The UK’s first Energy Saving Day has ended with no noticeable reduction in the country’s electricity usage.
E-Day asked people to switch off electrical devices they did not need over a period of 24 hours, with the National Grid monitoring consumption.
BBC website: ‘No impact from Energy Saving Day’
The e-day website is here.
Matt Prescott, the organiser, who had support from the Esme Fairbairn Foundation, said: “We had problems. There was a change in temperature. If it had been warmer, we would have been happy.”
Not happy Mark. Shoulda been burning those provocative Union Jacks and Piglet stuffed toys for heat. Slackers.
There appears to be some evidence that the figures were fiddled to make them even look as good as they were (which is to say, not very good at all).
See FreeBorn John.
Where did that link go?
Try again.
But, more importantly, did the people who took part in this feel important and good about themselves?
Looks like the global warmers have a propaganda failure on their hands.
More money for the IPCC might whip these recalcitrant non-Marxist consumers into shape. Maybe some CO2 taxes will bring them to their knees and they’ll bless the bureaucrats for the dribbles of energy they get.