Mainstream media , Reuters and Norwegian paper Aftenposten, have reported the Norwegian whaling quota this season will be the same as for the previous 3 years, 1052 minke whales.
“ We set quotas not according to what is likely to be caught , but what is sustainable” , director at Norway’s Fisheries and Coastal Affair Ministry, told Reuters on Friday.
The ministry said in a statement that it sets quotas “conservatively”, ensuring “complete safety in regard to conserving minke whale stock”.
Prowhaling paper Fiskeribladet, wrotes on Saturday that the area of whaling will be halved, and the whalers are not satisfied with this decision.
A rough and short translation from Fiskeribladet :
“A maximal quota of 10 whales is set for each whaling vessel. The Ministry states this is due to that 2008 is the last year in the five year management period, which is based on the regulation of the minke whale quota calculation, states State Secretary, Vidar Ulriksen.”
Ann Novek
A little clarification here is needed. The sea area of whaling will be halved , as last year, meaning restrictions in the coastal area.
New minke whale population estimates will also be presented by Norwegian scientists. It is believed that the minke whale population has not undergone any decline.
According to GP Norway , whaling will die out by itself in the future.,22049,23203576-5001021,00.html
Whalers go broke?
Looks like typically accurate Australian journalism 🙂
Norwegian whaling from a tabloid/ Hollywood perspective.( A little bit nasty piece on celebrity environmentalism)
Actress Hayden Panettiere ( from Heroes) , has delivered a protest letter to the Norwegian Embassy in the US.
According to the Embassy Councellor , Petter Meier, the actress was a self-obsessive primadonna , with the same old “ wrong” arguments against Norwegian whaling.
The actress said the Councellor was provocative and had told her to try eat whale meat , as it is quite tasty.
Panettiere said she lost her speech from this statement. She has as well participated in the Taiji protests against the Japanese dolphin hunt.
She’s my hero anyway!!! Here’s a piece with an interview she gave, most parts in English,
Well maybe it’s right David? Looks like a subsidised protected industry with a product that not nobody wants – err sorry high level research effort – keep forgetting.
“that nobody wants”
Luke, could be!
You might like to think about how the information that was actually reported in the Asahi Shimbun found it’s way into Greenpeace Australia’s hands, and subsequently the Daily Telegraph’s hands, and the extent to which information might be distorted when following such a path.
Or then again, you might like not 🙂
No I’m not worried about pathways at all – I’m worried about the story being right?
The original article was worse.
What a subsidised farce it is. Interest free loans to support a commercial operation for production of an unwanted product in order to bolster some nationalistic sentiment for a dwindling world power.
Great to see you keen to get the right story.
What you have found this time is a distorted and embelished IHT/Asahi version, which ran a week after the original Japanese story in the Asahi proper.
The IHT/Asahi English version comes complete with (unsubstantiated) claims such as “stagnant sales of whale meat”. The original Japanese story does not say such a thing, and indeed, contrastingly notes that revenue from whale meat sales has increased (from 4 billion yen in fiscal ’97 to 7.1 billion yen in ’04).
Sure they don’t take it quite as far as the hysterical article by Greenpeace Australia in conjunction with the Daily Telegraph, but if you really want the right story you’d be better off plugging the Japanese articles into a web-based translator or something. The English may not be perfect, but at least you won’t be getting fed full of crap 🙂
” She’s my hero anyway!!! ” – Rune
So , can this be proof that celebrity environmentalism works?!
When a hot babe as Hayden says that whaling must stop, hardcore whalers agree, but when a fat fart like as Watson says the same ( or a credited scientist from a Ivy League Uni)they are dismissed!
Well I did put those links into Google translator and I think the English version is pretty good. Must check up on Davey boy more often.
20 percent decrease in income whale ships, including the effects of fire accidents
2008年01月26日07時36分 January 26, 2008 when 36 min 07
調査捕鯨を実施している「日本鯨類研究所」のクジラ肉販売収入が、06年度決算(06年10月~07年9月)で前年度比2割減の54億円になったことが分かった。 Conduct research whaling, “Institute of Cetacean” whale meat sales, earnings for fiscal 2006 (October 1906 to September 1907), a decline of 20 percent over the previous year’s 54 billion yen because . 調査捕鯨が始まった87年以来最大級の減少幅。 Since 1987 began research whaling the largest decline. 昨年の船舶火事や、作業員が死亡した事故で捕鯨が一時中断したことが影響している。 Ship fire last year and the workers have died in an accident that whaling is affected by the temporary suspension.
同研究所は、水産庁所管の財団法人。 The institute, the Foundation for the supervisory agency. 同研究所は、収入の落ち込みをカバーするため、クジラ肉の卸値を昨年5月に約6%値上げした。 The institute, the drop in revenue to cover the wholesale price of whale meat in May last year to increase about 6 percent. 経費削減にも努めるという。 Also try to reduce costs.
クジラ肉の販売収入は同研究所の収入合計の4割(05年度決算)を占める最大の収入源。 The whale meat is sold, the institute’s income 40 percent of total revenue (FY 05 earnings), which accounts for the largest source of income. クジラをとり続けないと運営維持できない状況だ。続けないwhale catching unsustainable situation and operation.
これまでクジラ肉の販売収入は年々増加してきた。 Until the whale meat sales have been increasing year after year. 97年度には40億円だったが、ピークの04年度には71億円まで膨らんだ。 4 billion yen in fiscal 1997, but the 04-year peak of 7.1 billion yen inflated. クジラの捕獲頭数を増やしたため、市場への供給量も増えたからだ。 Increased the number of whales caught for the market to increase supply.
Research whaling, and pinch Personality billion yen in loans from the country返せず
2008年02月02日08時52分 February 2, 2008 at 52 minutes 08
日本の調査捕鯨の資金繰りが悪化している。 Japan’s research whaling cash-deteriorating. 実動部隊の財団法人日本鯨類研究所(鯨研)が、06年度決算(06年10月~07年9月)では、国から無利子で借りていた36億円の運転資金のうち10億円が返せなかった。 Line troops of the Institute of Cetacean Research Foundation (whale research), closing 06 year (October 1906 to September 1907), the country had borrowed interest-free from the 36 billion yen of operating funds billion返せなかったyen. 昨年、捕鯨船で火災や死亡事故が発生。 Last year, the whaling ship fires and a fatal accident occurs. 操業の中断で捕獲量が減り、鯨肉の販売が2割減ったことが直接の要因だが、最近の捕獲頭数拡大に伴うコストの増加と、05~06年の鯨肉の大幅な値下げも影響している。 Interruption in the operation of the harvest is reduced, the sale of whale meat has decreased by 20 percent directly attributed to the recent capture of the increased costs associated with expansion of the number, 05 to 06 of whale meat has affected huge discounts he said.
36億円は、農林水産省所管の財団法人、海外漁業協力財団からの短期融資。 3.6 billion yen in the hands of the Ministry of Agriculture Foundation, the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation from the short-term loan. 年度の初めに借り入れ、年度末に返す予定だった。 Borrowing at the beginning of the year, was scheduled to return at the end of the year. しかし、資金の余裕がなくなり、10億円分を、07年度から4年間の分割返済にしてもらったという。 However, the money is no longer afford a billion yen, from fiscal 2007 to four years and received payment.
海外漁業協力財団の貸し出し原資は国からの補助金で、鯨研への無利子融資は事実上、国からの融資だ。 Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation is a national resource from the loan subsidies, interest-free loans to whale research is virtually loans from the country. 鯨研が同財団から借りるようになったのは、捕獲頭数を増やし始めた01年度決算。 The whale research is to borrow from the Foundation was started capture 01 per year to increase earnings. その年は12億円だったが、捕獲頭数が増えるとともに額も増えた。 1.2 billion yen for the year, but the number will increase with the amount of trapping has increased. 民間からも過去に1度、借りたが、金利が高かったので、その後はやめているという。 Also from the private sector once the past, borrowed, interest rates are high, then have to stop.
鯨研は05~06年に、クジラの生態系調査を強化する名目で、南極海での捕鯨頭数を440頭から850頭に増やした。 Labs is 05 to 06 whales, whale research ecosystem strengthen in nominal terms, the number whaling in the Antarctic Ocean to 440 from 850 head to head increased. 鯨肉の供給量も3割強増加。 The whale meat supply also increased 3 percent. 公的事業でもうける必要はないため、平均20%の値下げをしたところ、結果的に鯨肉販売収入は前年より約6%減ってしまった。 Not need to make money on public projects, which average about 20% lower, resulting in whale meat sales revenue decreased about 6 percent from the previous year.
その一方で、コストは10%上昇。 Meanwhile, costs are rising 10 percent. 船団の船の数が5から6に増え、調査期間も長期化したためだ。 Convoy of five to six the number of boats increased, the survey also prolonged period. 関係者の一人は「今になってみれば、あの時、鯨肉を値下げしすぎたかも、という思いはある」という。 One official said, “with hindsight, that the whale meat to be discounted too, a feeling that is.”
06年度決算は7億円の経常赤字で、例年は数千万円あった、剰余金の国庫への返納もゼロだった。 7 closing 06 billion yen in fiscal deficit in the current account, the annual number was 10 million yen, the surplus is zero return to the national treasury. 事業を所管する水産庁遠洋課や、鯨研幹部は「昨年度は火事などの予想外のトラブルが要因。今年度以降、通常ペースになれば収支はもとに戻る」と話す。 The agency projects a supervisory Division ocean and whale research officer said, “was last year’s fire or other unexpected factors have trouble. Later this year, if the normal pace of the return to balance,” he said. ただ、今年も、米国の環境保護団体などの断続的な妨害行為があり、15日から、捕鯨が止まっている。 But this year, environmental groups, such as the United States intermittent sabotage, 15, has stopped whaling. 長期化すれば、鯨肉供給量が減り、さらに収支が悪化しかねない。 If prolonged, whale meat supply is reduced, and that balance could deteriorate.
” She’s my hero anyway!!! ” – Rune
Now we are just waiting that the High North Alliance is all turning veggies :-)!