It feels like Christmas Eve …
It is so hot here in Brisbane. I have eaten too many fruit mince pies and I have three packets of unopened Christmas cards that were to be written in and posted earlier this week.
But nevermind. My Christmas tree has been decorated (no lights to save on electricity and thus greenhouse gases). I have a fridge full of food and drink and have found my favourite Christmas CD (Morningtown Ride to Christmas by the Seekers).
A reader of this web-log sent me the following image,
I wonder what Rudolf did with the carcasses?
According to Wikipedia: Reindeer meat is popular in the Scandinavian countries. Reindeer meatballs are sold canned. Reindeer stew is the best-known dish in Lapland. In Alaska, reindeer sausage is sold locally to supermarkets and grocery stores.
I also recieved the following message about Rudolf:
“According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring.
Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa’s reindeer, EVERY single one of them, including Rudolph, had to be a girl.”
I don’t know. I thought young males also kept their antlers over Christmas?
But anyway, I think Santa’s Reindeers are a whole different species or subspecies given they can fly? Given there were only 9 of them, Rudolf should surely be listed as endangered or something. There’s a job for Rog for the New Year!
Anyway, to all readers of this web-log, for tomorrow, may peace and happiness be with you.
Having previously lived in the Tanami, I will never forget the torment of the build-up, however, here in the Daintree, after a torturously long dry period, it has finally rained.
As of this morning; 188 rainy days with an annual total of 2705.5 mm; less than half average.
Nevertheless, 106.5 mm in the past 24 hours means that I have re-established my gravity feed. I spent a good part of today attempting to establish a siphon from a 63mm poly-pipe (with a less than adequate mouth size) and I fear my suction is deteriorating with age.
When rainfall is abundant, I can generate about 6.7 kwhrs/day from hydro-electricity, but in such short supply I rely solely upon solar and fossil-fuel generation.
The Hewett clan will celebrate festivities at the sacred heart of the Daintree World Heritage rainforest. There will be much discussion on issues of environmental politics and philosophy. There will also be those amongst us giving humble thanks to the infinite greatness and glory of god and with such conviction that impressionable infant minds will be robbed of their supposedly god-given freedon of choice.
I’ll do my best to bite my tongue and at some point check in on Jennifer’s blog.
Merry Christmas to you all and if any of you happen to be passing by, drop in and say G’day.
All the best Teach, have a Happy and a Merry however youse celebrates it.