How did this get past the editors at science journal Nature: "Any public campaign benefits from having an iconic image - something that captures the essence of the message and engraves it indelibly on our memories. But it is almost impossible to … [Read more...] about Climate Icons
Climate & Climate Change
Walk Against Warming, But Could it be Cooling?
The latest much discussed paper in science journal Nature on global warming is predicting it may get cooler as it gets warmer! At least that's my reading of the paper by Harry Bryden et. al. (Vol 438, Dec 1, 2005, pg 655-657) which explains that … [Read more...] about Walk Against Warming, But Could it be Cooling?
Are Australian Cities Getting Hotter?
The biggest global warming conference since Kyoto, opened today in Montreal, Canada. The 10,000 experts from 180 nations are to spend the best part of the next 10 days deliberating about how best to "slow the alarming effects of greenhouses gases … [Read more...] about Are Australian Cities Getting Hotter?
C02 Follows Temperature In Bubble Record
Three fascinating papers were published in Science (Vol 310, 25th November 2005) last week on climate change and the relationship between carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide levels and temperature over the last 650,000 years. They report on … [Read more...] about C02 Follows Temperature In Bubble Record
Kyoto Fuels Forest Fires
I thought it was cattle and cane that was driving the destruction of rainforests in the Brazilian Amazon, but according to an article in New Scientist titled Forests paying the price for biofuels by Fred Pearce, it is soybean grown for … [Read more...] about Kyoto Fuels Forest Fires
Catholic Church Believes in Global Warming
If there was ever a good reason to be skeptical, it is surely when catholic bishops and government scientists start preaching from the same poster! Following is the announcement from the catholic climate change conference: Catholic leaders warn … [Read more...] about Catholic Church Believes in Global Warming