A recent ABC report detailing the discovery of enormous volumes of hydrocarbons on Saturn's moon, Titan, was accompanied with the comment that this may teach us more about our own planet's oil reserves One wonders whether the journalists writing … [Read more...] about Oil on Saturn’s Moon Not from Buried Biomass: A Note from Louis Hissink
Energy & Nuclear
Which Countries have a Lifestyle Consistent with an 80 per cent Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emissions?
Below is a graph of per capita carbon dioxide emissions for various countries around the world. Which countries have an emissions level consistent with an 80 percent reduction from the world's current total emissions? The answer is is Haiti and … [Read more...] about Which Countries have a Lifestyle Consistent with an 80 per cent Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emissions?
Alan Moran on the Garnaut Review: Mission Impossible
In his Interim Climate Change Review for the Australian government Professor Ross Garnaut is looking to the world stabilising emission levels at year 2000 levels “soon after 2020”. Following this he sees a need for halving them by 2050 and reducing … [Read more...] about Alan Moran on the Garnaut Review: Mission Impossible
Evidence for Abiogenic Oil from a New Paper Published in the Journal ‘Science’
Some readers of this blog may recall that Louis Hissink sometimes brings up the subject of at least some oil being 'abiogenic' or 'abiotic' rather than fossil in origin. Most of us remain sceptical of such claims, which seem to be backed by anecdotal … [Read more...] about Evidence for Abiogenic Oil from a New Paper Published in the Journal ‘Science’
MoD Objects to Offshore Wind Farms as ‘A Threat to National Security’
Following on from the rumour that the plans for the siting 181 wind turbines on the Isle of Lewis are to be rejected due to environmental concerns, offshore wind farms have come under attack for the UK's Ministry of Defence on the grounds that … [Read more...] about MoD Objects to Offshore Wind Farms as ‘A Threat to National Security’
US President Promises New Fund for Secure and Clean Energy
"To build a future of energy security, we must trust in the creative genius of American researchers and entrepreneurs and empower them to pioneer a new generation of clean energy technology. (Applause.) "Our security, our prosperity, and our … [Read more...] about US President Promises New Fund for Secure and Clean Energy