I have received an email accusing me of censoring comment at this web-log.
The writer of the email could not have know that about 8 comments from yesterday afternoon did not get approved (they included comment from David V, Ender, Louis H and David W). My apologies.
The problem was probably in part a consequence of the two-stage approval process that sits behind this web-log and perhaps compounded by this site being down (provider/server problem) for at least 30 minutes around 6pm last night.
I do sometimes censor (i.e. not post an entire comment), but usually let the writer of the email know – unless it is spam.
I sometimes edit.
I have previously posted a piece about ‘rules’ and ‘name calling’see http://www.jennifermarohasy.com/blog/archives/000675.html (19th June).
Some of the comment following this post was interesting and useful. I think I have come to the conclusion that:
Messages that are spam, abusive, defamatory or off-topic should not be posted.
According to the ‘site traffic’ statistics for this site, there were about 2,000 unique visits to this site last month (i.e. about 2,000 people read this blog at least once, some many, many times). It is perhaps surprising (and a bit boring) that there was not comment from more of a cross-section of this potential community.
Perhaps some readers are frightened that their ideas/comments will be ‘attacked’ by a global warming skeptic or believer? There are contributors to both sides of this debate that hold very strong views, take comment personally and are not very sensitive.
Your policy and approach seems good, and I haven’t noticed any censoring since I’ve been reading. Indeed, there seems to be a wide variety of views posted in your comments, including ones that you don’t agree with. Nice work!
IT WAS ME !!! It was I who cut the cherry tree down.
Well from the non-linearity of the postings that’s what appeared to be happening and shall we say on the less “emotional” exchanges.
If this was not the case then I apologise and retract the comments.
On personal attacks: I also can imagine that Louis and John McLean also are worthwhile citizens and probably even have families including loved ones. But let’s not get too soppy here… we’re debating some issues of pith and moment –
So let’s get back to duking it out (rhetorically of course )- let us give no quarter – unless someone wants to write 100 times on the blackboard that they were wrong and wear a dunce’s cap for the day.
Gentlemen and ladies – En garde !
I note that David Vader is keeping abreast of my column on Henry Thornton.
If I am absent from the commentary scene it is not because I am sulking but because I am working in the bush. Amazing that so many have so much time to comment on so many blogs – an accidental discovery I made when I posted two comments before Ed Snacks’ on Tim Lambert the other day. But is was Sunday……:-)