The Australian newspaper published an opinion piece by Keith Windschuttle today on the violence in Sydney last weekend. It is one of the few piece that I’ve seen that includes some information, as well as opinion, you can read it by clicking here.
Reader Interactions
Ian Mottsays
It is an extraordinary irony that an Australian State Government could proudly claim credit for producing a deserted city beach on a mild, sunny weekend in December.
The article you link to does contain a small amount of information, in the form of some minor immgration statistics from many decades ago. It also has a large amount of grossly distorted and misrepresented rewriting of history from the last 30 years, coupled with a false portrayal of immgration policy and laws of both Labor and Liberal government over that period. Fairly ironic that a guy who calls himself a historian and complains about early Australian history being distorted because of political and ideological agendas can so shamelessly do just that in writing about recent and current events.
He would make George Orwell proud with how well he deploys words to make them mean the opposite of their normal meaning.
I’m all for a wide range of opinions being expressed – this issue more than most needs it – but there does need to be some starting point of basic honesty. Still it could have been David Flint’s article, so I suppose one should be grateful.
Here is a very informative article published in Qaudrant a few years ago by an ex member of the NSW Police Force. It would seem that the Cronulla riots have been a long time coming and have a dimension that is quite serious and fully justifies the actions of the NSW Govt. Pity they didnt pay heed a lot earlier.
So many of multiculturalism’s critics define it is as something it is not e.g. ‘segregated living’,and then proceed to attack the falsehood.
I guess it makes it easier to win the argument that way.
“What I am saying is we did better with the out interference of the so-called NEW CULTARAL POLICY – multiculturalism and apparently had done so since first settlement.”
It is an extraordinary irony that an Australian State Government could proudly claim credit for producing a deserted city beach on a mild, sunny weekend in December.
The article you link to does contain a small amount of information, in the form of some minor immgration statistics from many decades ago. It also has a large amount of grossly distorted and misrepresented rewriting of history from the last 30 years, coupled with a false portrayal of immgration policy and laws of both Labor and Liberal government over that period. Fairly ironic that a guy who calls himself a historian and complains about early Australian history being distorted because of political and ideological agendas can so shamelessly do just that in writing about recent and current events.
He would make George Orwell proud with how well he deploys words to make them mean the opposite of their normal meaning.
I’m all for a wide range of opinions being expressed – this issue more than most needs it – but there does need to be some starting point of basic honesty. Still it could have been David Flint’s article, so I suppose one should be grateful.
Here is a very informative article published in Qaudrant a few years ago by an ex member of the NSW Police Force. It would seem that the Cronulla riots have been a long time coming and have a dimension that is quite serious and fully justifies the actions of the NSW Govt. Pity they didnt pay heed a lot earlier.
So many of multiculturalism’s critics define it is as something it is not e.g. ‘segregated living’,and then proceed to attack the falsehood.
I guess it makes it easier to win the argument that way.
“What I am saying is we did better with the out interference of the so-called NEW CULTARAL POLICY – multiculturalism and apparently had done so since first settlement.”
You are kidding aren’t you?
Since first settlement?
Weren’t there mob bashings of chinese during the gold rush days?