‘In Cyclic Climate Changes and Fish Productivity’ L.B. Klyashtorin and A. A. Lyubushin consider the relationships between climate changes and the productivity of ocean ecosystems.
Analyses of climate index fluctuations and populations of major commercial fish species for the last 1500 years allowed the authors to characterize the 50-70 year climate fluctuations and fish production dynamics.
Their simple stochastic model suggests that it is possible to predict the likely trends of basic climatic indices and thus some commercial fish populations for several decades ahead.
The results obtained allow the old question to be revisit: which factors are more influential for the long-term fluctuations of major commercial stocks, climate or commercial fisheries?
The book is available from VNIRO Publishing (230 pages,160 figures, 2 color insets). Price: $59 (hard cover) including mailing. You can also order by mail from Russia, Moscow, 117997,Profsoyuznaya st.90, ”Science-Export”; by fax 7(495) 334-7140; 7(495)-334-7479; and by email naukaexport@naukaran.ru. Upon receipt of the order an invoice will be forwarded. The book will be mailed to you after receipt of payment. Mailing usually takes 3-6 days.
C’mon, Jennifer, does the book tell us where we are in the cycle?