These voracious, venomous predators of the night are seldom seen and even more infrequently in pairs, but what can be said of the affairs of the Scutigeromorph heart? Well first of all, they have a series of trachea originating at dorsal openings … [Read more...] about Affairs of the Scutigeromorph Heart
Hollow Victory for the Humane Society against Japanese Whaling
The Humane Society International brought an action against Japanese whalers in Australia’s Federal Court for breaking the law by killing whales in Australia’s southern whale sanctuary. On January 15, Justice James Allsop ruled that the Japanese … [Read more...] about Hollow Victory for the Humane Society against Japanese Whaling
It’s Summer in the Southern Hemisphere – Time to Wheel Out the Melting Antarctic Ice Scare
Yes, it's summmer in the Southern Hemisphere again. Last year I complained to the UK's ITN News about a series of climate alarmist reports including one showing glaciers melting in the Antarctic, without mentioning the 'S' word. 2007 was the year … [Read more...] about It’s Summer in the Southern Hemisphere – Time to Wheel Out the Melting Antarctic Ice Scare
South Koreans Eat Illegal Whale Meat: A Note from Libby Eyre
An illegal whale meat operation was recently exposed in South Korea seizing over 50 tonnes of minke whale meat. Accidentally caught cetaceans can be legally sold in South Korean restaurants (located in Ulsan, Busan and Pohang) as long as this death … [Read more...] about South Koreans Eat Illegal Whale Meat: A Note from Libby Eyre
Pictures of Pirates Taken into Custody by Whalers
Two crew of the Sea Shepherd who illegally boarded the Japanese whaling ship Yushin Maru No. 2 in the Antarctic have been captured. According to the Director General of the Institute of Cetacean Research, Mr Minoru Morimoto, Ben Potts and Giles … [Read more...] about Pictures of Pirates Taken into Custody by Whalers
Global Warming Hysteria in The West Australian: A Note from Roger Underwood
Over the last 6 months, readers of The West Australian newspaper have been subjected to a barrage of hysteria over global warming. Very bad news stories of one kind or another are published almost every day, all with the common theme that … [Read more...] about Global Warming Hysteria in The West Australian: A Note from Roger Underwood