THERE are 3,000 free-drifting buoys in the world’s ocean; first deployed in the year 2000 they allow continuous monitoring of the temperature, salinity, and velocity of the upper ocean. There has though been some difficulty in interpreting the … [Read more...] about The Ocean Really is Cooling
Climate & Climate Change
Belief in AGW Declining
SINCE Gallup began tracking domestic sentiment on global warming in 1997, American views that climate change was being underestimated were at their highest in 2001 and 2006 (the year An Inconvenient Truth came out). The poll also saw declines from … [Read more...] about Belief in AGW Declining
West Antarctica To Collapse Again – But Not Soon
CLIMATE change has always been driven by the sun, the earth’s orbit and plate tectonics, at least that is what many so-called sceptic would argue. In a new paper in this week’s journal Nature Tim Naish and colleagues conclude that there is a … [Read more...] about West Antarctica To Collapse Again – But Not Soon
Weather Bureau Blows Budget on New SuperComputers
THE Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the Australian National University will spend $30 million on two new supercomputers that will more accurately predict cyclones, tsunamis and the effects of climate change. Read more here. … [Read more...] about Weather Bureau Blows Budget on New SuperComputers
Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect Falsified, Again
According to a new paper in the International Journal of Modern Physics by showing that (a) there are no common physical laws between the warming phenomenon in glass houses and the fictitious atmospheric greenhouse effects, (b) there are no … [Read more...] about Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect Falsified, Again
Urban Heat Islands in China
P.D. Jones et al are now accepting urban warming over China at a rate of a degree per century. Bit of a change from 0.05 that the IPCC have parroted for decades, say Warwick Hughes, read more here. … [Read more...] about Urban Heat Islands in China