On Thursday the New South Wales Government officially declared the nine-year drought ended. The very next day the CSIRO released a report warning that the ‘current drought’ appears to be at least partly linked to ‘climate change’. The CSIRO … [Read more...] about New CSIRO Climate Forecast for SE Australia Unbelievable
‘Miracles, Media and the Murray’ on ABC TV
Backstage at the ABC Television studios on Monday night, after the Q&A program where I appeared as a panellist, the compere, Tony Jones, complained to Tim Flannery that he didn’t adequately refute my answers to the climate change questions. Of … [Read more...] about ‘Miracles, Media and the Murray’ on ABC TV
Man Bites Murdoch
Former News Limited Editor, Bruce Gutherie, will be a panellist on ABC TV’s Q&A on Monday evening. In his new book ‘Man Bites Murdoch’ Mr Gutherie alleges a problem within the culture of News Ltd.. There is a problem not only within News … [Read more...] about Man Bites Murdoch
Belief in the Truth of a Climate Theory
I wrote these two laws down on a scrap of paper years ago. I still have the scrap of paper but not the original reference. Harris’s First Law: Belief in the truth of a theory is inversely proportional to the precision of the … [Read more...] about Belief in the Truth of a Climate Theory
More ABC Bias, But Anyway
I should probably be flattered to be invited on to the popular ABC TV program Q&A as a panelist. But why is the promo for the program next Monday advertising Tim Flannery as ‘scientist’ and me as ‘climate … [Read more...] about More ABC Bias, But Anyway
Water Plan will decimate Murrumbidgee frogs
RICE growers along the Murrumbidgee River are likely to be among the hardest hit if the federal government proceeds with its new water sharing plan. If the region loses 45 per cent of its current allocation as proposed by the Murray Darling Basin … [Read more...] about Water Plan will decimate Murrumbidgee frogs