“Earth is heating up lately, but so are Mars, Pluto and other worlds in our solar system, leading some scientists to speculate that a change in the sun’s activity is the common thread linking all these baking events,” writes Ker Than in LiveScience.com.
In the same article entitled ‘Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds’ Benny Peiser, Liverpool John Moores University, is quoted commenting that, “I think it is an intriguing coincidence that warming trends have been observed on a number of very diverse planetary bodies in our solar system. Perhaps this is just a fluke.”
Read the complete article, including the various different phenomena thought to be driving warming on the different planets, here:http://www.livescience.com/environment/070312_solarsys_warming.html
So how do the cosmic rays cause planetary warming on Mars and Pluto? Clouds would be the answer wouldn’t it?
Like I said before, if you compare the “AGW” stats for Earth to what’s happening on other planets, you have to accept that what’s happening here is happening all over the solar system.
So there might be ET’s out there releasing dangerous greenhouse gases, just like we do–or there might be another cause.
Gosh, one has to wonder what a reasonable explanation might be.
was that ‘all over the solar system’? Can we have stats for all the planets?
SJT could we have your rebuttal to mars and pluto please.
SJT I get sick of reading your and luke’s ad hominem attacks and that’s what they mostly are.
and I very seldom comment.
Seems to me if warming is happening on other planets then a discussion on a general warming theory is appropriate, even though distasteful for some who have completely hitched their wagons to AGW.
No one reasonable is in denial about pollution but let the science be the argument not kindy stuff.
Surely it is individually George W. Bush that is causing galactic warming. I know that Tony Blair and John Howard are going along with it, but Bush has to be to blame.
Clearly you have no understanding of physics. Cosmis rays are moving charged particles which when confined to a thin cylindrical conductior is known as electricity. If you were, God forbid, a microbe on some part inside that conductor, you would call them ‘cosmic rays.
And electricity passing through resitive lodes generates, would it be heat?
The earth’s poles are the focus of millions of amperes of electric current, routinely measured by satellites.
It therefore seems plausible that the rest of the planets in the solar system would also have such currents (usually in the plasma dark mode).
As for Venus, it is a very youthful planet that has a very thin crust and all of the heat is coming from its interior. There is ample evidence for that if you care to search for it.
I recall when the US landers and etc first got a glimpse of the Venusian surface, the immediate interpretation was that Venus was 700 Ma old. Then they decided it was 4.5Ma old once they realised what they intimated.
The heat on Venus has nothing at all to do with a greenhouse effect, let alone cosmic rays.
Of course if your physics remains in the pre Victorian Gas-light era when electricty was unheard of, then I suppose some of your explanations here might seem convincing.
Unfortunately we now know those ideas to be outdated and wrong. That is the nature of science, we can never prove a theory, but we can always falsify them.
Unlike religion which won’t change.
all I did was ask for evidence of the temperature rise. So far, ‘all over the solar system’ refers to three planets out of eight, and one moon, out of how many moons of Jupiter. Hasty generalisation. The change in the poles on Mars are just it’s normal cycle. The change on earth is not it’s normal cycle.
Benny Peiser asks a question, then fails to answer it. So what?
Well John – you get ad homs when you tip crud all over me and SJT – try reading what the other commentators have said and try for some balance (mate) – ad homs galore – also have a look who provides information to a debate and who quips. Then have a look at interactions with people of different viewpoints but treat each other with respect. You may notice a trend.
Louis Louis Louis – so you’ve wandered in half cocked, unprepared with a bag of anecdotes. If you had been keeping up with you reading you might be aware that cosmic rays are the latest fad to join a long list of alternative explanations to CO2 global warming. So the mechanism is supposed to involve cloud formation. So where’s the clouds on Mars (hat tip to Nexus for original thought). (ummm – you know – relevant to the post title!?)
quote “Svensmark’s theory relies on cosmic rays initiating cloud formation, which has a cooling effect.
Less cosmic rays = less clouds = warmer.
One problem.
Mars doesn’t have clouds.” unquote
Louis as for religion don’t make me laugh. You’re as blinkered as they get. See you in a 100 posts or so.
John, the rebuttal to the link between Earth-Mars-Pluto warming is given in the article linked to by Jennifer.
Simply put – Mars shows large fluctuations in temperature due to its eccentric orbit and dust storms coupled with little atmosphere and a lack of seas or oceans to moderate temperature. As far as I know, the evidence of Mars ‘warming’ is the retreat of the southern ice cap over three Martian years.
With Pluto, well, I think 14 years of seasonal warming in a 248 year orbit could be called unexceptional and not equivalent to the Earth’s 100 years of warming with a 1 year orbit.
Also with regards to Pluto:
“Though Pluto was closest to the Sun in 1989, a warming trend 13 years later does not surprise David Tholen, a University of Hawaii astronomer involved in the discovery.
“It takes time for materials to warm up and cool off, which is why the hottest part of the day on Earth is usually around 2 or 3 p.m. rather than local noon,” Tholen said. “This warming trend on Pluto could easily last for another 13 years.””
And it’s good to see Benny, “who monitors studies and news reports of asteroids, global warming and other potentially apocalyptic topics” (as apposed to actually being a scientist), have some time in the article followed by the line:
“In fact, scientists have alternative explanations for the anomalous warming on each of these other planetary bodies” – you know scientists, the people who actually studied the planets and who made the observations.
My money’s on the scientists being right.
More importantly, what about Uranus? Contemplate that and you’re more likely to learn something.
That’s going somewhere where the sun don’t shine Pinxi.
There are eight official planets in the solar system, three dwarf planets, and 130 satellites of planets. So far, I have been told that there is a solar system warming, on the basis of changes on four of these bodies. If there weren’t some cooling, and some warming, I’d be surprised. If you can tell me that the majority are warming, I’d be interested. Let me know when you can demonstrate this.
realclimate on the matter.
“Thus inferring global warming from a 3 Martian year regional trend is unwarranted. The observed regional changes in south polar ice cover are almost certainly due to a regional climate transition, not a global phenomenon, and are demonstrably unrelated to external forcing. There is a slight irony in people rushing to claim that the glacier changes on Mars are a sure sign of global warming, while not being swayed by the much more persuasive analogous phenomena here on Earth…”
we all know that its extraterrestrials that are causing global warming.
it is a process of their birth incubation. the aliens need to warm up the earth and the rest of the solar system to help their unborn.
as we all know alien eggs form the centre pods of dandelins and other chosen agents.
mars’s glaciers are melting to release the newborn from within.
i can state for all of us that we are equally excited for this to eventually happen. =)
i can not wait =)