Brad Allenby, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Arizona State University, suggests in an essay at Earthvision website that ideologically driven environmentalism is failing, that there is a need for a new environmentalism which he … [Read more...] about Phoenix Environmentalism
The Radical Right
I have previously posted that the left think the right are evil and the right think the left are dumb, click here. In the same post I suggested that people who really believe as much should get out and about a bit more. Well last night I was out … [Read more...] about The Radical Right
The Environmental Romantics will Change Their Tune
Stewart Brand predicts that over the next ten years the mainstream of the environmental movement will reverse its opinion and activism in four major areas: population growth, urbanization, genetically engineered organisms, and nuclear power. I hope … [Read more...] about The Environmental Romantics will Change Their Tune
Camel’s Poo Too
Just back from another day at the beach: this time Mooloolaba which is an hour and a bit north of Brisbane. The sky was a perfect blue and a terrific breeze chopped the tops off some of the waves. There are no camels at Mooloolaba. But I see today … [Read more...] about Camel’s Poo Too
The attached advertisement for environmentally and socially responsible fashion came with a note: "Not sure exactly what is ethical about fashion - isn't it all about throwing one set of clothes out each year and enlarging one's ecological … [Read more...] about Eco-Fashion
Mark Latham on Green Forests & Brown Bob
I got about half way through the first book about Mark Latham - the one by Bernard Lagan titled Loner: Inside a Labor Tragedy - before somehow misplacing my copy. It must be under a pile of papers somewhere in this house. Anyway, I decided to buy … [Read more...] about Mark Latham on Green Forests & Brown Bob