are not open to import whale meat products from Norway. And I don’t know why it is so.”
“This post was meant for whales and Rune , so it’s not suitable for a musk oxen discussion.”
Ann, you raised the subject of Muskox in this thread and were “throwing shit” to use your terms at someone who you chastised for hypocrisy, foolishness and ignorance and referred to Muskoxen as “endangered” which they are clearly not.
You have information at your fingertips but prefer to spread disinformation and little snippets of worthless hearsay.(Which I might add are making money for the animal protest industry courtesy off the little advertisments on this site that Jennifer is flogging to the likes of the WSPA).
If my calling you on your bias and disinformation scares you away from participating on this forum then I do not have a problem with that.
You contribute very little of any real use or factuality and when called on your disinformation simply ignore it and refuse to back up your erroneous assertions.
Please explain how the Nunavut Government jacked up Polar Bear quotas for the benefit of the sports hunting industry. I’ve asked you many times over and you are still refusing to back up your underhanded and uninformed assertions.
I might add that you also casually refrained from taking up your concerns with the government directly.
“WTF? You want to talk about facts? Give me evidence of this Iceclass. I look forward to your reply. ”
Libby, mere days ago you were trying to make out that the diversion of resources to the rehabilitation of common sea gulls was justifiable because they could be endangered “tomorrow”. Other posters have also called you on your reflexive alarmism and reluctance to entertain good news conservation stories.
As for your gender issues…get help.
Ann, if your family members get that upset that easily, then as a responsible parent, you should keep them away from the internet until they have the maturity to deal with the marketplace of ideas… they may also need to face the fact that some parents *are* idiots*
That’s just nature in all it’s diversity.
Besides, what I said was that your comment was ridiculous…and it is.
Strangely enough, this weekend produced an article in the Globe and Mail newspaper about “Nordic Cuisine” mentioning among other things a dish of raw muskox served at the Noma restaurant in Copenhagen.
It also details a collective of Nordic Chefs and food enthusiasts who are promoting natural northern ingrediaents and have even come up with a manifesto, all of which can be read at http://www.nordiskkoekken.dk/
Very good stuff!
On another front, we have walrus hunters trying to take on a massive iron ore project on North Baffin Island (the island that strangely has no Muskoxen – I have to import mine from the western Arctic).
The iron ore is bound for Europe which may explain why their concern hasn’t made a ripple among the European bunny huggers and self proclaimed progressives.
This year’s seal hunt got off to a bad start with Four sealers losing their lives in a towing accident. This has had the effect of completely knocking any of the annual protest-in-a-can events from being reported.
Instead, the media focus has been on the human side of the hunt with uncharacteristic attention to their culture, community, economy etc…
Support for the sealers has been unexpectedly deep and sincere.
Paul Watson came across as his usual oafish, self promoting shameless self by proclaiming the sealer’s deaths a tragedy but the seal hunt a “bigger” tragedy.
Media and the public reaction to Watson’s comments has been swift and negative.
Godspeed to Rune. He broke the mould back in the day and was the lynchpin that broke the protest industries back.
Things have never been the same since.
“You contribute very little of any real use or factuality and when called on your disinformation simply ignore it and refuse to back up your erroneous assertions.” – IceClass
You maybe don’t like my guest posts and comments , but there is a demand for whaling posts , and it’s good if someone can provide news from Norwegian and Icelandic sources.
As for you not liking my posts, then I can tell you that Jennifer has asked me to be one of the moderators and permament posters on the blog.
Greenpeace International asked me in the past to write for them and BirdLife International told me today that if I have any news worthy story they would put it on their website.
So I guess there are different tastes! 🙂
” referred to Muskoxen as “endangered” ” – IceClass
I do hope that this is not meant as a misinformation propaganda against me ! You have totally misunderstood my statement. I asked , if muskoxens aren’t more endangered than the minke whales ???? That’s cleary an entire different thing. I never said that their conservation status was endangered only if there were more threats to the musk oxens than to the minkes.
” “You contribute very little of any real use or factuality and when called on your disinformation simply ignore it and refuse to back up your erroneous assertions.” – IceClass
I have asked you at least twice to write a guest post on polar bears and indigenous whaling vs NGOs…..but ZERO reply!!!!!
“Libby, mere days ago you were trying to make out that the diversion of resources to the rehabilitation of common sea gulls was justifiable because they could be endangered “tomorrow”. Other posters have also called you on your reflexive alarmism and reluctance to entertain good news conservation stories.
As for your gender issues…get help.”
What an excellent way of twisting things Iceclass and taking the story out of context. If you can’t see the benefits in learning and honing skills then you are truly not interested in sustainable animal management. If you had an issue with that comment, you should have been adult enough to raise it at the time. Knowing who the “other posters” are, I couldn’t care less if I am accused of supposed “reflective alarmism”. As for my alleged “reluctance to entertain good news conservation stories”, you are the first to say so. I have mentioned plenty of positive stories, but that wouldn’t suit you argument would it?
The only time I have “gender issues” Iceclass is when obviously compromised males like yourself continually post comments that are designed to offend female posters and get a reaction. You have been called on this not only by me. The fact you are telling me to get help makes you all the more a lost cause.
If you are under the impression that you yourself actually contribute something of “real use”, you are the one that needs advice.
relieved to see that standards haven’t improved much without me 🙂
To IceClass,
Re ” Nordic Cuisine”
One of the points of the Nordic chefs was :
“6. To promote the welfare of the animals and a sound production in the sea and in the
cultivated as well as wild landscapes”
I doubt that the issue of animal welfare is high on your agenda , which has previously been pointed out by statements of yours that TTD is not an environmental issue.
As for me, I think TTD is an animal welfare issue, not an environmental issue.
At least in my case, that does not mean that animal welfare is not important, but personally I think the environment is more important than animal welfare, as all life (including mine) on the planet is fleeting (relatively speaking), but the environment we are blessed to live in is not.
I am aware that some people think that animal welfare is an environmental issue, but I basically think otherwise.
Hi David,
There was a little misunderstanding re my comment.
Animal welfare issues are different from pure enviro issues , but IceClass has stated it’s wrong to discuss animal welfare issues on an enviro blog and in connection with enviro problems.
Methinks that is wrong.
>personally I think the environment is more important than animal welfare, as all life (including mine) on the planet is fleeting (relatively speaking), but the environment we are blessed to live in is not.
You mentioned your life there David, so are you including humans in general here? If so, does that mean that we should not be so concerned about famine in Africa, AIDS in PNG etc, but rather the local and global environment?
I agree that animal welfare is not an environmental issue as such, and I can see what Ann is saying with regards to previous comments. I don’t think anyone here has tried to suggest animal welfare is environmental.
Hi Travis, you feeling good?
Yes, humans in general (i.e., why I thought it worth explicitly including myself), but also individual animals as well.
If our environment (and here you can include biodiversity but collectively rather than as fleeting individual lives) were to be completely screwed up, earth would not be much of a place worth living in.
It means that if the environment were to get completely screwed over, it would potentially be a much larger problem than famine in Africa, AIDS in PNG etc. It would potentially create a global problem, rather than a regional once.
Fortunately the environment isn’t (yet?) so screwed up that not everyone has forgotten about those fellow humans who are not so fortunate as themselves.
> I don’t think anyone here has tried to suggest animal welfare is environmental.
If that is the case(?) then we could put it down to my degrading English comprehension skills.
I’m feeling chipper David. Hope you are the same.
>Fortunately the environment isn’t (yet?) so screwed up that not everyone has forgotten about those fellow humans who are not so fortunate as themselves.
Or, follwing that logic, animals. The ability to feel compassion for one another, and extend it to the earth’s other living occupants, is a good step towards preserving the environment as a whole.
>If that is the case(?) then we could put it down to my degrading English comprehension skills.
So who on this blog do you think is confusing the issue? Perhaps I have my assessment wrong.
I agree, David. The standards shown on this thread have had nothing to do with me either but that didn’t stop my name getting a spray. What is very clear from the above is that both Libby and Ann have a very low tolerance for contrary opinion and both are inclined to play the gender card when cornered. So what is it, ladies? Are we all equal here or are you going to continue lapsing back into some sort of bogus “Scarlet O’Hara” style offended female sensitivity whenever the debate gets a bit willing?
Iceclass has every right to point out inconsistencies and flaws in Ann’s posts. We are, after all, dealing with issues that effect people’s lives and future. And she has been known to post complete bollocks sourced directly from Greenpeace. The pathetically claimed 80% decline in krill stocks since 1970 is a good example.
So give us all a break, ladies. Either stand your ground and argue your case like an equal or just break out the lippy, bat the baby blues and be content with a purely decorative role. You can’t do both.
Maybe you can translate this one for me:
“Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has openly criticized the 2 Nordic neighbors – insisting that all nations have to respect the desire to keep a balance of nature and refrain from hunting whales”
It sure looks like English but makes little sense to me?!
“Back at home in Iceland and Norway, some critics claim that no matter how many whales are or aren’t in the ocean, whaling costs both countries loose too much good will and cancelled tourist visits – and that both income and nature would benefit by more whale safaris with cameras instead of harpoons in the icy waters of the north.”
Amusingly coinciding with this other news:
“Vast Increase of Tourists Booking Whale Watching”
“relieved to see that standards haven’t improved much without me :)”
They haven’t improved with you either.
Are you suggesting Ann or I “think that animal welfare is an environmental issue”? Don’t be shy now.
I was wondering when Ian would shuffle in…
“The standards shown on this thread have had nothing to do with me either but that didn’t stop my name getting a spray.”
This is no different from Iceclass dragging my name into a thread I had nothing to do with.
“What is very clear from the above is that both Libby and Ann have a very low tolerance for contrary opinion and both are inclined to play the gender card when cornered.”
Thank goodness we can learn tolerance from you Ian by going back through the archives. So why is it that a number of others have also noticed your sexist remarks? Oh that’s right they belong to our fanclub. Yeah, whatever.
“The pathetically claimed 80% decline in krill stocks since 1970 is a good example.”
I believe from Ann’s previous post on this there was no evidence that Greenpeace were the ones that actually made this claim. I could be mistaken. You have such a clean track record for facts Ian, we can all learn from you.
“So give us all a break, ladies. Either stand your ground and argue your case like an equal or just break out the lippy, bat the baby blues and be content with a purely decorative role. You can’t do both.”
What can you say to that comment Ann? Ian is for sexual equality, as he has so clearly demonstrated here. LOL! The cat was probably a tom too!
Bad Ann and Libby – smack, smack. Make sure the lippy is China red, and you put on false lashes. Plenty of wiggling and giggling. Now pretend to be molested by a gang of burly desperados, purely decoratively. Oh please put on that Scandinavian maiden’s outfit so I can remember my time in Europe with those girls…ooops, mind the stains. Tsk.
Frankly Grott I don’t think they give a damn!!
From Ann’s post.
“Whales, penguins, seals, albatrosses and petrels — all those creatures we think are absolute icons of Antarctica — depend on krill,” said Richard Page, a marine reserves expert with Greenpeace International. “It’s part of the global commons, and one of the most pristine environments on Earth. That’s why we should treat it with the greatest of respect.”
However, scientists say they are monitoring the fishing but so far the total catch is a small proportion of the population”
To bw continued
Posted by: Ann Novek at March 26, 2008 06:38 AM
Part II:
” Scientists believe krill have declined by 80% since the 1970s, and the most likely cause is global warming. There is uncertainty, though, about the remaining population: the BAS estimates 100-million tonnes; krill harvesting companies claim about 400-million to 500-million tonnes.”
I’ll repeat that again for the doubters, “said Richard Page, a marine reserves expert with Greenpeace International.”
But of course the real experts in krill stocks are the whales that eat them. Most of the Southern Humpback population has been growing by more than 10% a year throughout that period. This would simply be impossible if krill stocks were even undergoing minor decline, let alone on the scale claimed by the GP boofhead, and presumably, Ann.
As I said above, it was a complete load of unsubstantiated crap, regurgitated from gonzo green central.
>I’ll repeat that again for the doubters, “said Richard Page, a marine reserves expert with Greenpeace International.”
I questioned you on this Mott, and for good reason.
Ann Wrote:
>In this particular article, I have cut and pasted the entire article, statements from a variety of actors….
Ian wrote:
>To claim, as Ann has, that she just copied the piece, is a blatant cop-out.
Ann, you must be lying! You naughty girl. More smacks for you.
>This would simply be impossible if krill stocks were even undergoing minor decline, let alone on the scale claimed by the GP boofhead, and presumably, Ann.
So Ann reports on something that she did not originally research, say or write, but she is at fault Mott? Go figure.
>regurgitated from gonzo green central.
Such tolerance Mott. The hypocrite is alive and well, unfortunately.
> They haven’t improved with you either.
Well girls I think it’s pretty obvious that David thinks you both think animal welfare is an environmental issue, athough I’m not sure why he isn’t admitting this. Snide insinuating snipes from the sidelines are so very tedious.
Of course if you think I am confusing the two David, please let me know.
” Under the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, the annual allowed krill catch in the Southern Ocean is four million tonnes. But until now there has been “huge under-fishing”, usually less than 20% of that quota, said Tarling.
However, there is growing interest and new products being developed. Most krill fished are used as fish-farm feed and to produce omega-3 oil and other health supplements. Last month alone, the Antarctic Krill Conservation Project reported four firms planning to expand operations. New on-board processing and fast-freezing technology are enabling ships to take bigger catches.
However, Helge Midttun, chief executive of Norwegian-based processor Aker BioMarine, said it is careful not to damage krill stocks, including developing a net around its suction system to stop other species being harvested. “It’s in our interests that these fisheries are taking place in a way that’s not destroying
This was also an excerpt ” from the gonzo green central” ! Can’t see anything green with a statement that says that krill is ” under- harvested!!!!
Again baseless words from Nutty Motty!
And Thanks Travis for your support.
“”Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has openly criticized the 2 Nordic neighbors – insisting that all nations have to respect the desire to keep a balance of nature and refrain from hunting whales”
Fredrik Reinfeldt is a right wing conservative PM with little interest in enviro issues so I’m a little bit surprised that he has made a statement on whales.
However, he’s very impressed and influenced by Anglo -Saxon politicians as Blair and Merkel , and since Germany, the UK and the EU are following the anti whaling line / position , Sweden will do the same.
I didn’t see anything on this in my morning paper. As a matter of fact Swedes have little or no idea that the Norwegians are whaling, it’s a very minor issue. They do know that they are sealing and that is highly unpopular.
I’m not fully clear with the Swedish position on whaling. According to Greenpeace Nordic, they support the RMS, and a limited hunt. And Swedes in general are not jumping up and down re Norwegian whaling, but many people that I know are very interested in the sperm whale safaris in Andenes and the killer whales in northern Norway.
Travis the terrier. Do you exercise chasing a mechanised bunny around?!
I have to agree though about insinuations. Please enlighten us David, otherwise you are truly not adding anything positive, just slinging from a distance and running away before being caught. We should all be learning from one another and clarifying misunderstandings, as Ann has so wonderfully done regarding the krill comment!
> Posted by: Travis at April 10, 2008 03:02 PM
Strange comment.
Ann, my English skills have deserted me so if you wouldn’t mind interpreting to Travis that subsequent to posting my comment at April 9, 2008 06:35 PM, I then saw your comment from April 9, 2008 05:20 PM, and now think I understand the meaning that you intended to convey.
And if you could ask him who he’s talking about when he says “girls”?
> Travis the terrier. Do you exercise chasing a mechanised bunny around?!
Did Libby’s post get automerged with one from Ian?!?
> Please enlighten us David
I got the impression that Ann thought it would be standard to regard the TTD issue as an environmental issue, after seeing her comment to Mr. IceClass that: “I doubt that the issue of animal welfare is high on your agenda , which has previously been pointed out by statements of yours that TTD is not an environmental issue.”
I evidently misinterpreted this to mean the reverse of what it was supposed to (if I understand correctly), but missed or forgot the previous context of this discussion between them.
Sheez you guys are tough. If we were posting in Japanese I’m sure I could outdo you guys so cut me some slack already!
> otherwise you are truly not adding anything positive,
This ship looks too hard to refloat 😉
Anyway, why don’t we talk about stuff then. How is Australia’s analysis of the materials collected from their spy ship going? Prospects for court action by Australia against their second best friends in Asia, the Japanese?
Tell us what head office says about krill stocks again, Ann, that will impress us all.
And thanks, Travis, right on que. You showed all readers what spiteful, bile-driven low life the greens really are. Keep it up.
” And if you could ask him who he’s talking about when he says “girls”?- David
I’m the old bitchy witch 🙂 !
LOL! You are the “just a European housewife” Ann. I’m the “bimbo scrubber bullocky’s daughter”!
Thankyou for clearing up the welfare/environmental issue. Never too hard to refloat the ship, unless you truly blast it into little pieces. Of course comments like “And if you could ask him who he’s talking about when he says “girls”?” are a good way of keeping it sunk!
No idea what Australia is doing with the surveillance results, etc. You?
“second best friends in Asia, the Japanese?”
That’s being optimistic…
> Of course comments like … are a good way of keeping it sunk!
Just trying to fit in here 🙂
> No idea what Australia is doing with the surveillance results, etc. You?
Still only just my previous supposition.
> That’s being optimistic…
Does hoping to eat whales and trying to get other nations to be tolerant of this really knock Japan so far down the rankings!?
“Does hoping to eat whales and trying to get other nations to be tolerant of this really knock Japan so far down the rankings!?”
You are asking me??! Where does Australia fit in on the best-friends scale with Japan, and what about NZ?
>And Thanks Travis for your support.
You’re most welcome Ann.
>And if you could ask him…
David, you know you could ask me yourself 🙂
All now good about the animal welfare and environmental stuff. Thanks. Seems it was more chronologically mixed up than anything else.
> Travis the terrier. Do you exercise chasing a mechanised bunny around?!
No need for the mechanised. There are plenty of the real thing around. Hares are the best.
>If we were posting in Japanese I’m sure I could outdo you guys so cut me some slack already!
Sorry, we’re all learning Mandarin!
>And thanks, Travis, right on que. You showed all readers what spiteful, bile-driven low life the greens really are. Keep it up.
You’re most welcome Mott. Didn’t think I was being spiteful though, if that’s what seeking clarification is.
I heard the Olympic flame is not going to Canberra, but is now going to the Southern Ocean on board the Nisshin Maru. That way Australia can concentrate its protest efforts.
> Sorry, we’re all learning Mandarin!
LOL! You got a laugh out of me there, and for the right sort of reason 🙂