I received the following email yesterday from David Douglass, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, New York: Dear Dr Marohasy The following quote from your web page has come to my attention: "A good example of skeptics … [Read more...] about Correction from David Douglass to Ken Miles
Climate & Climate Change
Stop Global Warming, Stop Burning-Off in the NT
Maybe I have been a bit harsh with my title for this post? Then again, I am, after all, at heart, a global warming skeptic. And now the NT government is proposing aboriginals stop burning-off to reduce C02 emmissions. "Government figures show the … [Read more...] about Stop Global Warming, Stop Burning-Off in the NT
Peer Review Process at IPCC Formally Questioned
A standing committee of the U.S. House of Representatives has formally written to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) questioning the integrity of the Third Assessment Report and asking nine specific questions. The … [Read more...] about Peer Review Process at IPCC Formally Questioned
Cloud Seeding
According to ABC Online : A cloud-seeding project is expected to bring extra snow to the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales this season. The State Government says when clouding-seeding was done in the area last year, it created 25 per cent more … [Read more...] about Cloud Seeding
Whales & Climate Change
As Environment Minister Ian Campbell laments the playing of politics at the International Whaling Commission meeting in Ulsan (South Korea) today, I wish we had a better idea how population numbers of the different whale species are fairing - and … [Read more...] about Whales & Climate Change
Name Calling
I dislike editing comments from contributors to this site. I have done so recently to try and remove at least some of the personal attack - from more than one contributor. The trouble is that it is a slippery slope - both ways. You don't edit and a … [Read more...] about Name Calling