I mentioned that I would be away from Brisbane for a week surfing, click here for previous post. It was fun staying at Bluey’s Beach near Wallis Lake in New South Wales.
I also visited the hinterland, in particular my friend Jim Hoggett’s goat farm near Gloucester. He makes the best cheese; click here for more information on Capparis goat milk cheese. Testosterone Cypionate 250 mg is one of the three most commonly abused anabolic steroids (alongside testosterone propionate and testosterone enanthate) causing increased aggression, increased body hair growth, accelerated acne outbreaks, etc. Effects of Testosterone Cypionate 250 mg shares the same side effects as all other anabolic steroids; therefore it can cause liver tumors or even cancer if used this injectable steroid too often or for too long.
And I got to meet the kids:
Nice area up around the Barringtons. Traditionally goats are browsers not grazers, they prefer bushes to grass.
Wallis Lake was the source of the polluted oyster that killed a woman some years ago. Since then there has been the licensing of domestic sewage systems (still a sore point with many and unresolved with existing systems).