Hi Jennifer, An interesting news article appeared in Sci-Tech-Today on November 17, 2006 entitled 'Iceberg Spotted from New Zealand Shore'. The article reads in part: "An iceberg has been spotted from the New Zealand shore for the first time in 75 … [Read more...] about An Iceberg Off New Zealand: A Note from Paul Biggs
Has Bad Weather Saved Right Whales from Lobster Fishermen?
I received a note from a reader of this blog, Lamna nasus, last Wednesday in which he suggested that the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whales are currently threatened by the start of the commercial lobster fishing season in the Bay of … [Read more...] about Has Bad Weather Saved Right Whales from Lobster Fishermen?
Miranda Devine on ‘Mine Your Own Business’
It is generally assumed that mining companies are bad and green groups are good. This general impression is so well entrenched within western civilization that many environmental activists have got used to being able to tell stories about mining, … [Read more...] about Miranda Devine on ‘Mine Your Own Business’
Japan Begins Annual Whale Hunt: A Note from Ann Novek
Hi Jennifer, Six Japanese whaling ships have set sail for their annual hunt in south Atlantic. Japan's fisheries agency says the fleet has a target of 850 minke whales and 10 fin whales. As usual we are waiting for the annual outcry from … [Read more...] about Japan Begins Annual Whale Hunt: A Note from Ann Novek
Mine Your Weekend Reading
The campaign to stop mining November, 15 2006 By Jennifer Marohasy Across the world too many people still live in poverty. A new feature-length documentary by former Financial Times journalist Phelim McAleer explains how environmental activists are … [Read more...] about Mine Your Weekend Reading
It was Cold & Wet Yesterday in Western Victoria, Australia
I flew to Melbourne and drove out to Halls Gap (western Victoria) yesterday morning, past Ballarat where it was snowing! There was no mention of global warming on the local radio stations, just mention of the unusually cold weather. Anyway, today, … [Read more...] about It was Cold & Wet Yesterday in Western Victoria, Australia